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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

<January 31, 1918>

From: Sims, London

To:   Opnav Washington

3505 USS GARGOYLE delivered six hundred tons less on this trip than on last trip.1 Inquiries show that vessel was bunkered2 in United States for round trip. As there is ample coal in all British ports it is recommended that vessels bound for the United Kingdom should bunker oneway only3 17531


Source Note: C, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The date, which was added later, was taken from the time stamp before the signature.

Footnote 1: U.S.S. GARGOYLE was a Navy tanker. DANFS.

Footnote 2: By “bunkered,” Sims meant it was given coal for its voyage.

Footnote 3: In a cable of 21 January 1918, Sims had argued that supply ships going to France should be “bunkering in America for the round trip.” This may explain the confusion. See: Sims to Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, 21 January 1918.

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