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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

<January 26, 1918.>

From:     Vice Admiral Sims

To:       Opnav

     #3305     I am informed by the Controller of the Admiralty1 that the British cabinet have decided to withdraw from the Army at home and abroad all men up to twenty thousand who are skilled shipyard workers for the purpose of increasing output of ships period  This step has been under consideration for some time comma but I understand it was finally decided upon in the light of recent reports of probable deficiency of output this year of merchant tonnage in the United States this additional of skilled workmen in shipyards will be followed by the employment comma so it is stated comma of many unskilled men period  This increase of personnel makes it (necessary) that an increase of steel shipments be provided period Please ascertain and cable as early as practicable that quantity of plate will be exported in January, Feburray March April to meet shipbuilding requirements here 07026


Source Note: Cy, DNA. RG 45, Entry 517B. A handwritten note added sometime after the original was sent and received appears at the bottom of the document: “Planned to ship 10,000 tons steel plate per mo.”

Footnote 1: Sir Alan Garrett Anderson.

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