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United States Consul at Singapore E. Spencer Pratt to Assistant Secretary of State William R. Day

Consulate General of the United States,

Singapore, 4th April 1898.


     I have the honor to report that I received yesterday morning, Sunday the 3rd instant, a telegram of the previous evening from the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury,1 Washington, reading as follows:

          “U.S. Consul,

              Singapore, India

“Direct Commanding Officer U.S.Steamer McCulloch2 on arrival proceed HongKong report his command duty Commander Dewey Asiatic Station.”3

              “W.B. Howell, Assistant Secretary.”

     I would request that the above Assistant Secretary be apprised of this and assured that immediately upon the arrival here of the “McCulloch” I shall convey the said instructions to her Commander.

          I have the honor to be, Sir,

              Your obedient servant,

                   E. Spencer Pratt,

                   U.S. Consul General.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 26. Addressed before salutation: “Hon’ble William R. Day,/Assistant Secretary of State,/Washington, D.C.” Document reference: “No.199.”

Footnote 1: Assistant Secretary William B. Howell.

Footnote 2: Capt. Daniel E. Hodgson of the United States Department of Treasury’s Revenue Cutter Service.

Footnote 3: McCulloch was a revenue cutter serving under the authority of the United States Treasury Department. This cable instructed Capt. Hodgson to report to Commo. George Dewey, Commander on the Asiatic Station, for duty with his fleet. This order was not exceptional. On 24 March 1898, President William McKinley ordered that all vessels in the Revenue Cutter Service serve under the Secretary of the Navy. See: McKinley to Secretary of the Treasury Lyman J. Gage, 24 March 1898.

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