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Commodore Arent S. Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation, to Frank H. Morris, Auditor of the Navy Department at the U.S. Treasury Department


April 15, 1898.


          I have to inform you that the following vessels1 have been placed in commission upon the dates and at the places set opposite their respective names:

     POTOMAC2     April 5th, 1898.        New Orleans, La

     YOSEMITE3     April 13, 1898.         Newport News, Va.

     SOLACE4       April 13, 1898.                    

     PRAIRIE5       April 14, 1898          New York, N.Y.

     YANKEE6       April 14, 1898                  

          Very respectfully,

A.S. Crowninshield     

Chief of Bureau        

Source Note: CyS, DNA, AFNRC, M625, roll 228. Addressed below close: “Auditor for the Navy Department,/Treasury Department,/Washington, D.C.” Document reference: “1C8112...EC.”

Footnote 1: The ships listed were merchant vessels (subsequently adapted for combat) purchased by the Navy in anticipation of war with Spain. See: Journal of Secretary of the Navy John D. Long, 8 March 1898.

Footnote 2: The armed tug Potomac.

Footnote 3: The auxiliary cruiser Yosemite.

Footnote 4: The hospital ship Solace.

Footnote 5: The auxiliary cruiser Prairie.

Footnote 6: The auxiliary cruiser Yankee.

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