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Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Captain Alexander H. McCormick

                                                Mch. 12,1898.


          When in all respects ready for sea, proceed, with the vessel under your command, to Callao, Peru, and await further orders.

          2. In view of the present critical condition of affairs, the “Oregon” should leave San Francisco at the earliest available date, and arrive at Callao as soon as practicable.

          3. The crew is to be constantly drilled, the passage of the ship not to be delayed thereby.

                             Very respectfully,

                                  J.D. Long


Source Note: CyS, DNA, AFNRC, M625, roll 319. Addressed below close: “Commanding Officer/U.S.S. Oregon./(Commandant, Mare Island, Cal.)” Document reference No.: “96631…FC.” This copy was sent to the commandant of the Mare Island Naval Base, RAdm. William A. Kirkland.

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