U.S.S. Dolphin (SS169)
Serial 055
Pearl Harbor, T.H.
December 12, 1941.
From: |
Commanding Officer. |
To: |
The Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet. |
Subject: |
Detailed Report Offensive Measures Taken and Damage to Enemy During Raid of December 7, 1941. |
Reference: |
(a) CinCPAC conf. desp. 102102 of December 1941. |
- In compliance with reference (a), the following information is submitted:
- On Sunday, December 7, 1941, this ship was moored port side to, Pier #4, in Berth S-8, U.S. Submarine Base, Pearl Harbor, T.H.
- At 0755, Japanese aircraft commenced a dive bombing and torpedo attack on Pearl Harbor Naval Base. This ship sounded general quarters, and passed word on the attack. At 0800, machine gun, automatic rifles and rifles were manned and commenced firing on enemy aircraft. In this area the planes were flying very low appeared to have no objective, and were readily identified by large red balls on each wing. During the next hour this ship fired intermittently at enemy planes which flew overhead sporadically. At some time during this period, it was reported to the Duty Officer that an enemy plane had been shot down and dove into the channel somewhere out off Pier #3. The Duty Officer did not witness this. About 0900 fired continuously on enemy plane flying low and heading astern. When plane was about mid-channel and dead astern, the Duty Officer saw smoke start to come from the tail of the plane and it appeared to have crashed beyond the trees in the Navy Yard. It is believed that thi! ! s ship shot this plane down. At 0903, Japanese planes commenced another heavy attack but were flying considerably higher. This ship fired in short bursts when planes appeared to come within range. At 0930, the attacks appeared to have been discontinued, though there was intermittent fire from various places at single planes flying high and not readily identifiable. This ship withheld fire as planes never came within range.
- There were no losses nor damage to this ship.
- At one time during the attacks, there was a large splash about thirty (30) yards on the starboard bow, just between Piers #3 and #4. It was not determined what caused the splash which was seen by practically all hands.
Copy to:
Source: Enclosure (E) to CINCPAC action report Serial 0479 of 15 February 1942, World War II action reports, Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740.