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USS Argonne, Report for Pearl Harbor Attack


( 011 ) Rw 


Pearl Harbor, T.H.

January 28, 1942 


From: Commanding Officer.
To: Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet.
Subject: U.S.S. ARGONNE (AG31) - Enemy attack, December 7, 1941; Detailed report of.  
Reference: (a) CinCPAC desp. 102102 of December, 1941.  


  1. In compliance with reference (a), the following detailed report is submitted:

    1. Offensive Measures During Raid:

      Manned guns as quickly as possible (about 0758). Total rounds fired: 3" .23 Cal., 196; .50 Cal. Machine Gun, 3885.

    2. Damage to Enemy:

      One enemy bomber plane was shot down by .50 Cal. machine gun fire from this vessel. (Corporal Alfred Schlag, U.S.M.C.), as bomber came along "1010" dock and turned toward Ford Island.

    3. Own Losses and Damage:

      No losses to personnel. Minor damage.

    4. Distinguished Conduct of Personnel:

      The entire crew of this vessel performed their duties in accordance with the best traditions of the service, assisting to get wounded from damaged ships, taking bodies from water and assisting with repair facilities to full capacity.

    5. Items of Interest:

      1. During the bombing and torpedo attack a large winged and apparently slow plane was seen by one observer coming from the vicinity of Barber's Point, approaching Pearl Harbor at an altitude of about 4000 feet. This plane, after reaching a point approximately over West Loch, turned and reversed its direction and was not seen again.

      2. At 2116 a .50 caliber machine gun bullet passed through port side of Argonne at frame 70, second deck, killing BROWN, . . Sea.1.c., U.S.S. Utah, and wounding PRICE, W.A., Sea.1c., U.S.S. Utah, in the left arm.

      3. At exactly ten minutes to eight, Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, M.F. POSTON, M.M.2c., U.S. Navy, attached to Argonne, was engaged in flying a light training plane, the property of KT Flying Service, Honolulu, from Halewia to the KT landing field. He was accompanied by another plane piloted by Bob Tice, owner of KT Service. They were passing over the Pali at 6000 feet when attacked by two enemy planes. The attacking planes shot away the propeller and engine from POSTON's plane and he parachuted to safety from an altitude of 4000 feet. The accompanying plane was also shot down. POSTON definitely observed the markings of the attackers, claiming them to be German Messerschmitt 109's with distinguishing Japanese "Red Suns" on their wing tips. POSTON landed beyond the Pali and was taken into custody by two deputized civilian police who returned him to the Honolulu Shore Patrol Station where he was questioned then returned to his ship.


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Source: World War II action reports, Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740. 




Published: Fri Feb 16 11:24:21 EST 2018