USS Zane, Report of Pearl Harbor Attack
U.S.S. Zane (DMS14),
At Sea
December 10, 1941.
From: | The Commanding Officer. | |
To: | The Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet. | |
Subject: | Air Raid on Pearl Harbor, report of. | |
Reference: | (a) Cincpac disp. 102102 of December 1941. (b) Art. 712, USN Regs. 1920. |
- In accordance with reference (a) the following report of offensive action taken by this vessel on December 7, 1941 is submitted:
At the time of the subject air raid this vessel was moored bow and stern in a nest with Mine Division Four at buoys D-7 and D-7s; order from port to starboard: Trever, Wasmuth, Zane, and Perry. About 10% of the crew and 25% of the officers were ashore. The crew aboard was just finishing breakfast. First Call to stand by colors had been sounded. The Commanding Officer, Zane was senior officer present in the division. 0757 Signalmen on watch observed single Japanese plane drop bomb from about 1,000 feet on the southern end of Ford Island, after long gliding approach from Northward. The enemy character of the plane was not recognized until after the bomb exploded and the plane zoomed clear to the south. Sounded General Quarters and manned anti-aircraft (.50 cal battery. 0800 Observed Japanese planes gliding low over Ford Island, enemy character now positive. This was not a drill. 0802 Commenced firing with AA battery at any and all planes which passed within reasonable distance of the nest. 0803 Made preparations to get underway. Belting and ammunition supply parties organized. Continued maximum fire on planes as they came over. 0830
(about)Sighted strange submarine 200 yards astern of Medusa, moored at K-23. Loaded gun 4, preparing to fire. Gun would not bear as Zane was inboard ship. Perry No. 4 firing. 0840
(about)Monaghan approached and depth charged submarine. 0850 Enemy plane brought down, flying over nest. Bomb fell in water near Perry. Plane, probably hit by Medusa, burst into flames and struck beach near new deperming station. 0910-0930 Mine Division Four underway individually and stood out to take up patrol off shore. - This vessel suffered no losses, personnel casualties, or damage from the enemy. Several strands of rigging and antenna were shot away by machine gun fire of other ships in the nest. 3,000 rounds of .50 caliber ammunition were expended; the one round of 4".50 caliber loaded in Gun 4 was unloaded and dropped overboard.
- The entire crew responded quickly and in accordance with the best traditions of the service. Their cheers for each downed plane was especially heartening. Every man did his duty.
Coy to:
Comtrainron 6
Cominron 2
Comindiv 4
Source: Enclosure (E) to CINCPAC action report Serial 0479 of 15 February 1942, World War II action reports,
Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740.
Published: Fri Mar 16 10:30:47 EDT 2018