Commander Destroyer Division EIGHTY, Report for Pearl Harbor Attack
CDD80/A16-3 (W)
U.S.S. Schley.
Pearl Harbor, T.H.,
December 12, 1941.
From: | Commander Destroyer Division EIGHTY. |
To: | Commandant, Fourteenth Naval District. |
Via: | Commander Inshore Patrol. |
Subject: | Attacks by Japanese of December 7; report on participation by Destroyer Division EIGHTY. |
- U.S.S. Ward on Pearl Entrance Patrol at 1640 on the morning of December 7 sighted a small submarine on the surface but trimmed down, following the U.S.S. Antares towards Pearl Entrance. Ward promptly attacked with 4" 50 gunfire 0645. At a range of fifty yards a shell from Gun #3 was seen to strike the base of the conning tower. The submarine submerged or sank almost directly over the blast from a depth charge which had been dropped as the submarine passed close aboard. The depth of water was about 1200 feet. it is considered that the submarine was destroyed. A separate complete report is being prepared by Ward.
It should be noted that this attack took place in advance of any known hostilities. The quick decision and prompt effective action of the Commanding Officer and the crew of the Ward are considered highly commendable.
The Commanding Officer, Lieutenant W.W. OUTERBRIDGE, U.S. Navy, is strongly recommended for the award of the Navy Cross.
Later, about 0830, a Japanese plane started a machine gun attack on Ward but drew off when the fire was returned. No casualties. Ward fired once more on a formation of Japanese planes which turned away.
- U.S.S. Schley, under overhaul in berth #20, Navy Yard, manned two 50 cal. Machine guns and fired about 150 rounds at planes diving overhead. No casualties to personnel.
- U.S.S. Allen and U.S.S. Chew were alongside the old Baltimore in berth X-5. Both manned their anti-aircraft batteries and opened fire early. They were in a good position to fire on planes coming and going over the battleships. They used barrage fire with 3" A.A. guns. Witnesses say Chew hit and knocked down one plane and that Allen hit two planes, one of which was blown to pieces. Separate reports by the ships will be made. This was accomplished with few officers and reduced crews. Later, both ships got underway and took up patrol work outside the harbor. No casualties to personnel.
- The performance of both officers and men of Destroyer Division EIGHTY under fire for the first time in these trying conditions of surprise was in accordance with the standard to be expected of the U.S. Navy.
Source: Enclosure (E) to CINCPAC action report Serial 0479 of 15 February 1942, World War II action reports, Modern Military Branch, National Archives and Records Administration, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740.