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Commodore William A. H. Kelly, Commander, British Adriatic Force, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters


CABLEGRAM SENT      Oct. 5, 1918. Y-2

To Opnav Washington           Serial No.6274

Prep. by O-4                            SX   D.R.

53 ADR

Rush.                      CONFIDENTIAL.

6274.     Following received from Commodore in Command British Adriatic Force, Brindisi QUOTE for Admiral Sims. I am most grateful for the valuable service rendered by 12 submarine chasers under Captain Nelson USN1 and Lieut. Commander Bastedo,2 USN whom I took the liberty of employing in an operation against Durazzo on 2nd October. They screened heavy ships during bombardments under enemy fire also apparently destroyed definitely one submarine which torpedoed HMS WEYMOUTH3and damaged probably destroyed another submarine. During the return voyage they assisted in screening HMS WEYMOUTH and in escorting enemy hospital ship which was being brought in for examination, Their conduct throughout was beyond praise. They all returned safely without casualties. They thoroughly enjoyed themselves. UNQUOTE I was informed by cable that Captain Nelson and Lieut. Commander. Bastedo with four units of Chasers had left Corfu for Brindisi on special duty, the exact nature of which was not known. No report has been received to date from Captain Nelson of these operations. 123505 6274


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: Capt. Charles P. Nelson, Commander, United States Forces Based at Corfu.

Footnote 2: Lt. Paul H. Bastedo, Commander, Submarine Chaser Squadron 4.

Footnote 3: Photograph of HMS WEYMOUTH after being torpedoed is available. See: Illustrations for October 1918.
