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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Admiral William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations

Chronological Copy.                         File No. <43-1-4>

              Cablegram Sent  Oct 3, 1918, Y-14

To Opnav Washington                    Serial No. 6139

Prep. by CS                  SX D.R.

                                      31 ADR


     6139 There are two twenty-two knot coal burning Russian destroyers at Liverpool which have been under repairs and which could be usefully employed by us if acquired. Russian Naval Attache1 has been in negotiation with British Government since spring with a view to disposing of them to Admiralty but British have decided do not want them at present. Would Department be willing to take them over if they were bought by British Government? Cost would probably be about one hundred and fifty thousand pounds for the two boats. Our dealings would be entirely with British Government which would be responsible for determining ownership of boats and to whom money should be paid. I am not certain the arrangement could be made but think it probable. 130103 6139


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The handwritten date at the top of the page is confirmed by the time-date stamp at the end of the document.

Footnote 1: Adm. Nikolay Alexandrovich Volkov.

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