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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

Subject Copy.                               File No. <27-2-3>

Cablegram Sent October <24>, 1918.  Y-29

To Opnav Washington                         Serial No. 7897

Prep. by M-4                      SX D.R.



7897 Attention invited seriousness situation supply depth charges. Estimated expenditure European bases 4500 monthly. Your 19441 understand production 200 daily about equals monthly expenditures European bases. Recent developments depth charge anti-submarine tactics provides laying sustained barrage 50 charges each submarine sighted, cannot put into effect account lack reserve supply charges established bases accordance my 1343.2 Recommend reserve stock 5000 base 6. Total European bases 13000 required reserve is minimum considered adequate prosecute anti submarine campaign. Your 1944 stated could supply reserve stock a total 10000 November 15th. I estimate with production 200 daily and expenditure 4500 monthly no adequate reserve can possibly be established. Recommend output be immediately doubled at least and special arrangements made in advance for shipment depth charges without delay. Situation reserve charges October 20 follows: No charges on hand, 6000 in transit from United States on CANTON, FALL CITY, MALANG and CHINAMPA but these charges will not reach destinations for several weeks and part of them required replace charges obtained from British. Depth charge one of most effective offensive weapons. Urgently recommend priority given and every effort made to establish reserve recommended. Offensive policy anti submarine campaign now limited by supply reserve depth charges. 165024 7897


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Handwritten date is confirmed by the time/date notation at the end of the message.

Footnote 2: This cable has not been found.

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