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Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

ACTION COPY.                                File No. 55-3-1

CABLEGRAM RECEIVED <October 3, 1918> Y-11

Origin    Opnav Washington (Sec. Navy)       Ser. No. 2542

     Ref’d to       Date           Action, Notes and Initials

       CS-2       Oct. 4               No action.

       CS                              NCT

53 ADR.


2542. Following for your information and for guidance of McCully1 give summary of policy of State Department re Russia: QUOTE Ambassador2 has been instructed that Government of U.S. does not recogni ze Bolsheviki either dejure or defacto as governments. Ambassador consequently has been instructed to have no official relations with Bolsheviki authority.

          For protection of American lives and property American Consuls in Russia have been allowed to come in contact with Bolsheviki authorities for conference and in some cases for correspondence; it has been understood clearly that such action created no color of recognition. This course taken by consuls is in accordance with general principles that particular field of consul’s duties requiring his dealings with established authorities wherever he may be. Ambassador has been advised in regard to latitude allowed consuls.

          In general Ambassador has been instructed that this government regards Russia and the Russian people as allies and as co-belligerents and that Bolsheviki movement has not modified purposes of U.S. wherever it may be able to do so to assist Russian people in maintaining liberty they have gained by the Revolution and becoming masters of their own affiars. UNQUOTE. Other minor features can be obtained in conferring with Ambassador.

          In his relations with other governments McCully is to be guided by orders and instructions now on USS OLYMPIA and under which Bierer3 is acting. 13003. 2542.


N.B. dejure comes garbled.

Sent: 11:00 P.M., October 3, 1918.

Recd:  5:00 a.m., October 4, 1918.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. The handwritten date at the top of the page is confirmed by the time-date stamp at the end of the document.

Footnote 1: Capt. Newton A. McCully, Commander, United States Forces in Russia.

Footnote 2: United States Chargé d’Affiares ad interim at Moscow David R. Francis.

Footnote 3: Capt. Bion B. Bierer, Commander, OLYMPIA.