Rear Admiral Herbert O. Dunn, Commander, Azores Detachment, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters
File 106.
Naval Base Azores, 12 October 1918.
From: Detachment Commander.
To: Force Commander.
Subject: Report of Operations for week ending 12 October 1918.
Reference: (a) Force Instructions No. 2 of 22 September 19171...
(a) 6 October Canadian Drifters 1 and 69 swept harbor entrance channel.
Portuguese S.S. SAN MIGUEL convoyed by Portuguese Gunboat CELESTINE SOARES sailed for Madeira.
Received following via S.S.CARRIGAN HEAD, “from SIKH “All crew sick. Cannot steam. Require assistance. In Lat. 43º-32’ N. Long. 31º-40”.
American S.S.MONTPELIER advised that she was 150 miles South of SIKH and Detachment Commander directed her to proceed to SIKH’S assistance.
K-6 on night patrol.
7 October Canadian Drifters 1 and 69 swept harbor entrance channel.
U.S.S.GALVSETON sailed for Hampton Roads, Va.
12:30 p.m. American S.S.MONTPELIER reported that she had reached position given by SIKH but that nothing was in sight. Directed MONPELIER to continue search and requested all Allied vessels to keep a lookout for SIKH.
K-6 on night patrol.
Pursuant to Force Commander’s cable No. 1262,2 Detachment Commander diverted U.S.S.GALVESTON to assist in searching for and aiding British S.S. SIKH.
American S.S.MONTPELIER reported that she could no longer continue search for SIKH.
8 October Canadian Drifters 1 and 69 swept harbor entrance channel.
American S.S.NYANZA, enroute from Nantes, France to Newport News, put into this port on account of leaky boiler tubes.
U.S.S. MOUNT SHASTA, enroute from Hampton Roads to Gibraltar and Marseilles, put into this port on account of breaking down of bridge walls in three of her boilers.
K-2 on night patrol.
9 October Canadian Drifters 1 and 69 swept harbor entrance channel.
U.S.S.GLACIER, enroute Queenstown to New York, put into this port on account of stress of weather and lack of coal.
U.S.S. BELL arrived from New York.
U.S. Army Tugs PENGUIN and LEOPOLD ADLER and two barges, escorted by U.S.S.LUCE sailed for Gibraltar.
Received report from Horta that S.S.SIKH had arrived at Horta, Fayal, with 75 cases of influenze. Three deaths have already occurred. Advised U.S.S.GALVESTON of SIKH’S arrival.
K-2 on night patrol.
U.S.S.MONTAUK arrived from Lisbon from Leizoes, and will probably sail for Azores 25 October.
U.S.S.PRAIRIE reported that at 4:57 p.m., today, while taking fuel at sea alongside U.S.S. CHESNUT HILL, an explosion occurred on board submarine Chaser No. 219, blowing a whole in the port side forward and setting fire to all the forward part of the vessel. The 219 sank about one hour later after the fire had been extinguished by U.S.S.IROQUOIS. The cause of the explosion not yet determined. Casualties are 2 dead and 9 badly injured...
/s/ H.O.DUNN.
Source Note: Cy, RG 45, Entry 520, Box 446. Note after close: “Copies to:/Force Commander (3)/Operations./File.”
Footnote 1: See: Sims, Force Instructions No. 2, 22 September 1917.
Footnote 2: This cable has not been found.