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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations


Cablegram Sent   Dec. 5, 1917

To        Opnav, Washington             Serial No. 1895

Prep. by  BAL            NCT D.R.1

1895.  Urgent.  Admiralty propose to convert two hospital ships for cargo work and suggest that if U. S. propose to fit hospital ships that much time and money can be saved by a transfer of equivalent tonnage. Early reply requested so as not to delay work.2 22005


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG45, Entry 517B. Filed as “Subject Copy” in the upper-left corner. Identifying marker “19 D” appears below the initials.

Footnote 1: Cmdr. Byron A. Long, a member of Sims’ staff, and Capt. Nathan C. Twining, Sims’ chief of staff. “D.R.” is part of the printed form, and probably means “Date Received” but has been left blank on this document.

Footnote 2: On 7 December, the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations replied that because alterations to the hospital ships were “so far advanced. . . no advantage would be gained by the suggested transfer.” See: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations to Sims, 7 December 1917.

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