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Secretary of State Robert Lansing to United States Embassy in London


December 8, 1917.


To            American Embassy, London

From          Department of State, signed Lansing

Dated         December 7

Received      December 8, 1917, 9.30 a.m.

No.           Circular 7th.

          Congress today passed and President signed Joint Resolution declaring war on Austria-Hungary.

          Inform Consuls.

          Repeat to Bangkok, Tehran, Monrovia, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Athens, Christiana, The Hague, Petrograd, Jassy [Iasi], and to Paris who relays Berne, Rome, Madrid, Havre, Tangier and Lisbon.

(Repeated as instructed)

(Consul-General informed)

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B