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Office of the Chief of Naval Operations to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

     CABLEGRAM RECEIVED Dec 13, 1917

From: Opnav, Washington                      Ser No. 1557


1557.     Your 3039.1   This matter considered serious. Army embarkation service and commander cruiser force2 informed no more cargo or animal ships received in troop convoy whatever their speed unless manned throughout by Naval personnel. Army embarkation services are forwarding copies of your cable to General Pershing requesting him to investigate and take such action against master of LUCKENBACK<H> as he considers circumstances warrant.3 Our secret service directed to investigate matter this side. 15012.

Benson    <Opnav>

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: Document has not been found.

Footnote 2: RAdm. Albert Gleaves, Commander, Cruiser and Transport Force.

Footnote 3: Gen. John J. Pershing, Commander, American Expeditionary Forces. During one cruise, the Julia Luckenbach exposed the convoy to great risk when it gave away the location of the rendezvous point “through stupidity in the use of radio.” See: Sims to Josephus Daniels, 13 December 1917.

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