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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Captain Richard H. Jackson, United States Naval Representative in Paris

CABLEGRAM SENT          7 December 1917.

To        Jackson      Marine, Paris      Ser. No. 672.

     19 D.

672. Lieutenant-Commander Davis1 reports that arrangements have been made between Commander Cone2 and Admiralty for British Government to supply bombs fuel and certain other material for our stations in Ireland. What material is included? What type of bomb will be supplied and do arrangements also extend to stations in France. Reference your #1636 to provide Pauillac for receiving stations personnel to accommodate a maximum of 1500 including plant personnel and using same type building for warehouse, quarters, same as designed for all stations.3 Will require 70 buildings mostly frame quarters and warehouse additions to main shop buildings. To put all in one compound preferable account steam line, light and so forth we should have 40 acres but can crowd upon 30. Building with machinery and supplies are all ordered shipments to begin December. In our opinion Briscoe4 should remain here until shipments begin in order to hurry loading. If you need him at on<c>e he can come otherwise will hold her for above purpose. 19507.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: F.R.E. Davis, a construction expert in the Royal Navy, was one of three officers detailed by the Admiralty to accompany American aviation officers on a tour of the southern Irish Coast to identify suitable locations for seaplane and kite balloon stations.

Footnote 2: Capt. Hutchinson I. Cone, Commander, United States Naval Aviation Forces, Foreign Service.

Footnote 4: Lt. Cmdr. Benjamin Briscoe, one of Cone’s aides and Head of the Assembly and Repair Section of the United States Aviation Forces.

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