Naval Support Activity Naples, Italy
Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples traces its origins back to 3 October 1951, when it was established as Headquarters, Support Activities. Its mission was to support NATO’s Allied Forces Southern Europe and, later, U.S. Sixth Fleet. Two years later, the support unit became Commander, Subordinate Command, U.S. Naval Forces Eastern Atlantic/Commander, Headquarters Support Activities. In 1957, it was re-designated as U.S. Naval Activities, Italy/U.S. Naval Support Activity, Naples. The name changed once more on 8 August 1966, when it became U.S. Naval Support Activity, Naples. The support activity serves as headquarters for Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe–Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Africa/Commander, U.S. Sixth Fleet. NSA Naples is home to more than 50 separate commands and approximately 8,500 personnel.