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Captain Richard H. Jackson, United States Staff Representative in Paris, to Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters

                             <October 8, 1918.>

          CABLEGRAM  RECEIVED      Y-11

     Origin Comfran Brest (Paris Naval Staff Rep.)    

Ser. No. 8162.     

     Ref’d to       Date

       CS          Oct. 9

42 ARD.                 S E C R E T.


8162. VERY URGENT.1 All enemy surface shipping including monitors, river craft, etc., to withdraw to naval bases specified by the Allies and remain there during Armistice. Submarine warfare ceases immediately upon the signature of Armistice. 60 submarines of type to be specified shall proceed immediately to specified Allied ports and remain there during Armistice. Submarines operating North Sea and Atlantic Ocean shall not enter Mediterranean Sea. Enemy naval air force to be concentrated in basesspecified by Allies remain there duration of Armistice. Enemy to reveal positions of his mines outside territorial waters, Allies have right sweep such at convenience. Enemy evacuate Belgian and Italian Coasts immediately leaving behind all naval war stores and equipment. Austro-Hungarian Navy to evacuate all ports in Adriatic Sea occupied by them outside National territory. Black Sea ports to be immediately evacuated and battleships and material seized in them by the enemy delivered to Allies. No material destruction to be permitted before evacuation. Present blockade conditions to remain unchanged and all enemy merchant vessels found at sea remain liable to capture.  20108 8162.


Sent: 11:30 p.m.,  October 8, 1918.

Recd: 11:52 p.m.,  October 8, 1918.

Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B. Document identifier in top right-hand corner in columnar fashion: “S/J/G/K/1/2/3/5/6”. The signature was that of VAdm. Henry B. Wilson, the commander at Brest under whose signature all official messages from Brest were sent.

Footnote 1: These were the terms that the Austro-Hungarian Navy proposed for an armistice. See: Jackson to Sims, 8 October 1918.

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