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Vice Admiral Henry F. Oliver, Secretary of the Admiralty, to Vice Admiral Sir Montague E. Browning, Commander-in-Chief, North America and West Indies Station.

TELEGRAM.                                                No. 551

From                                                                                                    DATE 28.6.17.

To        V. A. NORTH AMERICA.                                                              Sent 2315.



551. Owing to scarcity of oilers use of oil has been prohibited in ships burning coal and oil and ships burning oil only have been limited to 3/5th. H. P. except in presence of enemy surface ships and in North Sea or in great emergency.1

     Issue necessary orders CARNARVON and any ships joining you which may be affected.

A.C. and [?]


Source Note: CCy, UK-KeNA, Adm. 137/656. Below the text a routing list that includes “1st.S.L.”(Adm. Sir John R. Jellicoe), “4th S.L.”(RAdm. Sir Hugh H.D. Tothill]) and “D.O.D.”(RAdm. George P.W. Hope, Director, Operations Division).

Footnote 1: For the discussion of the tanker shortage, see: Page to Lansing, 26 June 1917.

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