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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels

                            TELEGRAM.              No. <93>

From      Admiralty                               DATE 14/6/17.

[14 June 1917.]

To        N.A., Washington.1

Following for Secretary of the Navy (Operations) begins

          Twentysix. Referring No.fifteen.2 Rapidity of construction the most vital consideration even if speed not more than thirty knots. (stop) If delivery would be expedited a less number torpedo tubes actually installed would not reduce efficiency as anti-submarine craft which is primary consideration, but emplacement for more tubes should be built in. Cruising radius not less than our latest destroyers (stop) should have strengthened ram bows for ramming and strong forward bulkheads (stop) Armament four four inch guns, anti-aircraft gun aft, also forward if practicable, also machine guns. (stop) Continuous deck sloping from bow to stern for superior sea keeping quality and superior gun fire from waist guns in heavy weather (stop) Vessels standard all parts interchangeable, particularly tail shafts and propellors.


Source Note: Cy, UK-KeNA, Adm. 137/656. Note below close: “Copies: Original/Confirmation/Chronological/Subject.” There is a stamp beside this list that reads “COPIED.” There are also initials, which the editors could not decipher, followed by “1SL/14.6.17.”

Footnote 1: That is, Commo. Guy R. Gaunt, British Naval Attaché at Washington, who would deliver the letter to the Navy Department.

Footnote 2: Cable not found, but see: Dudley R. S. de Chair to Henry F. Oliver, 7 June 1917, where the destroyers under construction are discussed.

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