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Documentary Histories

War Diary, U. S. S. Tucker

U. S. S. Tucker,    

September 2, 1917.

     8 a.m. position Lat. 47 – 54 N.    Long. 10 – 10 W.

     Noon position    "   47 – 55 N.      "    9 – 59 W.

     8 p.m. position  "   48 – 45 N.      "    8 – 58 W.

     Steaming as before on port flank of convoy. At 8:25 p.m. a heavy metallic scraping sound was heard along the entire starboard side and at about 8:37 a gun shot was heard from the rear of the convoy; at 8:43 p.m. a large brilliant flash was seen on the port quarter in the direction of the convoy; at about 8:55 p.m. the ROWAN was sighted near the H.M.S.DUNDEE1 which was dead in the water and 3 small boats were seen close by. The ROWAN picked up survivors and this ship circled around at 20 knots. The DUNDEE seemed to be going down by the stern and smoke was seen to be issuing from her after hold. At 10:17 resumed position with convoy and set speed at 12 knots. Two trawlers were detached from escort to stand by DUNDEE at 11:10p.m.2

Source Note: D, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

Footnote 1: H.M.S Dundee was a 2,187 ton armed passenger and cargo ship. It was attacked by UC 49 southwest of the Scilly Islands. “Dundee,”, accessed on 21 August 1917,

Footnote 2: Dundee sank on 3 September 1917. Ibid. The next day, while still escorting this convoy, Tucker spotted the wake of a torpedo and dropped a depth charge over the “origin” of the torpedo wake but with “no apparent result.” DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.

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