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 Rear Admiral Albert Gleaves, Commander, Cruiser and Transport Forces, to Transport Force


U.S.S. SEATTLE, Flagship.

21 September 1917.           

From: Commander Cruiser Force,

To:   Transport Force.

Subject: Orders for safeguarding ships from injury by Enemy Agents and damage by fire.

     1. Commanding Officers will immediately issue necessary orders to insure the proper safeguarding of their ships against injury by enemy agents and against damage by fire.

     2. These orders shall be given no publicity outside the ship, and shall be p ublished within the ship only to those immediately concerned.

     3. Orders issued shall cover the instructions outlined herewith; however, this does not restrict the Commanding Officer’s authority or ini[ti]ative over her, nor excuse him from issueing all necessary orders which may arise due to the special conditions, and service of his ship in order to properly carry out the spirit of paragraph 1.

(a) Continuous watch to prevent the approach of any vessel or bout [i.e., boat] without detection, or the approach of persons by way of the dock if the vessel is alongside or in dry-dock.

(b) Continuous watch to prevent unauthorized persons approaching the pontoon when vessel is in dry-dock.

(c) Frequent inspections by competent persons of the entire ship at irregular intervals, including magazines, cargo, spaces, storerooms, engineer’s compartments, etc.

(d) A gangway watch will be kept day and night to insure that no unauthorized persons comes aboard.

(e) All packages, boxes, etc, will be opened and contents examined at gangway.

(f) All compartments in which workmen are engaged will be kept under constant surveillance.

(g) Thorough examination will be made of all compartments immediately upon the departure of the workmen each day at noon and upon completion of work.

     (h) Watch will be maintained on all coal barges alongside. Inspect coal shoveled into buckets or taken up by elevator for any foreign matter.

     (i) Fire hose will be xx kept connected at all times. Pressure on each riser will be tested at sun down each day, or pressure on each shore line of water from shore is used.

     (j) Crews will be exercised frequently day and night at fire Quarters, in the location and handling of the fire fighting material supplied.


Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 520, Box 413.

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