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North Atlantic Fleet Squadron Bulletin No. 3


S Q U A D R O N  B U L L E T I N


U. S. Flagship New York,  Off Santiago de Cuba, June 15,  1898.


Yesterday, (14th) a force of marines and Cubans attacked the enemy, which was routed for the time.1 Forty bodies were found. One Lieutenant, one corporal, and fifteen privates were captured. The blockhouse was partially destroyed, the well from which they got their water supply destroyed, and the heliograph apparatus captured.2 Our loss was two Cubans killed, and four wounded; two marines wounded. Twenty-three marines were overcome by heat; but all recovered. The DOLPHIN accompanied the force on the sea front, and shelled the enemy. The force of the enemy was stated by the lieutenant captured at 200; by the privates at about 450. The enemy is being reinforced by troops from Caimenara, and the TEXASand “SUWANEE” were consequently sent to destroy the fort and capture the gun-boat used in transporting men.

From the “DAILY GLEANER” of Kingston, dated June 14th.

The Paris correspondent of the “Sunday Special” says: Spains most steadfast friends here are losing hope. The candid friends of the Queen Regent3 deplore the obstinacy with which she accepted war when totally unprepared; then to continue fighting when the case is hopelessly lost will only alienate France.

     London, June 12.―The Vienna correspondent of the “OBSERVER” says that private advices received here show that the situation in Spain is such that peace is speedily and earnestly desired. The finances of the country are threatened, and famine and the intrigues of the Carlists and republicans render peace imperative. The Spanish Government is now drawing up a memorandum to the Powers requesting their friendly intervention. I learn from diplomatic sources that France and Austria are prepared to accede to, while Russia and Germany disapprove of intervention. The enormous increase in Russian grain trade since the war began has probably influenced Russia’s attitude on the whole problem of European intervention.

          London, June 13.-The Spanish Minister of Colonies,4 according to a special despatch from Madrid, has in the course of a recent interview expressed the opinion that nothing short of a miracle can save Manila.

     London, June 13.―The Madrid correspondent of the “Daily News,” telegraphing from Bayonne, says General Blanco’s5 last dispatch being less sanguine, the Cabinet Council discussed whether it should be published and decided upon some verbal alterations. Military precautions have been taken at Madrid to quell the disturbance when the inevitable happens. Reports are again rife that the Queen Regent wishes to shift the regency to the Infanta Isabel and let her accept the American credit. It is expected that Russia will protest against the alliance of Admiral Dewey as belligerent with Aguinaldo, the insurgent chief.6

     London, June 13.―The Rome correspondent of the “Standard” says, owing to serious news from the Philippines, the Pope7 has wired the Queen Regent of Spain, placing his services at her disposal if she considered that the time had arrived for the intervention of the Powers in favor of Spain. The Queen Regent in reply telegraphed her thanks, saying that at an opportune moment she would feel the Pope’s offer to be very acceptable.

     London, June 13.―The Paris correspondent of the “Standard” says critics here regard the occupation of Guantanamo harbor as a master stroke and that the three thousand Spaniards allowed the landing is ominously significant.

     Highland Light Mail, June 13.―The U. S. Cruiser San Francisco ran ashore during a dense fog this morning at a point about half mile West of High Head Life Saving Station.8 The cruiser lies in an easy position, and it is thought she will float without any injury at high water.

          New York, June 13.―Colonel John Hay,9 the United States Ambassador in London, has telegraphed his government in Washington that Manila has surrendered.10 No details. It is thought probable that the above information is obtained from advices received at the British Foreign Office.



Source Note Print: Squadron Bulletins, pp. 7-9.

Footnote 1: For more information about this operation, see: Naval Operations at Guantánamo.

Footnote 2: A heliograph is a communications device that reflects the sun rays on glass plates.

Footnote 3: Spanish Queen Regent Maria Cristina.

Footnote 4: The Spanish Minister of Colonies was Vicente Romero Girón.

Footnote 5: Capt.-Gen. Ramón Blanco Erenas Riera y Polo, the head of the Autonomist Government.

Footnote 6: That is, Commo. George Dewey, Commander, Asiatic Squadron; and Philippine Insurgent leader Emilio Aguinaldo. International Law did not permit an alliance between a recognized government and rebellious insurgents if the latter would “share the fruits of victory” or allowed to plunder. Benton, International Law and Diplomacy, 143-46.

Footnote 7: Pope Leo XIII.

Footnote 8: High Head Life Saving Station was located in Barnstable Co., MA.

Footnote 9: John Hay was the U.S. Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Court of St. James’s from April 1897 to September. 1898.

Footnote 10: Manila did not officially surrender until 14 Aug. See: Blockade and Siege of Manila.

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