North Atlantic Fleet Squadron Bulletin No. 8
Squadron Bulletin.
U. S. Flagship New York. Off Santiago de Cuba, Cuba.
MONDAY, JUNE 20, 1898.
Information was received this morning by the Wompatuck, which had been sent forward from Captain Taylor of the Indiana,1 that the transports convoying the Army would arrive during the forenoon at a point 15 miles South of Guantanamo, and later in the day South of Santiago. The Chief of Staff,2 with messages from the Admiral, went at 8 in the Gloucester to go on board the Seguranca, aboard which was General Shafter.
The Convoy was found Southeast of the Morro, about 18 miles. The Seguranca left the Convoy and arrived at the blockade line at noon. Admiral Sampson and the Assistant Chief of Staff3 went aboard and the ship went off Acerraderos. A visit was made ashore by General Shafter and Admiral Sampson, accompanied by a number of officers. Generals Garcia, Rabi and Castillo were at the camp.4
The naval vessels convoying the transports are the following:
Indiana, Detroit, Annapolis, Castine, Helena, Bancroft, Manning, Osceola, Wasp, Hornet, Eagle, Wompatuck, Rodgers, Ericsson and Dupont.
The force consists of about 16,000 men, all regular troops except two regiments. Colonel Woods’ regiment is among them but is dismounted.5
The Alexander, collier, arrived during the morning.
Everything is reported tranquil at Guantanamo Bay;6 the report that the enemy were removing their artillery from Caimanera towards Guantanamo is repeated. The fact of the Suwanee taking part in the bombardment of the fort on the 15th was inadver[t]ently omitted in the “Bulletin” of the 16th.7 She was present and is reported as having rendered good service.
Source Note: Printed, DNA, RG 313, Entry 56. This bulletin was produced on a printing press on New York (the flagship of RAdm. William T. Sampson’s North Atlantic Fleet) and was distributed to the vessels. It is listed as number 8 in, Squadron Bulletins, 18-19.
Footnote 1: Capt. Henry C. Taylor commanded the Navy ships escorting the convoy from Key West to Cuba.
Footnote 2: Capt. French E. Chadwick.
Footnote 3: Lt. Sydney A. Staunton.
Footnote 4: The Cuban insurgent leaders: Generals CalixtoGarcía Iñguez, JesúsRabí, and José Rogelio Castillo.
Footnote 5: Col. Leonard Wood was in command of the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry, known as the “Rough Riders.”
Footnote 6: Cmdr. Bowman H. McCalla commanded the naval vessels and Lt. Col. Robert W. Huntington led the Marines who were sent to secure a base at Guantánamo beginning on 11 June. See, Trask, War with Spain, 140.
Footnote 7: Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Delehanty commanded Suwanee.