Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Secretary of War Russell A. Alger
Washington, June 28, 1898.
This Department is occasionally in receipt of requests from the Cubans for medicines, provisions, clothing, arms, ammunition and other supplies, and it seems probable that such requests are likely in the future to multiply considerably. As the Cubans constitute a land force and use such supplies and equipments as belong to the outfit of an Army, It would appear that the supply of such articles as they may need would come properly under the cognizance of the War Department, and it is therefore suggested that your Department should undertake such supply.
When proper and practicable, in the opinion of the senior naval officer present, the Navy will cover the landing of supplies at such ports as you may from time to time select, or will assist to land them, subject to the above conditions.
Very respectfully,
Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 80, Entry 194, vol. 1, p. 237-38. Addressed before opening: “The Honorable,/The Secretary of War.”