General José dey Monteajardo, Cuban Revolutionary Army, to Commander Bowman H. McCalla
Headquarters of the Second Divition of the Fourth Corp of Army.
June 1st. 1898.
To the Commander of the United States Men of War Blockading the port of Cienfuegos.1
Dear Sir
Since the 30th of last month, with the forces of my command two thousand strong, I am in this coast awaiting and Expedition of war and month provisions from your government, and through our General in Chief Maximo Gomez2 from whom I have received orders and the instructions I am fulfilling just now, and which I have the honor to comunicate to you, hoping that you may Know something about it or that you may be able to help me in gaining time and receiving said Expedition as soon as possible. The date fixed for the Steamer to come has been from the 30th of May to the 10th of June. In this coast where I have my present headquarters, the territory has been entirely destroy and consequently there is no food to be got at all for my forces, besides that our enemies the Spaniards are watching the coasts the best they are able, and I have not suficient amunition to make a long stand, all the circumstances mention, I will explain to you the desire and necesity I have, that you may help me in gaining time, if possible in receiving said provitions, so much needed by the forces of my comand, that after very long and rough marchs, have no food at all for several days.
The bearer is pilot of all this coast & send him to you that you may know by him the exact spot where we wait the steamer to come, and also any advise you may like to send && besides he might be useful to show the steamer coming a good place to anchor and discharge the cargo.3
I have the honor of taking this opportunity to offer you my services and best regards.
Respectfully yours.
The Gen. & Comander of 2d Divition of the 4th Corp of Army.
Jose dey Monteajardo
Source Note: ALS, DNA, AFNRC, M625, roll 231. Stamp: “RECEIVED/FLAGSHIP N. A. STATION./JUL 22 1898.”
Footnote 1: Cmdr. Bowman H. McCalla.
Footnote 2: Cuban Gen. Máximo Gómez y Báez.
Footnote 3: Cuban revolutionary forces were frequently supplied with arms, equipment, and provisions by the United States Navy throughout the war. On 5 July 1898, Secretary of the Navy John D. Long officially approved the practice in a North Atlantic Station circular. See: Long to RAdm. William T. Sampson, 5 July 1898.