Source: US Naval Magazine Port Chicago, California. "Station Order 10-45." 17 Feb. 1945. In "Selected Ammunition Depots, Volume 2" [World War II Administrative History #127-B, located in Rare Book Room, Navy Department Library, Naval History and Heritage Command, Washington DC.].
The Navy Department Library
Station Order, U. S. Naval Magazine, Port Chicago, California
NMPC #270
N4-2 (3)
17 February 1945
Subj: | Shiploading Safety Organization, Establishment of. |
Refs: | (a) NAD MI Depot Order 26-44 dtd 18 Sep 1944. (b) BuOrd ltr S78(A) dtd 31 Aug 1944. (c)BuOrd Cir. ltr A54-44 dtd 22 Jul 1944. (d) "Regulations Governing Transportation of Military Explosives on Board Vessels During Present Emergency," dtd 1 Oct 1943 (U. S. Coast Guard Manual or "Red Book"). |
- To insure safe handling of ammunition and explosives, a Shiploading Safety Organization is hereby established. This organization, which consists of specially designated Coast Guard personnel (both commissioned and enlisted), will operate directly under and be responsible to the Officer in Charge. The officers of the detail will also function as Assistants to the Captain of the Port in advising him via the Officer in Charge, relative to the carrying out and enforcement of ref (d). This latter function will be in the nature of additional duty.
The senior officer assigned to this duty will be known as the Loading Safety Officer; remaining Coast Guard personnel, both commissioned and enlisted, will be known as Loading Safety Assistants.
The Loading Safety Officer will provide the following detail per watch:
- For each Ship Pier
- One (1) supervising commissioned officer.
- For each Naval vessel (as defined in ref (c))
- One (1) man for each working hold.
- Two (2) dock men (one for forward holds -- one for after holds).
- One (1) man for each lighter moored at ship piers or alongside vessel loading.
- One (1) relief man.
- One (1) supervising petty officer.
- For each Merchant vessel (as defined in ref (c))
- One (1) man for each working hold.
- Two (2) dock men (one for forward holds -- one for after holds.
- One (1) man for each lighter moored at ship piers or alongside vessel loading.
- One (1) man in engine room.
- One (1) man roving amidships.
- One (1) relief man.
- One (1) supervising petty officer.
- For each Ship Pier
- The Loading Safety Officer will also provide a Barracks Fire Watch, and necessary special details. He will be responsible for compliance by the Shiploading Safety Organization with all pertinent naval regulations, station orders, memoranda, etc.
- The Ship Loading Safety Organization shall have the following responsibilities.
- When loading any vessel, Merchant or Naval
- The enforcement of safety regulations relative to the handling of ammunition and explosives over the docks and in and out of vessels loading at this Magazine. In carrying out these duties, this Detail will be guided by principles and orders set forth by BuOrd, by established naval practices relating to the safe handling of explosives, and by magazine or Station Orders on this subject.
- Any member of this detail is authorized to stop any loading or handling operation of explosives which he deems unsafe under these regulations until such time as it can be examined by the Loading Safety Officer, and if need be, referred to the Officer-in-Charge for decision.
- The detail will be vigilant to see that ammunition and explosives are handled in a safe manner in accordance with the directive enumerated in paragraph 1 above and will see that rough and careless handling of ammunition or explosives is not permitted.
- When loading Merchant Vessels (as defined in ref (c))
The following additional responsibilities and authority are hereon delegated:
- The enforcement of ref (d), including in particular:
- Inspection of all ships on arrival to make sure they are in proper condition to load ammunition;
- Delivery to the Officer in Charge of a copy of the required Dangerous Cargo Permit before permitting loading of the vessel, or advice to the Officer in Charge that such permit has been issued and a copy will subsequently be delivered.
- Advising the master of the vessel, or his authorized representative, of his responsibilities under ref (d);
- Enforcement of safety rules laid down in ref (d).
- The collection of information required by the Captain of the Port to properly certify a vessel loaded with explosives or dangerous cargo to the Commandant, Twelfth Naval District, or his authorized representative, before sailing. If such information is supplied orally, it shall be confirmed in writing, with a copy to the Officer in Charge.
- In the event there is any difference of opinion as to the interpretation of ref (d) between members of the Shiploading Safety Organization and Shiploading Officers attached to this station, the matter shall be referred to the Loading Safety Officer and the Magazine Loading Officer for decision. If these officers cannot agree, the matter shall then be referred to the Officer in Charge.
- The enforcement of ref (d), including in particular:
- When loading any vessel, Merchant or Naval
- Nothing in this order shall in any way relieve, or be construed to relieve, the Officer in Charge of his full responsibility for the proper loading of ammunition and explosives in all vessels at Magazine piers and for the safe handling thereof.
M. T. Kinne
All Officers -- Magazine & Barracks
C.O. -- Marine Detachment
Loading Safety Officer (USCG) (10)
Published: Tue Mar 01 07:05:12 EST 2016