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Commodore Guy R. Gaunt, British Naval Attaché at Washington, to Rear Admiral William R. Hall, Director, Intelligence Division, British Admiralty

                       TELEGRAM.             No. 381

From  Washington.                           DATE13.9.17

 [13 September 1917]    

To    Admiralty                          Sent 9.28 pm  12th.



          381. Following from Commodore Gaunt. URGENT. For D.I.D. There was a very stormy meeting at Navy Wednesday when a number of grievances among various Departments against us were aired. Afterwards Admiral Benson1 asked me whether it would be possible for me to go to England on a visit to explain their view of things. He told me he was wiring Mayo to the same effect.2 I urge that this be done as even if I cannot do much good it would at least help the situation here which is really bad as the Officials of Navy Department think that we are not playing the game. Will you place matter before Admiralty and ?wire decision as soon as possible as if concurred in I ought to leave immediately.3 My offices are well organised now and can carry on in my absence.

Source Note: Cy, UK-KeNA, Adm. 137/658. Addressed below close: “D.I.D.”

Footnote 1: Adm. William S. Benson, Chief of Naval Operations.

Footnote 2: Adm. Henry T. Mayo, Commander-in-Chief, Atlantic Fleet. Mayo was then in Great Britain for an official visit and to represent the United States at an allied naval conference.

Footnote 3: On 18 September 1917, Gaunt was ordered to “come to England as soon as possible” and to report to the Admiralty once he arrived. Ibid.

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