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Vice Admiral William S. Sims, Commander, United States Naval Forces Operating in European Waters, to Anne Hitchcock Sims



July 21,1917


My darling Sweetheart-

. . . .A letter from Pratt1 quotes the following remarks to him by Pallen.2 “That man Sims has simply taken the country by storm; besides he is so preposterously good looking” (Note the adjective)

“Do you realize that Sims is the only foreigner that has commanded a fleet practically entirely made up of British units for over 400 years”.3

Pratt adds: “that tells the story as nothing else could do it. It shows, and I think everybody here realizes it, that you are essentially the man for the job.”

This has certainly given me a better standing on both sides of the ocean.

. . . .This morning about 8, while I was in the bath room, there was another air raid. There was a great banging of anti-aircraft-guns, and the sound of louder explosions, and they seemed all about the hotel, but I could not see any of the Hun planes. I do not know yet whether the bombs fell, or what damage was done.

     People are getting more sensible about these raids, and now generally take cover when warned by the police. I would of course always do so if the planes were approaching an overhead position. . . .

Your devoted


Source Note: ALS, DLC-MSS, William S. Sims Papers, Box 9.

Footnote 1: Capt. William V. Pratt, Assistant Chief of Naval Operations.

Footnote 2: Condé Benoist Pallen, a noted Catholic editor and author.

Footnote 3: See: Sims to Sims, 13 June 1917.