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Commodore Guy R. Gaunt, British Naval Attaché at Washington, to British Admiralty

                                                            TELEGRAM.                                    No. 170

From N.A. Washington.                                                                            Date 1.7.17

To Admiralty.                                                                                             Sent 8.30pm

 Recd 8.36 am


170 From Commodore Gaunt: United States are urging that routing and control of all merchant shipping should come under one party. They seem rather inclined to want control. I have pointed out we already have an organization which works well to which they agree but ?say it is necessary to have the offices in the American Customs and have arranged for that with the sole exception of Portland. Please wire fully confidentially your views and wishes.

Source Note: Cy, UK-KeNA, Adm. 137/656. A recipients list at the bottom identifies “1st S.L. [First Sea Lord Adm. Sir John R. Jellicoe]/ Sir A Wilson/A.C.N.S. [Assistant Chief of Naval Staff Capt. Arthur de K. L. May]/D.O.D. [Director of Operations Division RAdm. George P. W. Hope]/Convoy [Convoys Division].”

Footnote 1: The letter refers to the cypher used to encrypt the message.

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