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S-077 USS Pocahontas Reunion Association Collection

S-077 USS Pocahontas Reunion Association Collection
Caption: Collection photo number NH 82955: USS Pocahontas (SP-3044) leaving Bordeaux, France, 23 December 1918.
Description: Two large scrapbooks and one folder of loose material related to the ship USS Pocahontas (SP-3044) during World War I and her crew’s reunion association events in the 1950’s and 1960’s. Material from World War I includes photographs of the ship and crew, histories, Thanksgiving menus, newsletters, wiring plans. Material from the reunion groups includes photographs of crew later in life, histories, newsletters, maps, and cruise on board USS Springfield (CLG-7). Items from World War I and later reunions is intermingled in no particular order. Scrapbooks are fragile.
Accession #: S-File
Catalog #: S-077
Donor: USS Pocahontas Reunion Association Collection
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
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S-077-A: 88 page scrapbook with approximately 300 photos of USS Pocahontas (SP-3044) and crew during World War I, and in 1950’s reunions. Locations include France, Holland, and Norfolk Navy Yard. Notable personnel include Captain J.F. Hellwig, Captain Edward C. Kalbfus. Thanksgiving menus, church calendars, ship’s newsletter “The Tomahawk,” reunion association newsletters, post-war correspondence. Many newspaper clippings.

S-077-B: 84 page scrapbook with approximately 300 photos of USS Pocahontas (SP-3044) and crew during World War I, and in later reunions. German prisoners of war, recruiting poster, Captain Edward C. Kalbfus. Locations include Bermuda and France.

S-077-C: Loose papers and small photo book about USS Pocahontas (SP-3044). Blueprints for ship’s wiring and electrical work. 1919 Ship’s Ball program. Photo book for 1963 reunion group cruise on board USS Springfield (CLG-7); reunion group roster, correspondence.

Document Type
  • Photograph
Wars & Conflicts
  • World War I 1917-1918
File Formats
  • Image (gif, jpg, tiff)
Location of Archival Materials