Line Petty Officer
Title: Rating Badge, Line Petty Officer, Set of 2
Accession #: NHHC 1980-183-A
Circa: Circa Mid 1800's
Size: 3" x 3"
Medium: Fabric
Location: Headquarters Artifact Collection, Naval History and Heritage Command
One Petty Officer rating badge. It consists of a white star above a white spread eagle sitting atop an anchor on a blue field. This insignia was first prescribed for use by petty officers in the 1841 Uniform Regulations:
“The eagle and anchor shall be not more than three inches in length, and shall be of the same pattern as upon the navy button, [except the stars] placed half way between the elbow and shoulder, upon the front of the sleeve. It shall be white when worn on a blue garment, and blue when worn on a white garment.” The above badge was for use on blue uniforms and the badge pictured below was worn on white uniforms.
When the 1886 Uniform Regulations were released, the rating badge for petty officers changed to “a spread eagle placed above a class chevron. In the interior angle of chevron, under the eagle, the specialty mark of the wearer shall be placed.” The modern rating badge is based off of the rating first described in the 1886 regulations.