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Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Stephen E. Barton


Navy Department,

Washington,   July 13, 1898.    


     In accordance with your request, the Department hereby directs that the vessels belonging to or in the service of the American National Red Cross be supplied with coal by the commandants of all navy yards and naval stations and the commanding officers of all naval vessels whenever in the opinion of such officers the same can be done without detriment to the naval service.

     Receipts in duplicate will be taken from the commanding officers of the Red Cross vessels so supplied with coal, and one copy thereof, together with the bill for the coal at cost price, forwarded to the Paymaster General,1 Navy Department, for collection from the American National Red Cross.

Very respectfully,



Source Note: TCy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 464, Box 2. Addressed below close: “Mr. Stephen E. Barton,/Chairman Executive Committee,/American National Red Cross,/58 William Street, New York.” Initials “Ke.” are typed in the top right corner. Document reference: “No. 4840-98.” Document on “Navy Department,” stationery.

Footnote 1: Commo. Edwin Stewart, Paymaster-General of the United States Navy.

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