Rear Admiral Montgomery Sicard, President of the Naval War Board, to Secretary of the Navy John D. Long
May 12, 1898.
The Board recommends that the following telegram be sent to Commodore Reamey,1 U.S.N., at Key West.2
Army expedition is going to Cuba via Tortugas early next week. The Divisions embark simultaneously at New Orleans, Mobile and Tampa. You must have immediately prepared a cruiser to convoy each division from outside of its port of embarkation. Also prepare immediately a sufficient detachment of your ships to convoy the expedition from Tortugas to a point on the north shore of Cuba, to be selected by the army, and the men of war are to destroy the Spanish works there and clear the neighborhood of Spanish forces so the army can land safely. The “Puritan” and “Miantonomoh” must form part of this convoy, with such cruisers as you may consider necessary. After the army is landed, it must be supported and its connections with Key West be maintained by the navy. The blockade must be kept up. Consult Watson3 and wire what ships you can collect by the middle of next week.
President of Board.
Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 80, Entry 194, vol. 1, p. 77.
Footnote 1: Commo. George C. Remey, Commandant, Key West Navy Base.
Footnote 2: The telegram was sent on 13 May 1898. See, Long to Remey, 13 May 1898, DNA, RG 80, Entry 194, vol. 1, p. 80.
Footnote 3: Commo. John C. Watson, Commander, Northern Blockading Squadron.