The Chief Petty Officer's Pledge
The Chief Petty Officer's Pledge
I am a Chief Petty Officer in the United States Navy…
I serve my country and her people with pride and honor.
I seek no special favors.
I make things happen, and do the best I can do.
I am charged with a leadership role like no other in the world.
I develop junior officers and mold my Sailors.
I acknowledge full responsibility for the actions of my Sailors…
because these Sailors are the seeds of future chief petty officers.
I live by the Navy's core values of honor, courage, and commitment.
I set the example.
I establish the standards of performance.
My Sailors are students and I am their teacher.
I guide and influence the lives of these young men and women.
In the final analysis, I will determine the quality of these Sailors.
They look up to me because I treat them with dignity and respect.
Because they need a leader, I am there for them.
After all...
I am a Chief Petty Officer in the United States Navy.