Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, to Rear Admiral Mark L. Bristol, Senior Naval Officer Present, and United States High Commissioner, Turkey
November 1, 1919 ECM
Opnav Washington. 8198
SWO This message R/T’d to Stanav
AD Constantinople as 957
Code 90-3-C
Simsadus for Admiral Bristol
State Department has received following telegram from consul Knabensue1 of Beirut QUOTE In confidence.
There arrived at Beirut to-day after inspection in the interior the chief political officer of the British forces in Syria who is a relative of mine. My reports that the forth-coming withdrawal of British forces will have serious consequences are confirmed by him and he states that telegraphic communication will most likely soon be cut off between Beirut and the interior. Preparations are being made by me to evacuate to Beirut from the interior and Syrian port renew the native born American women and children. Kindly send a destroyer to assist in the evacuation and that radio communication be maintained by her. The first call of destroyer should be made at Beirut for consultation. Reply by telegraph is requested UNQUOTE. Send destroyer to Beirut in accordance with above request if one has not already been sent. 11031 8198.
Recd: 845am
N.B.- Sent to PS via Cable STC 957.
Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.
Footnote 1: United States Consul at Beirut Paul Knabenshue.