Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet, Memorandum No. 20
M E M OR A N D U M No. 20.
U. S. Flagship New York, 1st Rate,
Off Santiago de Cuba,
June 15, 1898.
S I R :--
The Commander in Chief desires again to call the
attention of Commanding Officers to the positions occupied by the blockading fleet, especially during the daytime, and it is now directed that all ships keep within a distance of the entrance to Santiago of four miles, and this distance must not be exceeded.
2. If the vessel is coaling, or is otherwise restricted in her movements, she must nevertheless keep within this distance.
3. If, at any time, the flagship makes signal which is not visible to any vessel, such vessel must at once approach the flagship or repeating vessel, to a point where she can read the signal.
4. Disregard of the directions which have already been given on this head has led to endless confusion. Many times, during the day, the fleet is so scattered that it would be perfectly possible for the enemy to come out of the harbor and meet with very little opposition.
5. The Commander in Chief hopes that strict attention will be given this order.
Very respectfully,
W. T. S A M P S O N ,
Rear Admiral, U. S. Navy
Commander in Chief, U.S.Naval Force,
Source Note: TD, DNA, RG 313, Entry 56. This document was included as an enclosure in a command journal that Sampson provided for the Secretary of the Navy.