Journal of Rear Admiral William T. Sampson, Commander, North Atlantic Fleet
July 1st. Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington June 30th.(Arillus)1 The War Department gives the following information during week ending June 29th six vessels brought supplies to Cuba namely Christina and schooner to Cienfuegos Purissima at Casilda Arturo and Alberto at Batabano Government reserving all supplies for troops so army will have enough for 2 months they are expected Santo Domingo and Montevideo which left last week for return with loads of provisions consigned to Blanco.2
Dated Washington June 30th. The U.S.Consul at Halifax4 reports steamer and brigantine from Nova Scotio to Porto Rico [with] provision the U.S.Consul Port Antonio,Jamiaca,5reports Norwegian steamer Bratton at Port Ontonio for New York provision bound first port of Cuba after taken by the United States.6 Long.
Dated Washington June 30th. German steamer Senior chartered by Merritt and Chapman wrecking company said to be loaded with wrecking material stores and coal for purpose of saving British steamer x x Belvidere stranded near Cape Maysi does not wish to enter any Cuban port this steamer has permission from Department to report to you off Santiago and unless it is then found inadvisable you will then permit her to engage in this work.
Dated Washington June 30th. Detach Ensign MacFarland7 from Helena and to Oregon. Long.
July 2nd. Dated Washington July 1st. (Accumules) Steamer Franklin cargo provisions sailed June 29th from Vera Cruz,Mexico, for Caibarien in Cuba.8 Long.
Dated Washington July 1st. Have you received auxiliary list dated June second If so it will hereafter be used in referring to vessels.9
Received the following communication.
Kajo July 1st,1898
To Admiral Sampson, Siboney.
General Shafters11 compliments to Admiral Sampson. Wishes him to keep up his fire on Santiago on the water front. Enemy has six inch guns there annoying us very much one moves[.] Our troops watching within an hundred yards of city on the East side will assault at daylight tomorrow morning.
Dated July 1st. Admiral Sampson,Siboney. A few shells of large size fell some distance behind our lines today,it is hardly possible that they come from your ships but I cannot account for them unless they come from the enemy’s Navy.12
Received the following despatches.
Dated Washington July 1st. Please discharge colliers in rotation and send them north for coal as twice before has been telegraphed[;] Bureau of Equipment much exercised because no colliers come north for coal there are no more colliers to send to you and unless some system of rotation is followed in discharging and returning colliers your Supply of coal will be alternately banking up and stopped. When will you send a collier to Lambert’s Point.13 Crowninshield.
Dated Washington July 1st. (Bidental) Referring to Department telegram of June 24th beginning Mazzerino conspirato the projective advance of Camara14 to the east makes it much to be desired Watson’s15 squadron x x to move telegraph when you can send it,having regard for your necessities at Santiago His cruisers and armored vessels should be full of coal. The Department does not wish to weaken you but diversion favorable for by operation positive is necessary.16 Long.
Dated Washington July 1st (Appligio) The Spanish Minister to Venezuela purchasing quantities provisions. Two schooners chartered alleged destination Oruba Island., W.I.17 Long.
Dated Washington July 1st. Supplies and Accounts18 complain that proper use is the mode of the Supply ships that they are not kept going around the coast distributing provisions to the different vessels but allowed to remain in one place for long periods[;] they inform the Department that most of the fresh provisions aboard the Supply were allowed to spoil as a result of the long time she stayed in port.
Dated New York July 1st. St.Paul. Sigsbee.19
Dated Washington July 1st. The Supply will sail shortly with fresh provisions general groceries and such special orders as may be wired the refrigerating ships should be constantly kept employed distributing fresh provisions one on the north coast and one on the south until their cargoes are exhausted when they should be returned to New York. Long.
Received the following communication.
Headquarters, July 2nd,1898
Admiral Sampson. May I ask the assistance of your surgeons in the Hospital at Sibony. I have 385 wounded there and many more than that here and medical officers are much needed.
Dated July 2nd. Terrible fight yesterday but my line is now strongly intrenched about 3/4 mile from town. I urge that you make effort immediately to force the entrance to avoid future losses among my men which are already very heavy. You can now operate with less loss of life than I can. Please telephone answer.
Dated July 2nd. It is impossible for me to say when I can take batteries at entrance to harbor if they are as difficult to take as those which we have been pitted against it will be some time and a great loss of life. I am at loss to see why the Navy cannot work as well as the Army. My Loss yesterday was over five hundred men. By all means keep up fire on everything in sight of you until demolished. I expect however in time and sufficient men to capture the forts along the Bay. Shafter.
Telephoned the following to Headquarters. To General Shafter. Admiral Sampson has this morning bombarded forts at entrance of Santiago,and also Punta Gorda Battery inside,silencing their fire. Do you wish further firing on his part. He began at 5.30 finished at 7.50 Your message to him here. Impossible to force entrance until we can clear channel of mines. A work of some time after forts are taken possession of by your troops. Nothing in this direction accomplished yesterday by the advance on Aguadores. Lieut. Staunton.20
July 2nd. Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary. (Misdruck) We need ammunition 13” 12” 8” 6” common shell for 6 pdr.semi armor piercing shell for 12” shrapnel for 4” and for 5” and ammunition for 37 m Maxim Nordenfeldt do not send no more armor piercing shell.
July 3rd. To Secretary. Degoute) Boiler tubes of [Torpedo] Boat No.70 (Porter) have given out can a complete new set be sent here.
To Secretary. (Argutabunt) I recommend that the Secretary of War21 take steps to fill with coal the army transports.
To Secretary. The fleet under my command offers the nation as a Fourth of July present the destruction of the whole of Cevera’s22 fleet. Not one escaped. It attempted to escape at 9.30 this morning at two the last ship the Cristobal Colon had run ashore 60 miles west of Santiago and hauled down her colors. The Infanta Maria Teresa, Oquendo and Vizcaya were forced ashore burned and blown up within 20 miles of Santiago. The Furor and Pluton were destroyed within four miles of the port.23 Loss one killed and two wounded. Enemy’s loss probably several hundred from gun fire explosions and drowning. About 1300 prisoners including Admiral Cervera. The man killed was George H.Ellis, Chief Yeoman of the Brooklyn.24
(Sent about 3.00 A.M. July 4th)
The following despatches were sent by Commodore Watson:--
To Secretary. At nine thirty A.M. today Spanish squadron seven in all including one gunboat came out of Santiago in column and was totally destroyed within an hour excepting Cristobal Colon which was chased forty-five miles to westward by the Commander-in-Chief,Brooklyn,Oregon and Texas;surrendering to Brooklyn but was beached to prevent sinking. None of our officers or men were injured except on board Brooklyn the Chief Yeoman Ellis was killed and one man wounded. Admiral Cervera,all commanding officers excepting of Oquendo,25about seventy other officers and sixteen hundred men are prisoners;about three hundred and fifty killed or drowned and one hundred and sixty wounded latter cared for on Solace and Olivette. Have just arrived off Santiago in Marblehead to take charge while Commander-in-Chief is looking out for Christobal Colon. Watson.
To General Henry M. Duffield,U.S.V. Commodore Watson does not know Admiral Sampson’s intentions since the destruction of the Spanish Squadron but does not himself think fleet should try to go into harbor of Santiago. Watson.
July 4th. Sent the following despatch.
To Secretary. Referring to your telegram of July first beginning referring to Department Bidental Oitavamos repeat 13th and 29th cipher words.26
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 4th. What ammunition do vessels of Watson’s Squadron need to fill up Department attaches the utmost importance to the immediate preparation of Watson’s Squadron for departure. Long.
Dated Washington July 3rd.(Wahlkasten) Have received information to the effect that Cervera has been ordered to shell town when U.S.gets possession foreign consuls have been notified to retire at that time to a safe place without the limits of the city. Long
Transmitted the following telegram from Admiral Cervera to General Blanco.
General-in-Chief. Havana. In obedience to the orders of Your Excellency I left Cuba yesterday morning with my Squadron,and after an unequal combat against forces more than treble mine all my squadron were destroyed. Theresa, Oquendo, and Vizcaya set afire and beached. The Colon, according to American reports,beached and surrendered. The torpedo boat destroyers foundered. I am yet ignorant of the loss of men,but it will surely amount to more than six hundred dead,and many wounded,although not in such great proportion. Those alive are prisoners of the Americans.
The men acting so creditably that they have merited the highest the highest praise from the enemy.
The Commander of the Vizcaya was allowed to retain his sword.27
I am thankful for the generosity and great courtesy with which we are treated.
Among the dead is Villanil,and I believe Lazaya.28
Among the wounded Concas and Bulato.29
We have lost all and will need funds.
Sent the following despatches.
To Secretary. There will be on board the Harvard tomorrow ready to go north 985 officers and men Spanish prisoners on board the St.Louis 729. Where shall they be sent?
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 4th. You have the gratitude and congratulations of the whole American people. Convey to noble officers and crew through whose valor new honors have been added to the American Navy the grateful thanks and appreciation of the Nation.
William McKinley, Executive Mansion,July 4th,98
Dated Washington July 4th. The Secretary of the Navy sends you and every officer and man of your fleet,remembering equally your dead comrade,grateful acknowledgement of your heroism and skill. All honor to the brave. You have maintained the glory of the American Navy.
John Long.
Dated Washington July 2nd. (Aplayaria Condicito) The U.S. Consul,Guadaloupe30 Islands,W.I.,from Point a Pitre the West Indies and Panama cable operative is instructed belligerents war x x x telegraphic communication unless countersigned by the Governor of the Colony sent from does not restrict consular telegram therefore the U.S.Commanding Officer using this cable better have the U.S.Consul send message by cable another collier British Burton from Cadiz is just arrived Point a Pitre,Guadaloupe,bound for x x x loaded mar still here. Long.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary. (Accademico) I believe it to be practicable to raise the Spanish ship Colon and possibly one or two of the other ships Colon uninjured by gunshot. I recommend responsible wrecking company be sent here at once.
Received the following communications:--
Headquarters,July 4th,1898.
Admiral Sampson:- Our sick and wounded at Siboney have to be moved at once on ship board and we have no facilities for doing it. Will you kindly furnish us a launch and four boats to carry them from shore to Hospital ship and continue the work until all are transferred. The officers in charge of boats will please report to Dr.La Garde31 Surgeon in charge of Hospital at Siboney. The work should begin today. W. R. Shafter.
Headquarters 5th Army Corps,July 4th,1898.
Admiral W.T.Sampson,Comdg.U.S.Navy Forces:-Through negligence of our Cuban allies Pando32 with 5,000 men entered the city of Santiago last night. This nearly doubles their forces I have demanded their surrender which they refuse but I am giving them some wounded prisoners and delaying operations to let foreign citizens get out and there will be no action before the 6th and perhaps the 7th instant. Now if you will force your way into the harbor the town will surrender without any further sacrifice of life. My present position has cost me 1,000 men and I do not wish to lose any more. With my forces on one side and yours on the other,and they have a great Terror of the Navy,for they know they cannot hurt you, we shall have them. I ask for an early reply. Very respectfully, Wm.R.Shafter, Maj.Gen.U.S.V.,Commanding.
Dated Washington July 1st. Question of telegrams was considered by President and decision that you and General Shafter were to exercise joint control is his decision. Long.
July 5th. Sent the following despatches.
To Secretary. (Wegehaus) Referring to my telegram of yesterday beginning Accademico Quitting please send with the least possible delay wrecking company33 as the ship can be saved undoubtedly if the work is commenced before bad weather commences.
To Secretary. About midnight last night the Reina Mercedes was seen by the Massachusetts which vessel had her search light on the channel coming out of the harbor of Santiago. The Massachusetts and Texas opened fire and the Spanish vessel was sunk opposite Estrella Cove. I am inclined to think that it was the intention to sink her in the channel thus blocking the harbor entrance. If so this plan was defeated by the fire of the ships as she lies on the edge of the channel and does not block it.34
Received the following despatches.
Dated Washington July 4th. Austrian Minister35 requests that the commander of the Austrian man-of-war Maria Teresa be permitted by you yo [i.e., to] communicate with the Austrian Legation in Washington by cable. Long.
Dated Washington July 4th. To Indiana. Ordered eight pads from Key West and racks and pinions from Washington. Long.
Dated Washington July 5th. (Seelentos) The following received by War Department and forwarded to Navy,I regard as necessary that the Navy force entry into harbor not later than July 6th and assist x x the place x x the place shall (will) surrender without further sacrifice of life. Signed Shafter. Cooperate with the Army in taking Santiago as according to your best judgment in the matter. Long.
Dated Washington July 5th. Order Resolute to proceed to Charleston immediately ready to carry troops from Charleston to Santiago. Long.
Dated Washington July 5th. Place aboard the Solace as many of the wounded prisoners under charge of the Navy and as many of the United States Army wounded as Solace is able to carry in addition to the Navy sick and send the vessel at once to Hampton Roads. Long.
Dated Washington July 5th. Telegraph when Solace sails the number of each class of wounded and sick on board. Long
Dated Washington July 5th. Send Harvard and St.Louis to Portsmouth,NewHampshire,have them sail as soon as possible. Place 40 additional marines on each vessel with Captains Russell,Kellen,and Lieutenant Moses.36 Will send other officers to you. Long.
Dated Washington July 5th. As requested by State Department you are authorized to allow Austrian man-of-war Marie Teresa37 to make such observations as you may consider advisable.
Dated Washington July 5th. Hold Harvard until further orders but land her troops and be ready to have her come north as soon as these orders are received. Long.
Dated Washington July 5th. Furnish Commodore Watson Hydrographic Office special European outfits from the Texas and the Indiana for colliers. Estes,Acting Chief.38
Dated “In camp near Santiago” July 5th. General Shafter’s compliments to Admiral Sampson and he can see him out here at any time but General Shafter is not able to go into Siboney. He desires very much to see the Admiral and especially if an attempt is to be made to enter the harbor. General Shafter doubts his ability to keep his command in food through Siboney. Large reenforcements of Light Artillery and Infantry are on the way. General Shafter congratulates Admiral Sampson on his splendid success with Spanish fleet. (2.13. P.M.)
Dated “In camp near Santiago” July 5th. I am directed by the President to confer with you fully as to a joint attack on Santiago. I am unable to ride in to see you. Can you not come here to see me? If not I will send two of my staff officers in tomorrow morning to represent me.
Shafter,U.S.V.,Comdg. (3.12 P.M.)
Dated “In camp near Santiago” July 5th. The landing at Siboney is becoming very precarious on account of the heavy surf which is beginning to prevail. Is it not probable that the troops on the west side of Santiago Bay near Cabanitas have left and that place might be utilized as a landing place for troops and supplies. Will you kindly give me your views on the subject. I fear we can use Siboney but little longer. Shafter,Comdg.(3.27 P.M.)
Dated “in camp near Santiago” July 5th. Day before yesterday I proposed an exchange for Hobson and men to General Toral39 but was flatly refused I have just received a letter from General Toral agreeing to my request. Hope to complete it in the morning. Shafter,Maj.Gen.Comdg. (3.17 P.M.)
July 6th. Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary:-(Accordava) Serious outbreak occurred among Spanish prisoners about one o’clock the night of the fourth making it necessary that they be fired upon by the guard seven men were killed and six wounded. The officers on board have been put on parole to do nothing inimical to the United States during their passage north. So far as known none of the officers were at all concerned in the outbreak. We have not as yet been able to discover the cause.40
July 5th Despatches received July 5ht:--
Dated Washington July 5th. Do you think it would be advisable to send down wrecking apparatus to you for use on vessels you have destroyed could anything of value be recovered? (10.25 A.M.)
Dated Washington July 5th. The President has just issued this order to the Secretary of War and to the Secretary of the Navy. General Shafter and Admiral Sampson should confer at once for cooperation in taking Santiago after the fullest exchange of views they should determine the time and manner of attack the Department desires you carry out these instructions. (12.30 P.M.)
July 6th. Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 6th. Have you considered the possibility of using Vulcan for wrecking purposes Engineer-in-Chief41 says she has a complete a wrecking plant except derricks as any regular wrecker am now trying to arrange with wrecking companies but they are slow and it might be possible for you to save the Colon before they get their plant down there (8.45 A M.) Long.
Dated Washington July 6th. Board composed of three senior medical officers available hereby constituted to examine yourself for promotion accordance section fourteen hundred and ninety-three Revised Statutes and will report by wire.
(8.8.25 A.M.)
Dated “In the Field near Santiago” July 6th. I understand the commanding officer of the Manning42 commenced firing yesterday at Daiquiri without any attack being made or without any request from the officer commanding on shore I hope you will give instructions to prevent you boats firing on the shore except at the request of the commanding officer,unless an attack is plainly in progress.
Shafter Major General (10.08 A.M.)
Received the following communication.
Sibonay,Cuba,July 5th,1898.
Admiral Sampson,U.S.S.Massachusetts”,at Sea.
Sir:- The boat which was kindly placed at my disposal by the Captain of Cruiser St.Louis43 for the purpose of unloading and landing stores from the lighter “Laura” has had a large hole knocked into her and is,as far as I can see,not in shape to be easily repaired. The coxswain too has a broken leg,and as I am utterly dependent on boat and man to put rations for troops on shore,I have the honor to request that both be replaced here and directed to report to me without delay. This communication is written,and addressed to you,by direction of Major General Shafter?U.S.A Very respectfully, J.F.Weston, Colonel Ass’t Coms’y Gen’l of Subs.44 Chief Commissary of Expedition.
Sent the following despatch:--
To S.O.P.,45 Guantanamo. Supply ships that are to take army wounded to United States with coal and water sufficient to make the trip.
To C.O.,Iowa.46 You will take from Celtic four months stores
To C.O.,Celtic.47 You will deliver to the Iowa four months stores.
Received the following despatches:-
Dated Headquarters 5th Army Corps. Wirth48 was sent from the lines and is to be deported for use of abusing language and for attempting to create a spirit of dissatisfaction amongst our men. Shafter, Maj.Gen. (1.48 P.M.)
Dated Washington July 6th. Transfer accounts of Walter Roland Hoyl,coal passer,from Iowa to Franklin. Crowninshield
Dated Washington July 6th. Herald49 requests facilities of the Vulcan to dispatch boat Mindora now off Santiago disabled by accident. You are authorized to do so only as far as she can be spared from naval and wrecking requirements.
Dated Washington July 6th. You can hold Solace until after arrival of Army Hospital Ship Relief which has stores for Solace. (4.00 ).M.)
Dated Washington July 6th. Ascertain and report to Department concerning the safety of Lieutenant Caballero50 of the Cruiser Maria Teresa.|51|
Dated Playa July 6th. Transport Whitney and Morgan have been ordered to Tampa without convoy. They have no enough coal to carry them there am I authorized to furnish them with coal. (7.05 P.M.) McCalla.52
Dated Playa July 6th. Brooklyns remaining main battery ammunition reduced to ninety-eight inch common shell and three hundred and ninety three five inch common shell. Remainder blind armor piercing am taking fifty eight inch common and about one hundred and seventy five inch armor piercing which are all that are here. There are needed to complete Supply three hundred and thirty five eight inch common one thousand ninety five in common electric primed fixed hundred six hundred armor piercing three hundred forty one[-]pounder armor piercing. (8 P.M.) Schley.53
Date Washington July 6th. You are instructed not to risk (Absisterm) loss of any armored vessels by submarine mines unless for the most urgent reasons as the duration and result of this war will depend chiefly upon the superiority of our Navy to that of the enemy it has always been considered here that if you will batter the Morro54 and the U.S.Army will assail and take they could hold the bank of the entry driving away infantry of the enemy from the vicinity of mine fields thus enabling your boats supported by fire of the vessels to clear a channel through which your ships could enter and take the place.
( 2.30 P.M.) Long.
Dated July 1st,Washington (repeated July 8th) Bidental) Referring to Departments telegram of June 24th beginning Mazzerino Conspirato the prospective advance of Camara to the east makes if [i.e., it] much to be desired Watson’s squadron should commence to move telegraph when you can and send it, having regard for your necessities at Santiago. His cruisers and armored vessels should be full of coal. The Department does not wish to weaken you but diversion favorable for operation positive is necessary.
July 7th. Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:-(Conticebam) I recommend the Massachusetts to be ordered to join Eastern squadron in place of the Iowa. The Massachusetts being in a most efficient condition.
To Secretary:- Beg that requisition for Clothing and Small Stores made a month since on General Storekeeper,Key West, be filled. Much needed for all ships.
To Secretary:- Please forward to this place one hundred boiler tubes for the Massachusetts and cause to be sent from Key West here evaporator coils for the same ship and boiler tubes of Vesuvius.
To Bureau of Ordnance:--Send Oregon some fuze cutters for new boxer fuze.55
To Secretary:-(Acendrado) Orders were sent the Yosemite today fill up with coal and provisions for 4 months at St.Thomas and then return to her station at San Juan. Orders were sent to the Yosemite on June twenty-eighth at St.Thomas and at Mole St.Nicholas to proceed to Guantanamo. She has evidently not received those orders probably not having touched at either of those ports being left alone on the blockade by the departure of the St.Paul for the North.
To Commodore Schley,Guantanamo:--Please telegraph what wrecking facilities the Vulcan has.
To C.O.,Yosemite,56St.Thomas (Vortrupps) Fill up with coal and provisions for 4 months at St.Thomas and then return to station off San Juan.
To Secretary:-- (Spielhaus) I now can spare the New Orleans to join Watsons squadron if Department desires it.
The following letter was received:--
To His Excellency Rear Admiral Sampson,Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces of the United States.
My Very dear Sir:- The attentions my subordinates as well as myself have received from the American sailors since we have had the misfortune of being prisoners,place me under the obligation of showing our gratitude which I do with the greatest pleasure writing to Your Excellency this letter in which I beg you to accept this expression of gratitude in the name of all. On my part I join to it the expression of personal consideration with which I remain your Excellency’s Pascual Cervera, Rear Admiral. Guantanamo 5th of July,1898.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary. (Squadrant) Lieutenant Caballero was aboard Pluton and probably lost. Is not in Harvard or Resolute but possibly aboard St.Louis. As the Cristobal Colon was sunk treacherously after surrendering by opening Kingston valve her officers and men should be detained until a commission investigates and fixes responsibility of those ordering destruction some of her breech plugs were thrown overboard and even Mauser rifles breech plugs. The question of the Morality of such dishonorable conduct after surrendering when the ship immediately became the property of the Captor should be settled and a stigma attached to those responsible.57
Following communications were received:--
Headquarters 5th Army Corps,
Camp near San Juan River,Cuba,July 6,1898.
Minutes of a conversation between Captain Chadwick58 of the Navy,representing Admiral Sampson,and General Shafter. That a long continued bombardment be made of Santiago from the sea,with the heavier guns of the fleet,the fleet firing slowly and continuously during say 24 hours,at the rate of 1 shell every 5 minutes,excepting 1 hour at the rate of 1 every 2 minutes. This refers to the 8” to 13” shells. If this be not sufficient to bring the enemy to terms,that an assault be arranged on the Socapa battery using marines and the Cuban forces under General Cebreco59 and an effort made to enter the harbor with some of the smaller ships of the Squadron. This attack to be made upon knowing the result of a second demand made upon the Commanding Officer of the Spanish Forces for surrender of the place,stating to him the conditions that surround him; destruction of the Spanish fleet,etc.,and the number of forces opposed to him. To give him time to consider the matter,the date of bombardment is fixed at noon of the 9th,unless he positively refuses to consider it at all,when it will be begun at such time as is convenient to ourselves. General Shafter will furnish Admiral Sampson with correct map showing where his lines will be,surrounding the city and also open telegraphic communication by the way of Siboney down to near Aguadores to give information as to falling of shots.
Headquarters 5th Army Corps,Camp near Santiago,July 7,1898
Sir:-The Spanish Commander will consult his home government as suggested in my letter of yesterday. If it becomes necessary to run a ship into Santiago Harbor,I can give you a double screw transport. Would it be practicable to run such a vessel in dragging an anchor to catch torpedo connections,manned by a force just sufficient to handle the boat? My men are getting sick very fast,and if the result of the first day’s bombardment is not decisive it will be absolutely necessary for the Navy to break into the harbor at once I send herewith a map of Santiago,upon which our positions are indicated. Very respectfully,
Wm.R.Shafter,Major General,U.S.V.Comdg
July 8th: Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 7th. To McCalla. Send collier Caesus [i.e., Caesar] to Hampton Roads at once she is to go with Watson’s squadron. Long.
Dated Washington July 7th. To McCalla. Can you ascertain whether Pably Marina aidedecamp to General Paredes on board the Cristobol Colon was saved.60 Crowninshield.
Dated Washington July 7th. To McCalla. Can you find out when Resolute will start for Charleston and Harvard for Portsmouth War Department keep making inquiries which cannot be answered as no reply comes from Sampson. Crowninshield.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:-- Marina Aidecamp to Paredes is on board the Saint Louis. The Resolute will sail this afternoon as soon as her prisoners are transferred to Harvard. Harvard will sail as soon as she take two hundred tons of coal,has been delayed by inability of Army to handle fifty tons of stores still aboard. I have ordered her to leave without waiting on this account. Caesar left yesterday for Lambert s Point. Sampson.
To Secretary:-- (Conticebam) Shall I substitute Massachusetts for Iowa in Eastern Squadron Iowa should go north for repairs and cleaning if dock is ready.
To Secretary:-- (Regateason) Captured vessel with 1000 tons provisions at Manzanillo,Cuba,which were originally shipped from New York this should be suppressed at New York.
To Secretary:-- The Lebanon is about to be discharged. Where shall she be sent.
To Commodore Remey:-- When will New Orleans be ready to leave Key West. Mail and all other articles should be sent by her.
Received the following despatches:-
Dated Washington July 5th,1898. You will without delay (Marjoram) coal the Iowa and Oregon Newark and Aux.No.434 (Dixie) Aux.No.596(Yosemite) and placing them under the command of Commodore No.10 (Watson) direct him to assemble them at once Mole Haiti,where he will receive further orders from Department.
Dated Washington July 7th. Wrecking expedition leaves Norfolk this afternoon. Long.
Dated Washington July 8th. (Appilinte) To Watson. Spanish vessel(s) Telefera heavy cargo coal left July 6th for Port Said,Egypt. Consul,Lisbon, reports 20,000 tons of coal at Lisbon,Portugal Lepanto,Cisneros,Vitoria,Alfonso XII,ordered to cruise in the Strait. Long.
Dated New York July 7th. Public deeply interested in latest news regarding situation and prospects New York World will appreciate favor of message from you and will send it broadcast throughout country by Associated Press.
Dated Washington July 7th. Replying to your telegram of July sixth Merritt Wrecking Company has been engaged and sailed this afternoon from Norfolk. Use Vulcan also if practicable. Long.
Copy of a telegram from Blanco to Cervera:--
Your Excellency’s telegram of yesterday61 afflicts me with profound sorrow and I admire the behavior of the officers and crews perhaps the selection of another hour to leave would have given different result. Sampson states on his part not having suffered more than three casualties. Is this possible? Tell me what funds your Excellency needs when and how I can place them and your Excellency your officers and men under your orders can count upon the expression of my lively interest and I desire to alleviate your situation all I can.
Dated Washington July 8th. To McCalla. Fern sailed from Key West for Guantanamo towing a lighter on the 27th has arrived Department desires she return to Key West at earliest possible date to be fitted as a post office ship.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:- The Vulcan has no wrecking apparatus whatever.
To Navigation:-Porter will be put in temporary repair by the Vulcan and will then sail for Bristol,Rhode Island,communicating with Department en route.
To Secretary:-- Where shall Niagara be sent when discharged.
To Ordnance:-- Please send at once for Oregon 12 thirteen inch gas check pads.62
To Commodore Remey:63-When will New Orleans be ready to leave Key West. Mail and all other articles should be sent by her.
To Secretary:-(Accredor) Referring to Departments telegram of July 6th repeated July 8th beginning Camara having passed Suez.64 It is my op[i]nion in view of the large Spanish reinforcements from Cadiz,Spain,for Philipine Islands,we should send our squadron at once.
To Supplies and Accounts:--Request an assortment of lumber be sent to the Vulcan by the first collier for general use especially cedar or white pine for boat planking and some two inch oak planks.
To Secretary:- Preliminary report from Board ordered to examine wrecks states that wrecking vessels should be gotten here immediately,think no doubt about saving Vizcaya and Maria Teresa and Cristobal Colon if haste be made. Colon is much the most valuable being in perfect order. Would recommend most powerful appliances be sent at once.
To Secretary:--Referring to your telegram received forenoon of eight beginning “French cruiser Destaing” repeat whole cipher portion.
To General Shafter:-We have a number I think not less than ten three inch rifle rapid fire field guns shrapnel with 85 rounds of ammunition for each gun,would you like to have them. They are light and easily transported and I think would do you good service.
Received the following despatch:--
Headquarters 5th Army Corps. Would like the rapid fire guns by all means but you will have to send the detachment to serve them. All the artillerymen I have are behind guns. Please let me have them at Siboney as early tomorrow as possible. Shafter Major General.
July 9th. Sent the following despatches:--
To Commodore Remey:-Telegraph by calibre and class the quantity of loaded and fuzed shells and shrapnel of all descriptions in store at Key West. Please send Dixies mail
To Secretary of the Navy:-I have directed Lieutenant Commander Kimball65 to act as Ordnance Officer at Key West Naval Base in addition to his present duties,any difficulty lies there and is due to uncertainty as to the exact description of ammunition received from Tampa. Were the Jovite shell mentioned in Bureau Ordnance letter No.4764 included in Washington Navy Yard shipment of April 20th. This ammunition was of necessity kept in Fern and its description could not be verified.
To Commodore Watson:-(Butterfly) Please come to Guantanamo as early as possible with the Newark and Massachusetts and take charge of the vessels no here belonging to Eastern Squadron which are the Oergon [i.e., Oregon] and Aux.No.43466 and the Massachusetts and the Iowa. This ship will return to Santiago as soon as she takes reasonable amount of coal. Certainly expect to arrive there by Sunday morning.
To Secretary:--(Abborderei) I send you by post report of Board of Investigation relating to the collision between the Newark and the Dolphin as but one of these ships with officers attached thereto have been within reach of Board positive conclusion as to who is to blame cannot be determined but so far as this may be determined from evidence given blame seems to rest upon Lieutenant Dutton67 who as officer of the deck through ignorance of the duty is to blame for collision.
Received the following despatch:--
Headquarters 5th Army Corps,July 9th. Spanish commander proposes to abandon Santiago if permitted to march out to Holguin and not be attacked en route.68 The truce will continue for the present and I will notify you of its discontinuance. Shafter,Major General.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Supplies & Accounts:--A quantity of woolen clothing will be needed for the prisoners o[n] board the Harvard on their arrival at Portsmouth they now have very little other than thin working suits.
Received the following despatch.
From Secretary. Dated Washington July 9th. The telegraph service now being given the Navy Department is intolerably bad very many messages sent you during the last week have not been answered many messages from your are forty eight hours old when received the ciphers are so mutilated as to be almost unrecognizable and take hours to decipher this must and shall stop at once place a naval officer at the telegraph office to be used by this Department to supervise the sending and receiving of Navy Department messages the first word of every message sent by the Department will be the number of that message immediately upon a message being received the Navy Officer in charge will telegraph to Department number of message and time of receipt department desires most vigorous action on your part as regards telegrams and similar action by Department will be taken at this end of line. I am determined that this inefficient service to Navy Department shall stop at once.
Dated Washington July 9th. Yesterday telegram the first word which was not understood referred to ammunition in accordance with your recommendation Massachusetts is substituted for Iowa in Watson’s squadron issue necessary orders to their commanding officers. Long.
Telegram referred to above. Attention now on the way in St.Paul not for Watson’s ships Yankee will take Supply for them. Long.
Dated Headquarters 5th Army Corps July 9th. I suggest you send half the number of rapid fire guns with double the amount of ammunition per gun. Shafter, Major General.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary. Please send two spare propeller blades for port propeller to Newark by first opportunity.
Orders were issued to Lieutenant Anderson69 to take the steamer Adula to Savannah as a prize.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary: Couperose. Owing to the unsatisfactory condition of the boilers of the Porter she has this day been instructed to proceed north to her builders at Bristol, R.I.,to have herboilers repaired. Should the Department deem it advantageous these orders with regard to her repairs may be modified as the Bureau may deem desirable.
To Commodore Howell:70 Abbazamai. You will please assume command of the blockading forces on the north coast of Cuba,and as the forces defending the city of Santiago are about to capitulate or to abandon the defense of the city and to march towards Holguin,which will be at a point in Cuba where it would be convenient to either remove the troops by boats through the cays on the North coast of Cuba,or to provision them by the same route. You will please station between the Bay of Nipe and the Bay of Nuevitas a sufficient force to prevent any expeditions reaching Holguin between these two points and make such other disposition of your forces as will blockade the north coast of Cuba as far as it is possible to do so with the force at your command.
To Secretary. Caparrate. The Oregon and the Massachusetts and Aux.No.434 and Commodore Watson in the Newark are here have not been able to communicate with Aux.No.59671 But squadron going that way can communicate with her and order her to fill with coal provisions at St.Thomas without causing delay at that point Squadron can leave in 2 days no reply has been received to my suggestion that New Orleans should join. I suggest that Watsons squadron should assemble at San Juan,P.R., instead of Mole St.Nicholas.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Camp near Santiago,July 9th. Adjutant General informs me that Navy Department reported the arrival of one double deck lighter and one tug at Santiago yesterday and that they are for my use will you kindly see that they report to the Chief Quartermaster at Siboney if in your vicinity. Shafter, Major General.
To General Shafter:--
Sent the following despatches:-- I think all batteries with guns magazines,etc.,and all fortifications and their material should be surrendered intact all contact mines taken up and all observation mines destroyed so that ships can at once enter without danger.
To General Shafter. Replying to you telegram the Fern arrived on the third instant from Key West bringing two lighters which were turned over to the Quartermaster and I understand have since been ruined by striking on the beach at Siboney.
To Secretary: Quinine disinfectants and surgical dressing should be sent here either by the Solace or other conveyance as soon as practicable.
July 10th. To Navigation: Newark requests as necessary following increase in complement. One water tender,three firemen first class three firemen second class six coal passers. Increase recommended. If allowed send above men by Yankee none here available.
Dated Washington July 10. Telegram No.7 did you receive telegrams about Solace and Porter when will Solace leave for Hampton Roads.
Dated Washington July 10th. Contract for wrecking Spanish vessels concluded provides Colon raised first other vessels as practicable work subject to supervision of officer selected by you and subsisted by Company appoint such officer he will report progress weekly including time of wreckers passage by log book Vulcan will assist as practicable detail vessels to protect wreckers assist if necessary in having wrecks copy contract mailed no changes in form since.
Dated Key West July 10th. Please instruct master of collier William B.Palmer to proceed to Newport News after discharging. Forsyth, Comdt.72
Sent the following despatch:--
To Ordnance:-The following ammunition and equipments are required for Oregon and Massachusetts ninety six thirteen inch common shell; forty five thirteen inch semi armor piercing shell; one hundred and twenty-four thirteen inch charges; three hundred eight inch common shell; five hundred eight inch charges; two hundred and fifty-four six inch common shell; two hundred and seventy-five six inch charges; eight t[h]ousand six pounder complete charges; fifteen hundred vent sealing electric primers; one thousand percussion primers; six gun locks; one hundred extra dry cells; twenty eight inch gas check pads; twenty thirteen inch gas check pads; one set new valve stems for hydraulic rammers and ammunition hoists of thirteen inch turrets; two racks and pinions for thirteen inch breech plug one right and one left; three sents search light lenzes for Oregon.
Received the following despatch:--
Dated Washington July 10th. Advise Department now or at any time hereafter whether duplicate of wrecking plant73 sent is required[;] expedition despatched consists of wrecking vessels four pumps three cables and anchors three blocks and falls two surf boats one steam hoister and necessary personnel including three divers. Long.
Dated Washington July 7th,corrected July 10th.(Marmoleria) French cruiser Destaing74 ordered from Fort de France to Havana where she is expected to arrive about the sixth and to remain for a few days only look after Spanish steamer Pio X from Vera Cruz to some place in Cuba 610 tons of coal and some cargo said that she will sail from Vera Cruz as soon as information whether or not Villaverde has arrived in Cuba safely.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary:-Telegram concerning wrecking apparatus received. That sent is believed at present sufficient.
To Secretary:-Harvard sails this afternoon recommend arrangements for immediate landing of prisoners on arrival. She will need coal and water to carry her elsewhere. Solace sails tomorrow.
July 10th. Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:-- Oregon and Massachusetts need large Supply medical stores,send by Yankee.
To Secretary:-There is required for the Eastern Squadron a large quantity of bunting[,] two hundred sounding tubes[,] one bassent tube and sinker[,] two rotators[,] negus patent log[,] globes[,] hand lanterns[,] four thousand pounds white lead[,] hundred gallons linseed oil raw[,] fifty turpentine[,] japan dryers[,] hundred feet inch ash lumber[,] hundred feet five eighths inch ash[,] hundred feet inch oak[,] d/d/lanterns[,] fifty gallons lard oil[,] two pennants[,] number four four glass fronts for search lights also spare parts for dynamo.
To Secretary:-The cable company are much concerned about the contents of your despatch sent over the line yesterday The manager at Nicholas Mole has called today and promises an immediate improvement by changing some of the operators.
To Secretary:--Request tug Potomac stationed at New Orleans may be sent here without delay to assist in wrecking prizes and for such other duty as her excellent equipment qualifies her for.
To Secretary:--Send sufficient soap and tobacco in Supply ship to Supply deficiencies in ships eastern squadron.
To Commodore xxxxxxxxx Schley:--Begin firing as requested by General Shafter as soon as possible,using 12 and 13 inch guns of Indiana and Texas. Do not fire unless the Army is prepared to signal you fall of shots from Aguadores.
To International Navigation Co. One Suction valve complete one pressure stop valve for shutting pressure off deck at engine one pressure stop valve for shutting off forward and after capstans,this valve is on pressure pipe leading to deck above port L.P.cylinder. Valve required for Hydraulic engines to replace fractured valves. All to meet Harvard on arrival at Port[s]mouth,N.H.
To Secretary:-I recommend Captain Clark, Philip,Higginson,Evans,Taylor,Cook,Chadwick to be advanced five numbers. Lieutenant Commander Wainwright ten numbers. Lieutenant Commanders R.Rodgers,Schroeder,J.Rodgers,Cogswell,Potter,Harber,Mason,and Lieutenants Staunton and Sharp five numbers. Though the Massachusetts was not in the action, the destruction of the Spanish squadron was the inevitable outcome of the weeks of arduous and dangerous blockade which had no precedent in its method and of which that ship bore its full part. The recommendation regarding Lieut.Staunton is based upon staff work which deserves reward75
Misascribe Arponando Putaneasen Lotures Ubereris Attardames Accipient Kolbenlauf Adastiato Militaryily Sacculated Retapasen Abellota Arrhe Estrupraban Caducanda Immixture Trotoneria Gzias Festgesang Plumosity Jobarder Adimplendo which I assume is well konwn [i.e., known] to the Department Riversato Reconquest.76
To Secretary:--Achocaron- When will Armerialeave Key West with Ammunition for New Orleans.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 10th(Applayaria)—-The U.S.Consul at Port Antonio,Jamiaca,77is reliably informed large quantity provisions being shipped by the Spanish Consul from Jamaica to Isle of Pines,W.I.,thence to Havana Cuba via Batabano. The U.S.Consul at Vera Cruz78 reports July 7th 2,000,000 cartridges arrived from the city of Mexico. Department does not wish the New Orleans for Commodore Watson much prefers Yosemite class. British schooner alert said to have left Lunenburg,Nova Scotia,June 21st,for Porto Rico cargo fish. Long.
Dated Headquarters 5th Army Corps,July 10th. I have the honor to inform you that it is expected that the bombardment of the City of Santiago de Cuba will begin this evening or tomorrow morning. I enclose you a revised chart showing position of the American and Spanish lines. I will communicate to you later in the day the exact hour when the firing should begin and it is respectfully requested that you be ready to begin at 4 The falling of the first shell will be observed and the result communicated to you by signal. It would be very disastrious for the morale of my men to have any of the shell fall near them and I think it would be better,at first to put your shots in the westward part of the city near the Bay.
W.R.Shafter,Major General,U.S.V.
Dated ? ? . I desire you to begin firing upon Santiago de Cuba as near four as possible.W.R.Shafter, Maj.Gen’l. (that has been signalled to his fleet).
Dated Siboney July 9th. Headquarters 5th Army Corps.Messages I sent you yesterday and today have apparently [not] been received by you. I have just asked that you commence firing on Santiago at four P.M. and sent you this morning our latest map of our position can you begin bombardment tomorrow morning if you can please do so and continue it as arranged with Captain Chadwick.Shafter,Major General.
July 11th. Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 10th. When Lebanon and Niagara are discharged send them to Lamberts Point. Long. (11.30 P.M.)
Dated Washington July 10th.6 A.M.Telegram No.7 Send collier Lebanon and Niagara to Key West to load with coal. Long.
Dated Wash’n July 11 6.A.M.Did you receive my telegram to send Lebanon and Niagara to Key West to load with coal. Long.
Dated Wash’n July 11,5.50 A.M. Tel.No.10. War Department reports the two hundred and fifty [t]on lighter towed to Guantanamo by Fern the ten ton lighter carried by the Niagara for use of Army has not been xxxxxxxxx turned over to General Shafter please see that Army received them lighters and report. Long.
Dated Wash’n July 10,8.10 P.M. Tel.No.2. New dash pots for Iowas twelve inch mounts now ready and will be sent by Armeria in about a week when she will also carry ammunition the new eight inch elevating gear for Iowa is also ready but is difficult to install as it required two weeks at a shipyard to install Brooklyns do you want it sent by Armeria or not Armeria will also take twelve new five inch top carriages and sleeves for Brooklyn unless you direct otherwise.
Dated Washington July 10th,8.25 P:M. Tel.No.3. Twelve thirteen inch gas check pads sent Key West by express July fifth orders to forward six to Indiana two pads there previously will send or have pads by Yankee. Long.
Dated Headquarters 5th Army Corps July 10th,9.10 P.M. Two maps have been sent you one yesterday and one today Hope you got them. Shafter,Major General.
Dated Key West July l0th,8.10 A.M. In store at Key West eighty thirteen any semi armor piercing shells thirty nine ten inch ditto seventee[n] six inch common shell all loaded and fused also for Hornet 660 six pounder cartridges and 360 forty seven millimeter cartridges loaded and fused.
Dated New York July 11th. Whole American People jubilant over great victory destruction Spanish squadron please convey congratulations New York World to all concerned kindly acknowledge?
Nelson Hersh, World.79
Dated N.Y.July 11th. Once more congratulations from New York World on bahalf [i.e., behalf] of Nation further details only intensify joy and enthusiasm over glorious victory we should be glad to receive message from you answer our expense. World.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Ordnance:--Do not send anymore armor piercing shell. A large quantity of common shell very badly needed.
To Commodore Remey:--Do not send anymore armor piercing shell.
To Ordnance:-Indiana requires four rock shafts for 13” ammunition hoist valves those now installed having become twisted out of line so much that they do not operate the valve properly.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Wash’n July 11th,6 A.M.(Sparteric) Relieve Aux.596 (Yosemite) from San Juan,P.R.,coal her and send to join Commo.Watson but if you cannot spare coal send her to Hampton Roads at once. New Orleans left Key West today for Santiago. Answer about Yosemite. The substitution of the Massachusetts for the Iowa in eastern squadron accepted. Long.
Dated Washington July 11th. No.1102 fm rax [i.e., rack]and pinions thirteen inch guns have been sent to Oregon by St.Paul Have they been received. Long.
Dated Playa del Este,July 11th. Please direct Iowa to give Massachusetts and Oregon ammunition if she can going north xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Dated Washington July 10th. Tel.No.6. Steamer Spiro took cargo provisions to Belize,Honduras. Spanish steamer now loading with these stores trying to change flag to the British[.] Camara is reported to be Spain.80 Long.
Dated Washington July ? Boiler tubes for Massachusetts being made of [i.e., if] Oregon or x x x [has] spare tubes they are same size Will put Newarks propeller blade on collier sending.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Commander McCalla:-Hasten the appraisement and discharge of stores in captured lighter in to Celtic and send the lighter to Sibouney.
To Commodore Watson:-Department has ordered to Yosemite to be relieved from San Juan and sent to join you also Massachusttes [i.e., Massachusetts] to be substituted for the Iowa and the eastern Squadron The Columbia passed to Yosemite standing north she has evidently received orders to fill with coal.
To Secretary:--Have ordered the New Orleans to San Juan to relieve the Yosemite.
To Secretary:--The English steamship Adula which cleared from Kingston for Guantanamo Santiago and Manzanillo contrary to the warning given by Consul Louis A. Dent to both the charterer one Solis and the Agent of the Company was seized at Guantanamo and was sent yesterday to Savannah Georgia with Lieutenant E.A. ANderson as a prize master.81
To Secretary:-Lebanon and Niagara will be sent to Lamberts Point as soon as they are discharged. Suggest elevating gear for Iowa be sent by Armeria unless the Iowa is to go north as I have recommended. St.Paul arrived yesterday Columbia and Yale arrived today. Columbia reports having seen the Yosemite in crooked Island passage82 Sunday morning stadning [i.e., standing] North.83
To Secretary:--Confidential (Absentando) Lighter brought by the Fern and Aux.No.512 (Niagara) were received and turned over. Large one was turned over to the quartermaster at Sibouney and anchored One the following day was ashore and destroyed. Until the embarkation transport and disembarking of troops and supplies come under the control of the Navy as in England this muddle will continue. We have done all we could for them ruined many boats and worked many of our men beyond proper limit. Propose to give them the use of new steel lighter captured recently as soon as it can be unloaded.
July 12th:-- Received the following despatches:--
Deated [i.e., Dated] Headquarters 5th Army Corps:--July 11th,1898. My Lines are now complete to the bay north of Santiago. Your shots can be observed from there perfectly at least those that fall in the town. Flames followed several shots fired today:--but seemed to be quickly extinguished. A number of shots fell in bay very close to a small gunboat lying near the shore. At present they are considering a demand for unconditional surrender. I will notify you of the result. I think it advisable to put in some heavy shots say ten to thirteen inches tomorrow and seen if we cannot start a fir[e.] Be careful not to shoot beyond the town as my troops are within one and one half miles of it and you will be firing directly towards us. Shafter,Maj.General.
Sent to Admiral Cervera despatch received from General Blanco for him.84
Received the following communications:--
Headquarters of the Army,On board U.S.S.Yale,Off Siboney,July 11th. Admiral,Sampson,Commanding U.S.Fleet. Sir:- I desire to land troops from the Yale,Columbia and Duchess to the west of the bay of Santiago Harbor,and follow it up with additional troops,moving east against the Spanish troops defending Santiago on the west. I will be glad if you can designate the most available point for disembarking the troops xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx,and render all the assistance practicable to the troops as they move east.85 Will notify you when troops are ready for the movement If you have an officer conversant with the locality,will be glad to see him. Very respectfully,Nelson A.Miles,Gen’lCdg
To Naval Officer in charge.Medical Officers. Sir:- Request that all available bedding that can be sent over from your ships be sent at once for wounded soldiers at Hospital this place. Very respect.L.A.Dickins,etc.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 12th. Please send Niagara and Lebanon to Key West for coal instead of Lambert’s Point. Acknowledge. Crowninshield.
Received the following telegram about July 7th:--
Dated Washington July 7th:--Do you make any recommendation concerning promotions.86 Long.
Received the following despatch:--
Dated Washington June 10th.Tel.No.6.(Appiglio)The Spanish Minister to Haiti protests against our use of Playa Mole Haiti cable reported it will be cut at Mole H[a]iti,reported the French Minister to Haiti87 will not protest as he distrusts the company the following is an extract from a dispatch from Gramtsquires censor at New York88 I understand that Kingston Santiago cable is working today from hut on shore and not from office at Santiago city also that messages between Blanco and Madrid have passed freely this forenoon via Kingston Cable hut on shore could be pointed out by any one familiar with Santiago to any vessel of the Naval force on N.A.Station which can approach in the range of and shelling will drive away operator and effectually close communication.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Navigation:--Telegrams concerning colliers Lebanon and Niagara received. Niagara will be sent to Key West as doon [i.e., soon] as discharged. Lebanon has on board all the countermines and gear may be required for use in the channel of Santiago. Request she be kept here for a few days. Sampson.
To Commodore Watson,Pl[a]ya del Este. Send Oregon and Massachusetts to Santiago for one days bombardment of city with thirteen inch shell. They should arrive Wednesday morning. Shell will be supplied Oregon.
To General Shafter:-- Admiral Sampson proposes to begin bombardment tomorrow morning with thirteen inch shell unless there are reasons for not doing so. Will General Shafter please inform him of the distance of the fall of the shot from the Cathedral using the Cathedral as a point of reference,and he would like particularly to know immediately if any shell fall in the water.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Key West July 12th. Please direct collier Frank A. Palmer to proceed to Newport News when discharged.
Dated Washington July 12th. Do you mean to say in your telegram that the two hundred and fifty ton lighter has been destroyed and that the boats have been injured. What is cipher word after Mockarange page. Long.89
Dated Washington July 12th. Please grant Assistant Engineer John V.Miller of the Marblehead leave of absence to bring remains of brother90 to his home. Long.
Dated Washington July 12th.Tel.No.18. Send the Yale to New York as soon as she discharged troops. Long.
Dated Washington July 12th.Number 13. No Jovite shell were sent you.91 Crowninshield.
Dated Washington July 12th. No.14. Armeria will leave Norfolk latter end of week with new rammer section for Indiana. Crowninshield.
Dated Washington July 12th. Tel.No.15. Gas check pads for Indiana at Key West two xxxxx racks and pinions will go by Armeria. Crowninshield.
Dated Headquarters 5th Corp.July 12. Telegram about fire west of gorge not understood. Spanish are and have been west of San Juan and our troops are quite close at present to said river south of Santiago road. Shafter.
Dated Santiago de Cuba,July 12th. A truce exists and negot[i]ations are now pending with Spanish commander all firing must be discontinued during the cessation of hostilities. Due notice of the commencement will be given you.
Dated Headquarters near Santiago,July 12th. A truce now exists and will probably continue all day tomorrow the thirteenth.
Shafter, Maj.Gen.
Dated Guantanamo July 12th. Shall corn in lighter be stored in Celtic or given to destitute Cubans.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary:--Telegram regarding lighters received. The 250 ton lighter is on the rocks and is reported by Constructor Hobson to be beyond repair. The cipher word referred to following Machorange is Smugnere.
To Navigation:-- List of auxiliaries received is now in use. This information was telegraphed to Bureau July 2nd.
To Secretary:-Wreckers have arrived and started work.
To Captain McCalla. Send the Celtic to Santiago.
To Captain McCalla. Grant Assistant Engineer Miller leave of absence to carry remains of brother home. Send colliers Frank A.and W.B.Palmer to Newport News when discharged. Give corn in lighters to Cubans.
To General Shafter. I am now prepared to shell the city of Santiago with three of my largest ironclads with 13” projectiles. Can commence at short notice. Will await your signal.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Headquarters :July 13th. Report of firing July 11th No.1 ,etc. (appended)
Dated Headquarters July 13th. It is understood our Cuban forces are west of San Juan river,but near Aguadores.Gen.Shafter is absent.
McClernand,92 A.A.G.
Dated Washington July 13th. Tel.No.24. Tug Potomac left for wreck of Colon around west end if [i.e., of] Island a steam windlass for Potomac will be forwarded you from Key West have it installed as soon as possible. Crowninshield.
Dated Washington July 13th. Tel.No.22. Department is willing to furnish stevedores recommended in your endorsement June 28th,but can see no practical way of doing it. Colliers cant be fitted to carry sufficient number stevedores who coal ship properly can you make suggestions?
Dated Washington July 13th. Supply leaves New York for Santiago this week this vessel is to be wholly used for distributing supplies to squadron around Cuba and must not be used for any other purpose Department especially desires that her provisions shall not be allowed to spoil as they were the last time. Long.
Dated Washington July 13th. The commanding general of the army urges and Secretary of War urgently requests that Navy force harbor confer with commander of army wishing to do all that is reasonably possible to insure the surrender of the enemy I leave the matter to your discretion except that the U.S.armored vessels must not be risked. Long.
Dated Washington July 12th.93 (ABAIRRADA) no 19 The Department intends to send all armored vessels except monitors to accompany Commodore No.10 Register Jan.,1898,(Watson) division and to see it safely through Strait of Gibraltar you will therefor with utmost expedition coal and fill with ammunition all Commo.No.10 Register 1898(Watson) division xxxxxxxxxxx also New York and the Brooklyn the Iowa and Indiana the Texas the Mayflower and Aux.No.413 (Badger)assigning publicly and to your captain as the x x reason preparation for the expedition against Porto Rico order Monitors Amphitrite and Puritan and Terror to proc- from Key West to Port Nipe,Cuba,and direct upon the latter placea division of 3 or more small vessels under an enterprising officer to arrive there three days before the monitors in order to reconnoiter to ascertain if mines exist,etc.,and if practicable to enter the port it is the intention to let monitors anchor there until expedition for Porto Rico is ready empty Aux.No.551(Southery) at once and send to Hampton Roads where the fleet of colliers to accompany squadron for Gibraltar will be organized the Armeria and the Yankee will probably be ready to sail to you from Hampton Roads at the end of this week with ammunition to fill the vessels detailed for the service herein contemplated. It is proposed to confide to the monitors such service at Porto Rico as will require armored vessels send Aux.No.434(Dixie) or 596(Yosemite) to Hampton Roads as soon as practicable to convoy collier(s) from thence may reserve possibly the Texas but prepare her. Long.94
July 14th:-- Dated Washington July 14th. Retain Lebanon only as long as she is needed then send her to Key West for coal. Long.
Dated Washington July 13th. No .29.(Arrillus) The War Dept. say they will have next week at Santiago fleet of unsinkable scows built with a sharp rake forward for easy towing or pushing tweny [i.e., twenty] of thirty of these would make suitable fleet for carrying device for killing mines to be pushed ahead battleship device will cover 200 feet in width and operate two hundred feet in advance of the vessel no trouble in controlling such fleet if properly secured to the vessel this is the opinion of Roystone95 who says he has handled larger fleets in the current of the Mississippi River with single stern wheel steamers. Long.
Dated Washington July 13th. (Aplayaria)No.28. The U.S.Consul at San Juan,P .R. ,now stationed at Saint Martin,W.I.,96 states is informed four new 6”B.L.R.mounted commanding road and bridge east of San Juan,P .R. ,Yacht Wanderer is employed by War Department to carry ammunition and Supply to Cuba x x this notice given you in order that she may not be unnecessary interrupted and receive such consideration as may seem proper. Long.
Dated Washington July 13th. McCalla collier Southery and schooner over six thousand now due Guantanamo will send more. Bradford.
Dated Washington July 13th. To Schley. Commanding Officer St.Louis97 states Merriweather Herald correspondent98 was aboard St.Louis with your permission please explain to the Department why you issued such an order after the Department repeated directions not to permit correspondents other than the representatives of the three press associations on board any vessels. Long.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:-Vesuvius boilers urgently require retubing please order tubes at once work to be done at Guantanamo.
To General Shafter. The only suggestion which I have to make to the terms of surrender in addition to those which you have telegraphed me are that the Spaniards shall remove or destroy all torpedoes in the channel to the harbor and the harbor itself. I understand by siege guns are meant the guns in the batteries facing the sea including those on the east and west sides of the entrance and upon Punta Gorda. With these guns I shall be satisfied.
To Captain McCalla:-- Colonel Humphries states that the ships mentioned through Pillsbury were not ordered to Guantanamo,they should not be allowed there. We cannot furnish them coal water and provisions.99
To Secretary:--(Abocardado)Published telegrams of General Shafter Herald on July 6th reflect on the Navy I wish the Department and the President to understand that the first requisite to opening harbor of Santiago de Cuba is the occupation of forts and in[t]renchments at its entrance guarding mine fields and that the General has never made a move to do this although before his army landed that such was the primary object of his operations. If the General chooses to ignore the sea approaches and to attack Santiago to the east and north that is his affair but it should be clearly understood that this attack does not influence the situation at the harbor entrance from which his left flank is distant not less than four miles. I have been ready at any time during the last three weeks to silence works to clear entrance of mines and to enter harbor whenever the Army will do the part which the proper conduct of war assigns to it. To throw my ships to certain destruction upon mines fields would be suicidal folly and I have not the force to form landing party strong enough to ensure the capture of forts. No disagreements mention by the paper have been brought to my notice by General Shafter.100
Received the following communication:--
Headquarters 5th Army Corps:July 14th. Apparently there is every prospect of capitulation. I will inform you earliest practicable moment.
Shafter,Major General.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary:-(Apportabum)The preparation of ships for foreign service101 is advancing with all speed but I deem it my duty to lay before the Department the fact that the heavy ships should have extensive overhauling before attempting a cruise far from any base. The Iowa,Indiana, and New York have been steadily under steam for seven months,and for six of these actually at sea,moving or ready to move at a moment’s notice. The<y> imperatively need docking,seriously need overhauling and refitting;many of their boats are at Key West,some destroyed. The speed of Iowa and Indiana is much reduced. Two of the Brooklyn’s five inch guns and several five inch mounts are disabled. The Texas is in bad condition. Of course I do not know the basis of the Department’s action there may be overpowering reasons of which I am ignorant but unless these exist I recommend the Department to take this state of things into serious consideration. Our naval prestige which is now great would surely be impaired if our ships in foreign waters were unprepared for fighting or cruising. It is imperatively necessary to closely blockade Cienfuegos which has just been entered by a ship thought to be the Alfonso XIII,102adding Manzanillo,Batabano,Jibara, Nuevitas and Sagua la Grande will effectually cut off Havana. Jibara and Manzanillo control Holguin. Our ships are equal to a campaign against Puerto Rico,to which the monitors in my opinion are wholly unequal. They are unfitted for such duty and should not be used for it. If all the armored men-of-war and three large auxiliaries are sent away and a Puerto Rico expedition starts convoyed by monitors I foresee that the demands for naval assistance will cause us practically to abandon a large part of our blockade.
Sent the following communication to General Shafter:--
Sir:- Replying to your request I enclose a copy of a telegram received from the Department. We are constantly receiving telegrams from the Department at Washington,and I believe the one enclosed is the one to which you refer. If not please let me know.(Tel.dated Wash’n July 13-Arising).
Received the following communications:--
Headquarters 5th Army Corps,Camp near Santiago de Cuba, July 13th. Sir:- Please have General Henry’s command,103 now on Yale,Columbia and Duchess,ready to disembark at noon tomorrow at Cabanas. Telegraph notification will be sent you at flag station also at Siboney when to commence the debarkation. Very respectfully, Nelson A.Miles, Major General Commanding Army.
Copy of telegram,dated Washington July 13th,1898. Major General Miles. You may accept surrender by granting parole to officers and men. The officers retaining their side arms. The officers and men after parole to be permitted to return to Spain,the United States assistant. If not accepted then assault unless in your judgment an assault would fail. Consult with Sampson and pursue such course as to the affair as you jointly agree upon. Matter should be settled promptly. R.A.Alger,Secretary of War. (please consider this confidential.Nelson A.Miles,Maj.Gen)
Received the following despatch:--
Dated Washington July 14th:--(Grandor Ajicola)Goods shipped by steamer Spiro to Belize Honduras ordered from Havana by Betencourt.104 Captain and owner schooner Tres Hermanos smuggler(?) This reforce cipher commencing Alquilase Wegtandeln sent you July 9th. Long.
July 15th:-- Sent the following despatch:--
To Navigation:-- Referring to order of June twenty-fifth regarding prize lists what is meant by full name must each Christian name be given in full.105
July 15th. Received the following despatch:--
Dated Washington July 14th. Sampson. Bunav. Examining Board consisting of yourself,Commodores Watson and Schley will examine Captain Philip for promotion. Also order Medical Board.106 Long.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Commodore Remey:-Send vessel with all mails for vessels on south coast all parcels express and otherwise public and personal and all laundry at Key West laundry belonging to officers here. Have Paymaster pay charges and send itemized bills. Great inconvenience is suffered because these are not forwarded.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 14th. Tel.36. Send Dixie and Yosemite to Hampton Roads. Yankee leaves tomorrow with ammunition. Long.
Tel. No. 34.
Dated Washington July 14th. Rock shafts rammer107 sections and racks and pinions for Indiana will go on Armeria also elevating arms for Suwanee gas check pads sent to Key West for Indiana. July 5th go forward by Samoset tomorrow.
Received the following copies despatches received at Guantanamo:--
Dated Key West:--To McCalla. Where is Iowa gear for boat crane stowed of what does it consist no one here knows anything about it. Forsyth.
Dated ? ? McCalla,Playa. Cable received matter attended to to two masted schooner Maria Louise left last night for Baracoa Cape Maysi important to secure her. Powell [i.e., Howell]
Dated Washington July ? Sampson. Playa. Have ordered shipped one hundred tubes Vesuvius from Key West complete set being made do you wish these sent. Melville.
The following despatches wig-wagged to and from the shore are copied from the Signal Record Book.
9.32 A.M. Flag to Shore. To General Miles. General Henry is on board either the Duchess or Sandiego and requests to be allowed to embark on Yale with his troops.
10.37 A.M. Flag to Shore. To General Shafter. What are the terms of surrender and when is it proposed to occupy the city and harbor.
2.10 P.M. Flag to shore. To Secretary Navy. I gave nobody permission to accompany St.Louis. Merriweather108 came to me for authority I told him I had no control over St.Louis that Captain Goodrich had his orders from the Commander-in-Chief and could do as he liked. I gave no order and did not know until your telegram arrived that he had gone in St.Louis. Schley.
4.40 P.M. Flag to Shore. We communicated with a large party of Spanish Engineers west of rail road bridge,who are waiting for our men to repair bridge. They want them as soon as possible.
3.40 P.M. Shore to Flag. Headquarters. To Admiral Sampson. Hitch in negotiations we may have to fight for it yet. They wish to refer to Spain.
6.10 P.M. To Admiral Sampson. People congratulate. Kindly acknowledge by cable.
6.15 P.M. Shore to Flag. To Commodore Schley:-American people congratulate. Kindly acknowledge by cable. N.Y.World.
6.38 P.M. Flag to Shore. To McCalla,Guantanamo. If Lebanon has not sailed detain her till further orders.
7.05 P.M. Flag to Shore. Is there any further news as to progress of negotiations.
7.27 P.M. Flag to Shore:-- To General Breckinridge.109 St.Paul will leave here as soon as she discharges Army stores now on board. Will probably take 3 days at Guantanamo. Will inform you. She goes direct to New York.
6.00 P.M. Shore to Flag. General Breckinridge sends compliments and says he has been ordered to join his new division at Chickamaugua. Himself and aides desire to leave for the North either on Yale or St.Paul. Can transportation be furnished,and what are the particulars of sailing, and what port. Breckinridge.
8.45 P.M. Flag to Shore. To General Shafter. Is there any change in the situation since your despatch of this afternoon informing me of hitch in negotiations.
July 15th. Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington. (Sporting) Rumored Spanish Agent shall attempt to cut cable between Playa del Este and Haiti. Ship at Kingston report is informed Bonita Estenga have aboard 8000 gold part of proceeds sold at Manzanillo. Steamers Regulus and Newfoundland sailed July 11th from Halifax.
Dated Washington. Tel.No.35. (Algemada) Santiago having fallen the Department desires to resume without delay project in telegram beginning Abairrada Lapper July 12th. Long.
Dated Washington July 14th. (Alijania) To Watson. Balance of Hydrographic Office charts for Eastern Squadron are on board storeship. Eight sets British Admiralty charts for Asia at Gibraltar,Spain,the U.S.Consulate. Long.
Dated Washington July 14th.No.32.(Foremostly) Colwell110 reports Suez Canal Company guarantees the passage through of vessels drawing 25’7” The British Battleship Victorious lately passed through and was lightened to that draft.She originally drew 27’6” there is 27’9” in the channel of canal.
July 16th. Dated Washington July 15th. No.36. Send St.Paul and Yale to New York as soon as discharged.
Dated Washington July 16th. No.34. Referring to your number 209 of July 14th repeat first cipher words after Klaglos. Long.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:-Yale still has on board two thousand troops St.Paul will be sent to New York as directed.
To Secretary:--In telegram number two hundred and nine first cipher words after Klagelos are Flanquions Desacarado.Jagerkleid.
Received the following communciations:--
Headquarters of the Army,on board U.S.S.Yale,
Sir:- Off Sibouney,July 16th,1898.
I am ordered to equip an expedition of some 25,000 men immediately to take and occupy Porto Rico in conjunction with the Navy,and would be glad to consult you concerning the enterprise and advise with you as to the best point of debarkation and mode of accomplishing this object,in order that the Army and Navy may act in full concert.
Very respectfully,
Major General Commanding.
July 16th. Headquarters of the Army,on Board U.S.S.Yale,
cont’d. Sir:- Off Sibouney,July 16th,1898.
I would be very glad to do myself the honor of returning your call today,but it is proper that I should apprise you of the fact that I have been obliged to be on shore three days,and possibly,under the circumstances,it might be well to postpone my visit.111
Very respectfully,
Nelson A. Miles, Major General Commanding.
Sent the following telegram:--
To Secretary:--Has the Yosemite reached a Northern port does the Department wish the Dixie also sent North.
To Commodore Watson:--Are the Oregon,Massachusetts,Newark ,and Aux.No.434(Dixie) ready to sail to the east when they have received ammunition now on its way in Yankee and Armeria.
To Supplies and Accounts:--Inspection of accounts of Paymaster Frazer112 of Indiana made today by the Fleet Paymaster Cash balance correct according to Summary statement of June.
To McCalla. Direct Lebanon to proceed under original orders.
To Secretary:--(Bispada) Referring to the Departments telegram of June 24th General Miles desires to move on Puerto Rico with troops remaining here on board Yale,Columbia,Duchess which have not been landed probably under 3,000 men. He has requested convoy of heavy ships capable of rendering very decided naval support,as the various expeditions ordered by the Department require nearly all our naval force I suggest no additional convoy to accompany these ships. The Columbia has now on board 400 tons coal and can get more at Guantanamo I think.As the New Orleans is blockading San Juan not far from the proposed landing113 she can render further assistance if it is required by the Army. I recommend keep the Columbia Cape San Juan,P.R.,until relieved by the convoy from Tampa as the troops leaving here must await arrival of Tampa troops before attacking.
To Secretary:-- Written report of Action of July third mailed today.114
Received the following despatches:--
July 16th.
cont’d Dated Washington July ?. No.38.(Abnegasen Artifice) Following light draft vessels preparing for the blockade of Cuba or are proceeding there Governor Russell East Boston Stranger Siren Viking Apache Sylvia Frolic shall you need any more. Long.
Dated Washington July 15th. No.39 (Aplayaria Congenital) The U.S.Consul at Kingston115 states the Spanish Consul at Consul received July 14th another x x x dried beef flour in bags intended especially for troops in Cuba. Long.
Dated Washington July 15th. No.40. Your telegram beginning Appertabam Suggil116 received do you mean to say that the armored vessels you mention cannot in your judgment successfully make a voyage across Atlantic and back in view of the importance of reinforcing Commodore No.5117 Register of 1898. Long.
Dated Washington July 16th. No.41. Have you sent your written report of the action of July third.
Dated Washington July ?. No.42. Permit Walstein Root of the New York Sun Press Association Cornelius R.Berring of the Scripps McCrai Press Association and a representative of the Associated Press to be accredited to you by Colonel C.S.Diehl to accompany your squadron you will designate the ships on which they are to take passage no other correspondents than those herein mentioned are to be permitted with your squadron. Long.
Dated St.Thomas July 16th. Playa del Este. Yosemite. Emory.
The following messages wig-wagged from the shore to the Flagship,and vice-versa,are copied from the Signal Record Book:--
8.30 A.M. Shore to Flag. Headquarters 5th Army Corps. The hitch is about waiting the consent of Madrid Government, although approved by Blanco and Toral. Shafter.
9.00 A.M. Headquarters 5th Army Corps. I has [i.e., had] bridge examined yesterday by engineers who reported breaks so serious,will take more than a week to put in order.118 Will send company of Engineers early tomorrow morning if convenient. Can you make this known to Spanish Engineers. Was not aware they were disposed to assist. Shafter.
11.15 A.M. Flag to Shore. To McCalla. Send torpedo boat with all cipher despatches received yesterday and up to present.
July 16th.
9.15 A.M. Shore to Flag. Enemy surrendered. Will you send someone to represent Navy in the matter.
9.35 A.M. Flag to Shore. Captain Chadwick will come please have horse at Sibouney.
10.08 A.M. Flag to Shore. Send Captain Chadwick’s horse to Aguadores instead of Sibouney.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 16th. Each Christian name must be given in full on prize list.
Dated Washington July 16th. Yosemite is at St.Thomas either she or Dixie should come North to convoy colliers and Supply ships for Watson. Have told Yosemite to tow coal schooner for St.Thomas to Santiago if Can secure permission.
Dated Washington July 16th. Has Ensign MacFarland been transferred from Helena to Oregon. Long.
Received the following communication:--
Headquarters of the Army,on board U.S.S.Yale,
Sir:- Off Sibouney,July 16th,1898.
There appears to be little delay in the full surrender of the Santiago garrison,which I attribute more to formalities than anything else. There can be no doubt of the purpose of the Spanish to surrender. They did so,in fact,in a formal,positive manner. The terms of capitulation were agreed to,and have been signed by the Commissioners of both Armies. At request of the Spanish officials delay has been granted until they can hear from Madrid,which they seem positive will soon be a matter of fact,and am glad that the Navy has been able to contribute such an important part.
A copy of the agreement of capitulation signed by the Commisioners is herewith enclosed for your information.
Very respectfully,
Nelson A.Miles,Major General Commanding.
Preliminary agreement for the capitulation of the Spanish Forces which constitute the division of Santiago de Cuba occupying the territory herein set forth,said capitulation authorized by the Comamnder-in-Chief of the Island of Cuba agreed to by General Toral and awaiting the approbation of the Government at Madrid and subject to the following conditions.
Submitted by the undersigned Commissioners,Brigadier General Don Frederick Escario, Lieutenant Colonel of Staff Don Ventura
July 16th.
Fontan and Mr.Robert Mason of the City of Santiago de Cuba,representing General Toral,Commanding Spanish forces,to Major General Joseph Wheeler,U.S.V., Major General H.W.Lawton,U.S.V.,and 1st Lieutenant J.D. Miley,2nd Artillery,A.D.C.,representing General Shafter, Commanding American Forces,for the capitulation of the Spanish Forces comprised in that portion of the Island of Cuba east of a line passing through Aserradero,Dos Palmas,Palma Soriano, Cauto Abajo,Escondida,Tanamo,and Aguilera,said territory being known as the Eastern District of Santiago,Commanded by General Jose Toral.
1. That pending arrangements for capitulation all hostilities between American and Spanish Forces in this District shall absolutely and unequivocally cease.
2. That this capitulation includes all the Forces and war material in said territory.
3. That after the signing of the final capitulation the United States agrees,with little delay as possible,to transport all the Spanish troops in said District to the Kingdom of Spain the troops as near as possible to embark at the port nearest the garrisons they now occupy.
4. That the officers of the Spanish Army be permitted to retain their side arms and both officers and enlisted men their personal property.
5. That after final capitulation the Spanish authorities agree without delay to remove or assist the American Navy in removing all mines or other obstructions to navigation now in the Harbor of Santiago and its mouth.
6. That after final capitulation the Commander of the Spanish Forces deliver without delay a complete inventory of all arms and munitions of war of the Spanish Forces,and a roster of the said Forces now in above described District to the Commander of the American Forces.
7. That the Commander of the Spanish Forces,in leaving said District is authorized to carry with him all the military archives and records pertaining to the Spanish Army now in said District.
8. That all of that portion of the Spanish Forces known as Volunteers,Movilizadoes and Guerillas,who wish to remain in the Island of Cuba are permitted to do so under parole not to take up arms against the United States during the continuance of the present war between Spain and the United States,delivering up their arms.
9. That the Spanish Forces will march out of Santiago de Cuba,with honors of War,depositing their arms thereafter at a point mutually agreed upon,to await their disposition by the United States Government it being understood that the United States Commissioners will recommend that the Spanish soldier return to Spain with the arms he so bravely defended.
Entered into this fifteenth day of July,eighteen hundred and ninety-eight,by the undersigned Commissioners,acting under instructions from their respective Commanding Generals. (signed) Joseph Wheeler,Major General Vols. H.W.Lawton,Major General Vols. J.D.Miley,1st Lieut.2nd Art.A.D.C. Frederick Escario[,] Ventura Fontan, Robt.Mason.
July 17th. Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:-(Miching) I had understood that General Shafter and myself would sign capitulation jointly as we were so acting under the order of the President119 but General Shafter refused upon arrival of my representative I request it be clearly understood that all ships be turned over to the Navy.
To Secretary:--(Matelyk) My telegram does not say that these vessels cannot make voyage to Gibraltar and back what is meant is that they must be ready to meet all emergencies and this they are not in good condition to do They must be able to overtake enemy to avoid superior force or to fight. Are not equal in their present condition to the service which would be expected of vessels of this class. This does not apply to the Oregon and the Massachusetts which are ready to sail.
To Yosemite:--St.Thomas. Please inquire of the Department what schooner it wishes you to tow from St.Thomas to Santiago de Cuba.
To Secretary:--Oregon Massachusetts,Newark,Dixie,ready in all respects except ammunition to sail for East.
Received the following communication:--
War Dept.,S.S.Adria,July 17th,1898.
Sir:-General Miles handed me the following dispatch an hour ago,which is communicated to you for your information “Washington,D.C.,July 16th,1898. Major General Miles,Siboney. Colonel Allen120 has authority from the President to cut the cables running out of Santiago,whichexcept the French cable Company are inimical to the United States. Understand the Massachusetts has picked up the Kingston cable which is being hourly utilized to strengthen Blanco in unsurrendered parts of Cuba. Request that you communicate with Sampson and have either one of his officers or Allen cut this cable and buoy the seaward end thus preventing communication with Madrid except through our lines. Deem it of extreme importance to act promptly. Greely, Chief Signal Officer”.121
I am informed by the French cable officers that the cable hut is located on the first little bay inside of Morro Castle marked on the chart of the harbor “Estrella Cove”. All that would be necessary would be to go to the cable hut and disconnect the wires,as the line will probably be needed as soon as we are in possession of the English office.If you will send me in I will attempt to do the work. Very respectfully,etc.,Jas.Allen,Lt.Col.etc.
Sent the following despatch:--
To McCalla.Guantanamo. Send flag to the gunboat Sandoval and inform him that all the Spanish forces in Cuba east of a line passing through Acerraderos Couto Abajo and Agualera have been surrendered and it is expected that the Sandoval will be usrrendered [i.e., surrendered] in good condition,that if any injury be done her the commanding officer and her crew will be regarded as outside the pale of ordinary prisoners of war.122
Sent the following letter.
Sir:-Upon sending in an officer to take charge of the captured Spanish gunboat Alvarado,it was found that one of your officers was on board,evidently with the expectation of taking charge of her. It should be hardly necessary to remind you that in all joint operations of the character of those which have resulted in the fall of Santiago,all floating material is turned over to the Navy,as all forts, etc.,go to Army. I have been lying all the morning within 500 yards of the Morro,from which the Spanish flag was hauled down at nine o’clock,and upon which the United States flag has not yet,2 P.M.,been hoisted. Although my forces have frequently engaged these forts,and yours have not exchanged a shot with them I await the arrival of a detachment of your troops to take possession as they must eventually occupy them. I expect the same consideration.
I request that you will relieve Lieut.Carruthers of the duty given him as I have directed Lieut.Marble to assume temporary command of the Alvarado.123
Very respectfully,etc.
Maj. General Shafter,Comdg.5th Army Corps.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 16th. No.42.(Hagelfeek) Emory sends following to you from St.Thomas Yosemite alone on blockade since June 26th on June 28th charged(Chased?)Spanish transport Antonio Lopez about entering San Juan to avoid being captured was beached near pocket(Point?) Indinas Artillery on shore fired upon Yosemite and two Spanish men-of-war attacked Drove off latter and wrecked transport whether (which) treachery remained on the beach Yosemite under fire two hours no casualty for strict blockade three vessels required. Signed Emory. Long.
Dated Washington July 17th. No.43. New Orleans is substituted for Texas in Department’s telegram to you 12th inst. commencing Abairrada Lapper. Long.
Dated Playa July 17th. Oregon,Massachuetts,Newark,Dixie will be ready in all respects except ammunition to sail for east Tuesday. Watson.
Dated Headquarters 5th Army Corps,July 17th. Kindly advise me if it is now safe for transports to enter harbor and if not when will it be safe.
July 17th.
Dated Headquarters 5th Army Corps,July 17th. It is reported some detachment are being sent from the Navy to guard the vessels captured in the harbor. In view of my instructions from the Secretary of War I ask that you recall them.
Shafter Maj.Gen.
Dated Headquarters 5th A.C.,July 17th. I have orders of the Secretary of War to retain all ships and shipping in the harbor of Santiago. I have just learned that Lieut. Marble of the Navy by representing to the officer in charge I have arranged with yourself for the transfer of a small gunboat,obtained possession of it and took it out of the harbor. I have to request it be immediately returned and placed in my possession.
Shafter, Maj.Gen.
No date. I have orders from General McKibben124 given by general Shafter to remove all the Naval force from the ships now in the harbor,immediately;and that I have protested against that order and General McKibben has kindly permitted the Naval Force now here to remain on the ships during the night,but he has directed me to return to our respective ships in the morning. I send herewith his order. Very respectfully, Jas.H.Doyle, Lieut.U.S.N. Copy of order enclosed:-- Santiago,July 17th,1898. Lieut.Doyle can keep his men on the ships for the night and in the morning one of the tugs will get up steam and transfer him with his officers and men to their respective ships. C.McKibben, Brig.Genl. Comdg.
Dated Guantanamo. I am ready to move to Pt.Faj[a]rdo at Cape San Juan eastern end of Porto Rico with three thousand troops now on transports and enroute and large force to sail from Charleston and Tampa. Will you please direct necessary naval vessels to proceed and cover our landing. Miles Maj.Gen’l Comdg.
Sent the following communication:--
Sir:-Three Spanish Officers stationed at the battery on the summit of Socapa reported to the officer charge with lifting the mines today,that they had been obliged to leave the battery on account of its being entered and taken possession of by some Cuban forces. These officers were unarmed and claim to have reported to this officer that it would probably be unsafe for them to remain there. They had been left at the battery with invoices,etc.,to turn over to our people when the fort should be taken possession of. Lieutenant Capehart,125our officer mentioned, took their personal parole and allowed them to go to Santiago for the night,with the understanding that they should return early in the morning.
I beg to suggest that some authorized persons be sent to the battery as early as possible tomorrow to take over the same and recived from the Spanish officers the papers with which they are charged. Very res. Etc.
W T.Sampson.,etc.Maj.Gen.Shafter,Comdg.5th Army Corps.
July 18th. Issued the following instructions to Prize Master in Harbor of Santiago.
Sir:-You will inform any Army Officer directing you to leave your prize that you are acting under my orders,and that you do not recognize any other authority;and you will <decline to give up your prize, or to claim her, but you will> use no violence,and you will caution your men to use none. That is,your resistance must be passive,and the responsibility for any overt violence placed upon the Army. But you will <not> inform the officer who may attempt to displace you of this feature of your instructions.
Sent the following communications:-- (1.40 A.M.)
Sir:-1. The following has just been sent me by Lieut. Doyle in charge of Spanish prize in the harbor of Santiago. “Santiago July 17th,1898. Lieut.Doyle can keep his men on the ships for the night and in the morning one of the tugs will get up steam and transfer him with his officers and men to their respective ships. C.McKibbins, Brig.General Commanding.”
2. I will not enter into any expression of surprise at the reception of such a paper.
3. No mention of the shipping was made in the articles of capitulation,though I specially requested that it be included by my message to you of July 13th.
4. Our operations leading to the fall of Santiago have been joint,so directed by the President,and so confirmed by their character. All propriety and usage surrenders the floating material in such case to the Naval force,and I have taken possession of it.
5. I am unable to recognize the authority of the Secretary of War over my actions. I have telegraphed to the Secretary of the Navy and await his instructions.
6. In the event of a difference of opinion between the Departments,the question will of course be decided by the President of the United States;until them [i.e., then] my prize crews must remain in charge and I have so directed.
Very respectfully, W.T.Sampson, etc. etc.
Major General Shafter,Comdg.5th Army Corps.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary:--This letter has just been addressed to General Shafter: x x (see above letter) x x I request immediate instructions.
To Secretary:--General Miles telegraphs that he is ready to move on Puerto Rico with three thousand men now in transports and requests ships to cover landing. I request instructions regarding this expedition.
To General Miles:--I hope to be able during the day to make a detail of ships to cover landing.
July 18th. Sent the following communications:--
Sir:-Referring to your despatch of the 17th instant,just received,ships can now enter the harbor keeping to the westward of the wreck of the Merrimac. All the observation mines that can be exploded have been destroyed,four remaining ones,which will offer no danger,and four contact mines on the eastern side of the Merrimac will be removed during the day. Very respectfully,W.T.Sampson, etc. etc.
Major General Shafter,Comdg.5th Army Corps.
Received the following telegrams:--
Dated Washington July 18th. The first four cipher words in your telegram beginning “I had understood” are not in the code please repeat.
Dated Headquarters 5th Army Corps.July 18th. Is it safe for my transports to come in now. Shafter Maj.Gen.
Dated Siboney July 17th. Have been directed by General Shafter to inquire if the harbor of Santiago will permit of the entrance of transports tomorrow. If not tomorrow about what time may we expect to carry them in. Humphrey.
Sent the following telegram:--
To Secretary:--First four cipher words of telegram of 17th are Miching Knisterie Badaudais Blondine.
Received the following communication:--
Headquarters 5th Army Corps,July 17th,1898.
Sir:-I am in receipt of your letter of this date and in reply beg to state that I received the surrender of the Officers of the Navy at the same time that I did of those of the Army from General Toral;and that I placed detachment on board all of the floating material in the harbor in accordance with orders from the Secretary of War. I have no interest in the matter personally,whatever,further than to carry out my instructions;and as they stand at present it will be impossible for me to comply with your request to turn over the ships surrendered to me this morning in the harbor. If you are entitled to them of course there will be no difficulty in your getting an order for them from our mutual superior,the President or from the respective head of the Navy and War Departments. Detachments of commissioned officer and some enlisted men were sent by me early this morning to take charge of the war material in the forts near the entrance to the harbor,and to make an inventory of same. You are quite correct in not seeing an American flag flying,as I had in my command but one flag other than those belonging to regiments,which was hoisted over the Governor’s Official residence in the City of Santiago to-
July 18th. day. The American flag will, however,be hoisted Cont’d. there tomorrow. I hope the entrance to the harbor will be cleared out with the least possible delay;as there are a number of starving people in this city and I am greatly cramped for rations and other material for the use of my men,which we cant get at until I get into the harbor with my transports.
Trusting that this will be satisfactory, I am
Very respectfully yours,
Wm.R.Shafter,Major General,U.S.V.,Comdg.
Headquarters 5th Army Corps,July 18th,1898.
Sir:-It is entirely unnecessary for collision or clash of authority <between the Naval and military authorities> or even hard feeling. I recognize fully that you wish to do simply what is right;and I beg you to believe I am actuated by the same motive. My orders,however,from the Secretary of War are peremptory,that all ships and shipping surrendered to me in the harbor of Santiago belong to the Army,and that I would take and retain possession of them. The fact is,that both personnel and material were surrendered to me,and I shall be obliged to hold them. It is very easy,if you desire,to submit the matter to Washington,where it can be settled at once;and I suggest that you submit the Navy side of the question to the proper authorities,who can bring it to the attention of the President. I have already stated the facts to the Secretary of War.
Very respectfully,
Wm.R.Shafter, Major General,U.S.Vols.,Comdg.
Sent the following despatch:--
To General Shafter. Transports or any other vessels may enter harbor now at will, <but should leave the wreck of the Merrimac on the starboard side going in>
Received the following communication:--
Headquarters 5th Army Corps,July 18th,1898.
Sir:-I have the honor to inform you the details to take charge of the batteries mentioned in your communication of yesterday,have already <been> started.
Very respectfully,
Wm. R. Shafter, Major General Commanding.
Received the following despatch:--
Dated Washington July 17th. (Wandelstaf) Before answering your telegram of the 16th we wait advices to the plans of the Army expedition to Porto Rico. Port Nipe,Cuba,is suggested as good rendez-vous for the comdg.General of the Army126 transports and those from Tampa to meet in x x telegraphed Miles with instructions to show telegram to taking possession of Port Nipe,Cuba,should be executed with despatch.
July 18th.
Cont’d. To Secretary:--Captain Evans reports that two weeks work is absolutely necessary on the engines of the Iowabefore the ship shall attempt to do any duty and that unless this time be granted a serious breakdown is liable to occur. Please consult the Chief of Bureau of Ordnance127 as to the work required on board the Iowa under that Bureau.
To Secretary :-- Lieutenant Cab[a]llero was on board the Pluton and was saved and is now prisoner on board a steamer in Santiago Harbor.
To Commodore Howell:-- (Azogaras) In obedience to orders of Secretary of Navy I have directed Annapolis Aux.No.5 Leyden,Wasp,to proceed Port Nipe and to take possession of and to remove by dragging or otherwise any torpedoes which may exist in channel to this harbor. In further obedience to Secretary’s order you will send the Puritan the Amphitrite and the Terror Port Nipe to anchor there in anticipation of joining the expedition to Porto Rico. They should leave Key West in excellent condition .
To Secretary:--(Judiega) In obedience to your telegram have ordered vessels to take possession of Port Nipe.
July 19th. Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July ?. No.46. (Schleifung) The Marine properties captured at the port of Santiago are not probably matter of prize court having held that captures by Army and Navy together are not within prize law will confer with President with regard to proper detail take charge of our capture also with regard to the propriety of the Navy joining in Article of Capitulation the Department has no doubt that being a joint operation both Army and Navy should have been represented. Long.
Dated St.Thomas July 18th. (Resenaras) I have informed Department Governor objected to the U.S.Schooner sailing coal I should have purchased and loaded Proceed at once to Hampton Roads x x Watson. (not signed)128
Dated Washington July ?. No.47. (Aplayais) The Department is informed that Spanish steamer Monserrat and Leon XIII loaded with provisions have left Cadiz probable destination Porto Rico Mexican steamer Tabaquero other name unknown ready to sail soon from Vera Cruz cargo of provisions valuable. Long.
Dated Washington,July 18th. Transfer Ensign H.D.McFarland from Helena to Oregon this was order June 20th and should be done at once.
Dated Washington July 18th. On What date did steamer Senior leave Santiago for wreck of Colon.
July 19th.
Dated Washington July 17th. Do you desire the Marine Battalion to remain any longer in Cuba it cant be reinforced at present. Crowninshield.
Dated Headquarters 5th Army Corps,July 18th. The following just received is transmitted for your information:--
Washington D.C.,July 17th,1898.
Request Sampson that Kingston cable line be either closed or placed under strictest censorship tell Maj.Green129 or other competent telegraph experts messages to and from Spanish and Spanish colonies are forbidden from special authority from the exceptional cases which may be properly determined by censor approved by you.Has definite information that Kingston cable is being used to facilitate defensive operations of surrender of forts of Cuba this line is subsidized by Spain and its operation has been dangerous and hostile to the United States please advise me your decision in matter. Greely. Shafter.
Dated Playa July 18th. The following has been recd from Washington xx proposition to go to Porto Rico with three thousand troops now afloat at Santiago does not seem best in view of the fact that you could not be enforced for a week or ten days about twelve thousand troops will start this week to join you at such points as you and Sampson may designate Nipe is suggested by the Secretary of Navy and his Board in which I concur until this is settled you should remain where you are. The harbor of Nipe has not been surrendered I understand it is mined and that there are some guns there. To take and occupy it may require some time and with transports to (odd and?) delayed for days and weeks would cause much embarassment and difficulty. Have cabled several times today which I prefer to go direct to Pt.Fajardo,Cape de San Juan as it understood between us on Saturday that way best point and I hope you will concur with that view please reply.
Dated Playa,July 18th. Your telegram received regarding detail of ships. Please inform me how soon they will be ready to sail.
Miles, Major Gen’l.
Dated Playa July 18th. French Captain wishes to know if he can enter Santiago and also not that eastern port has surrendered if he can send some provision to the French citizens in Guantanamo.130 McCalla.
Dated Key West July 18th. Please order collier Mary Palmer to Newport News when discharged owners request. Forsyth.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:--In view of the close relations of the Army and Navy which must exist in such operations as the present and to avoid friction specific regulations governing the combined action of the two services are necessary. I would recommend the adoption at once of the English Regulations on this subject including transport service which exist in full detail; their experience has been far larger than that of any other power and I think their methods would be perfectly adaptable to ourselves. If their regulations for combined action are not in the Department would suggest asking for them at once through our Naval Attache.131 Sampson.
To Commodore Watson:--Has Ensign MacFarland been received on board the Oregon from the Helena.
Received the following communications:--
Headquarters of the Army,on board U.S.S.Yale,
Sir:- Guantanamo Bay,July 19th,1898.
I have the honor to send you herewith extract of the following order received last night,dated Washington July 18,1898:
“Major General Miles,on board Yale,Guantanamo. x x x x The Secretary of War directs you land troops now on Yale and other transports at such points in Porto Rico as you may designate. He gives you the fullest discretion,but your determination of time and place of such landing should be made with full knowledge that reinforcements cannot reach you from five to seven days from this date. Admiral Sampson will be ordered to give you such assistance as you and he may regard as necessary. x x x H.C.Corbin,Adt.Gen(“l”
In accordance with the above,I am ready to move to Pt. Fajardo,Cape de San Juan,Porto Rico,without delay,and request a strong force of naval vessels to accompany my transports,cover landing from the same,protect the flanks of the military force during the occupation of that place, and render all assistance possible in the movement from there to the investment and capture of the harbor and city of San Juan. I also desire such cooperation as may be needed in the capture of other seaport towns on the Island of Puerto Rico.
If you think it advisable,I would be glad to have the corps of Marines accompany my troops. I think it advisable that a strong demonstration be made near the harbor of San Juan before the landing of troops of Pt.Fajardo.
Very respectfully, Nelson A.Miles,Maj.Gen’l Comdg.
Dated Headquarters 5th Army Corps,July 19th,1898.
Sir:-I enclose herewith copy of telegram just received from the Secretary of War. I will remove at once my guards from all the vessels,except two tugs that belong to private citizens in the city,and are in charge of the Austrian Consul. These tugs were seized by the Spanish a short time ago,who have been using them. I need them in work here,and the Quartmaster’s Dept. has chartered them for our use. These I will retain;and,if there are any lighters-and I believe there is one or two-I also wish to keep them,for the purpose of lightering from my heavy vessels that cannot go to the docks.
I understand Porto Rico is to be the next objective, and that your fleet will soon leave here. I suppose,as a matter of course,one or two vessels will be left in the harbor or vicinity. If that is not the intention,please let me know. Very respectfully yours,
Telegram Washington,July 19,1898.
Major General Shafter. The Supreme Courts of the United States has held that capture made by the Armies and by the Navy jointly or by the Army unassisted by the Navy, are not a subject of prize,in view of this I suggest the floating Marine and Naval property captured should be turned over to the Navy,as the War Department is not to be troubled with them,while the Navy is better fitted to man and take care of them or tow them to the President may hereafter order. R.A.Alger,Secretary of War.
Caimanara,July 19th,1898.
To the Commander,U.S.S.Marblehead,
Dear Sir:-I have the honor to acknowledge to you,in reply to you polite communication of yesterday,in which you send me a copy of telegram of R.Admiral Sampson,that the instructions I have from my superior officers as well as military honor,forbid me from the surrender of the gunboat Sandoval. Nevertheless,thanking his Excellency the Admiral for his kind attention,to whose authority I beg you to transmit this letter, I remain,with all consideration, etc. respectfully, Pablo Scandella,Comdg.Canonero Sandoval.
Sent the following communication to General Miles:--
Dear Sir:-I have just received your letter of today,in which you quote the direction of the Secretary of War to land your troops,now on board the Yale and other transports at such points in Porto Rico as you may designate;in which you desire a force of Naval vessels to accompany these transports to protect the flanks,landing,etc.
2. The following are my orders from the Navy Department on this subject:--
Dated Washington,July 13th,1898. x x x Long.
3. Immediately after the fall of Santiago and before you went to Guantanamo,I telegraphed to the Department as follows:--
To Secretary of Navy,dated July 16th. x x xSampson
4. Under these circumstances I think it is my duty to prepare the two fleets,132one to be commanded by the Senior Officer Present,without encroaching upon the vessels designated by the Department for this service and,for your further information,I may state that these two fleets include every available ship of this command except the smaller cruisers. It will yet be several days before these vessels are prepared to sail,being incomplete in their Supply of ammunition,which is now on its way from New York to Guantanamo.
July 19th.
5. I will immediately telegraph the Secretary of the Navy as to what I am expected to do under the circumstances. Very respectfully,etc.etc.
Sent the following communications to General Shafter:--
Sir:-Referring to you telegram of this date with reference to the Jamaica cable,I would strongly advise either closing the office and guarding with a proper censor to prevent improper messages passing to and fro over the line.
I am informed that the cable is landed in a little hut in Estrella Cove,just inside Morro.
Very respectfully,etc.etc.
Sir:-The enclosed memorandum was made by an expert electrician,who states that the entrance to the harbor of Santiago de Cuba is now perfectly safe.
Very respectfully,etc.etc.
Memo.from Lt.Capehart for C.-in-C. After three days of careful work in the harbor of Santiago I have the Honor to report that 7 contact mines have been secured,placed on the beach,and dismantled. Two electric mines were exploded, two failed to fire,opposite the Socapa controlling station. The condition of the harbor,at present,therefore,is this: To the eastward of the Merrimac there remains one contact mine on a line from her mainmast to a small cave on the beach,easily distinguishable. The approximate position of this mine is shown by two white cork buoys lashed together. The mine is undoubtedly on the bottom,as it sank,and carried its bouy with it. There is therefore little possible danger if it remains where it is from this on.
I am informed that,on this same range,close under the counter of the Merrimac, there is another contact mine which sank;but,as the Merrimac masks it completely at the present time there is no danger from it.
The five electric mines control<led> by the Estrella battery station were fired at the Merrimac;it is thought that all exploded. But to make absolutely sure that there was nothing dangerous at that point I have carried away the Key Board and broken the cable,I have also done this at the other two firing station on the west bank. I consider the entrance to the harbor to be perfectly safe for any vessel, the electric mines rema[i]ning there being in[n]ocuous,and the contact mines being so far out of the channel that no vessel would ever go near them.
July 19th.
Sir:-I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your of this date enclosing telegram from the Secretary of War for which please accept my thanks.
2. I propose removing the steamers Mexico,reina de Los Angelos,Mortera,San Juan and Tomas Brooks,tomorrow,the 20th, to Gu[a]ntanamo,in order that they may be overhauled,cleaned,and disinfected.
3. The crews I suppose come under the provisions of the capitulation,that is,they should be treated in the same manner as the men of the army. Most of the crews of Spanish merchant steamer are enrolled men in the naval reserve.
4. It would be a convenience to us if the crews remain on board until the ships are taken to Guantanamo,as it would save putting a large additional number of our own men on board to move them.
Very respectfully,etc.etc.
July 20th. Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary:--Vessels taken in Santiago harbor will be brought to Guantanamo immediately,where they will be disinfected,cleaned,and such repairs as are necessary made. What disposition does the Department direct to be made of these vessels? They vary from eight hundred to twenty-two hundred tons register,being five in number. The sixth,the gunboat Alvarado,is now at Guantanamo,receiving coal and provisions prior to joining the blockade at the Isle of Pines.
Received the following despatches.
Dated Washington July ?. The Secretary of War has instructed the captured boats to be turned over to you and the articles of capitulation to be signed by you. Long.
Dated Washington July 18th. No.45. (Nippiez) You will give Miles such assistance as you and he may consider necessary for landing troops now on Yale and other transports at Porto Rico and maintaining his landing Yale will go at once from Porto Rico to New York to coal show copy of this despatch to Miles. Long.
Dated Washington July ?. No.48. (Aplastar) Army has decided not to rendezvous at Nipe,Port,Cuba,what vessels are you sending to Porto Rico Island with Miles. Long.
Dated Washington July 19th. (Gumeahen) No.49. Would it be convenient to spare Vulcan to go with covering and Eastern Squadron as far as Mediterranean Sea and then return if not could there be transferred some of the boilermakers of the Vulcan to these Squadrons those with Eastern Squadron to go on to Manila. Long.
Dated Washigton July 20th. (Adhalantur) No.50 Cove under San Juan,Porto Rico,seems to offer the best landing place xxxx for the Army in Porto Rico from a Naval point of view and the Army has accepted it as suitable for a campaign on shore Suggest a hydrographic reconnaissance by Hanus133 or other skillful man at time of arrival of Squadron shoal(s) buoyed just before taking heavy ships in. Long.
Dated Washington July 20th. No.51. Send the Niagara to New York after the discharges all her stores. Long.
Dated Washington July 20th. No.53. (Aplayaria). U.S.Consul at San Juan,P.R.,now stationed in St.Thomas reports twelve 8 inch and nine inch guns landed from wreck Spanish steamer have been mounted San Juan reliable.134 Long.
Dated Key West July 20th. Order received Commodore Remey has conflicting from Navy Department he has wired your order to the Department.135 Howell.
Dated Washington July 20th. No.52. (Argamasa) The Department considers Isle of Pines good base for our small vessels blockading inside all the neighboring reef it havin[g] anchorage for bad weather also a collier could be anchored securely on northerly side suggested that in due time you send an expedition to seize Island garrisoning with Marines from Guantanamo or elsewhere number of Spanish gun vessels supposed to be inside of Island. Long.
Dated Washington July 20th. No.55.(Genialis) Miles sends repeated messages to War Department that he is delayed starting transports to Porto Rico by failure of the Navy to furnish Naval assistance. Hasten adequate assistance as much as possible and report to the Department telegraph kind Naval assistance Miles desires. Long.
Send the following telegrams:--
To Medicine and Surgery:--please send six Formalin disinfecting apparatus for use in ship to be sent by earliest conveyance. Very urgent.
To Colonel Commandant:--Professional Board and Medical Officers find First Sergeants Kinne,Andresen,and Devlin qualified for appointment as second Lieutenants. There has been no opportunity as yet to examine Sergeant Lyons of the Helena.136
July 20th. Sent the following despatches:--
To Navigation:-- German steamer Senior arrived off Santiago evening July 6th and proceeded at once to the wreck of the Colon.
To Navigation:--Since the surrender of this province the Marine Battalion is no longer required.
To Navigation:--Department’s telegram directing transfer of Ensign MacFarland was received and order were made out at once. In the case of the smaller ships whose field of operations extends around the entire coast of Cuba and extending up to Key West it is no unuaule [i.e., unusual] circumstance for mail to be several weeks reaching. Ensign MacFarland is not on board Oregon so it is probable he has not received his orders.
To Secretary:--Your No.54 received and will be at once communicated to Squadron. There is no friction in my command;correspondence from this ship is censored and I suppose also from other ships on board of which the Department has permitted correspondents; but no control over press boats can be exercised. Much that is published is evidently not written here. I see no way of stopping slanders except for the Department to issue official denial. In connection with the Attitude of the New York Journal towards the Battle of Santiago I remind the Department that I reported a correspondent of that paper some time ago for telegraphing the movement of the fleet during the San Juan expedition.
To Secretary:--(Folgorando) As Camara’s Squadron is now proceeding to the westward I respectfully urge that instead of sending two squadrons to the eastward,one to follow Camara and the other to escort Watson through the Straits of Gibraltar,that Watson’s squadron be increased by the addition of the New York or Brooklyn-preferably the former,also the Mayflower and the New Orleans. If the Ammunition for the New Orleans is now on its way to Guantanamo,Watson prefers this increase to his Squadron rather than to be escorted by a second squadron.
To Secretary:--(Colativo)Referring to your telegram beginning Nippiez besides the Yale and the Columbia, which is now coaling at Gunatanamo,I have ordered to Cincinnati to come here at once from Key West to give the necessary assistance to General Miles’ expedition,which will land inside of Cape San Juan.
To Secretary:--have consulted with the Captain of the Vesuvius.137 We believe that the Buffalo should be fitted out in view of the fact that she is now property of the United States.138 Range of these guns very limited;but the effect of the explosion is most demoralizing to the enemy. Accuracy very satisfactory. Progress in wrecking the Maria Teresa very satisfactory. The Company think the ships will probably be raised by Sunday next. No further information regarding the other ships. Board of Officer examining the Reina Mercedes today. She will probably be also raised. Lieutenant Commander Pillsbury,Commanding the Vesuvius,has been supervising wrecking of these vessels on part of Navy.
July 20th.
To Equipment:--Stationary for office of Commander-in-Chief urgently needed. Please send at once. Particularly require envelopes all sizes and ten reams printing paper.
To Commodore Howell:--(Jorums) Please send Cincinnati to Santiago with great dispatch. If now at Key West direct her to bring mail,etc.,for the Squadron. She is required to accompany the Army expedition to San Juan,P.R.,to cover their landing and remain with the expedition until the City of San Juan has surrendered.
Issued the following orders to the C.O.,of the Columbia:--139
Sir:-When your ships is in all respects ready for sea,you will proceed,with the troops on board,to Cape San Juan, Island of Puerto Rico,and disembark the troops at such xxxx place as the Major General commanding the Army may indicate to you.
2. You will then remain to protect the landing and render such assistance with you battery as you deem proper under the circumstances.
3. You will consider yourself in command of the Naval part of the expedition,and as such will take command of the landing of the troops,and direct the same.
4. You will arrange with the Major General for the time of your departure,so that the Columbia and the Yale may act as a convoy to the troops which the General will direct to accompany the expedition.
5. The Cincinnati has been directed to come to Guantanamo. If she arrives before your departure she will be directed to place herself under your command,and will accompany it to the place of disembarkation,and will perform such duty as you may direct.
Received the following communication from the prizemaster in Santiago Harbor:--
Reina de Los Angeles,Santiago Harbor,July 19,98.
Sir:-I have just been informed,3.00 P.M.,by Captain Noyes140 of the 9th Infantry,that he is directed to withdraw his force from the ships now in the harbor. With the force now under my charge I do not think that I can care for all of the prizes in a proper way;the following:--five steamers,two tugboats,and several small schooners.
At this time we are getting along very well,except that we are badly in need of medical assistance for the sick whom I have found on the various steamers. All seem to be suffering with a low form of fever,that as far as I can judge is not of a serious nature;one man having died of it on Mexico this morning,he was one of the crew of the ship. I request that a Surgeon be sent in to the harbor for duty on the ships.
Respectfully, Jas.G.Doyle,Lt.U.S.N.
July 20th. Sent the following despatches:--
To Steam Engineering:-Please send for boiler “D” of Detroit five hundred and fifty ordinary iron boiler tubes two and one quarter inches outside diameter six feet ten inches long. Number twelve B.W.G.141
To Ordnance:-- Please send for Wilmington at earliest convenience two four inch top mounts all Wilmington’s top carriages should be replaced when circumstances will permit.
Received the following communication from Major General Miles:--
Headquarters of the Army,U.S.S.Yale,July 20,1898
Sir:-I am informed by my Adjutant General142 that you have designated the Yale and Columbia as ships to”render the assistance for landing of the troops and for maintaining their landing”,and also the Cincinnati,the whereabouts of which I understand is not known;and the New Orleans,”if it is at San Juan”. If the latter vessel is not at San Juan,it ought to be and remain there; otherwise that port is left open with nothing to prevent the Spanish gunboats known to be there from coming out and capturing our transports now en route to Cape San Juan. Second,since it is not known where the Cincinnati is,it may or may not of any assistance. Third,the Columbia and Yale could not silence a battery of light artillery on shore without jeopardizing the lives of three hundred to fifteen hundred troops on board. In view of the above facts,I have to inform you that I do not consider the force above mentioned available or sufficient to cover the landing of some ten thousand men now en route to Cape San Juan,and I have to request that an additional and ample force be immediately ordered to those waters.
Very respectfully, Nelson A.Miles, Maj.Gen.,U.S.A.
To which letter the following reply was sent:--
Sir:-Referring to your letter of this date. The Cincinnati is ordered by telegraph here;she is either at Key West or within easy reach from there on the Havana blockade. The Annapolis,Wasp and Leyden,ordered to attack Port Nipe,have been ordered to Cape San Juan to assist in the expedition. The Gloucester will be added. Three monitors will join the expedition.
The Cincinnati,Yale,Columbia,Annapolis, Wasp,Gloucester and Leyden are amply sufficient to cover the landing of ten thousand men at the point named,without the monitors. The first four are capable of silencing anything short of heavy guns in position. Very resct.,etc
Sent the following letter to General Shafter:--
July 20th.
Cont’d. Sir:-I have the honor to enclose a letter which I have received from Commander McCalla of the U.S.S.Marblehead, and Naval Commandant at this port. Commander McCalla has been stationed here for some time and is very familiar with the locality. The destitution and misery at Guantanamo is,undoubtedly,very great,and early assistance is urgently needed. I would suggest that steps be taken as early as possible to carry out the terms of the surrender in order that food may be given those people. V.R.,etc.
July 21st. Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 21. Do not detach Cadets from vessels of Eastern Squadron until further instructions.Long.
Dated Washington July 21. Repeat fifth cipher word telegram twentieth beginning Folgorando Peurder. Long.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary:--Fifth cipher word of telegram of twentieth beginning Folgorando is Exscreamur.
Received the following communication:--
Headquarters of the Army,U.S.S.Yale,July 21,1898.
Sir:-I have the honor to acknowledge your note of last night,and am glad to have the assistance of the ships named therein. I am ready to sail without delay,and hope to take advantage of the fair weather that usually prevails in Porto Rico during this month. I request that you will remove the quarantine that prevails to enable me to have the necessary communication with the transports of this expedition. I have the honor to be,etc.
Nelson A.Miles,Major General Comdg.U.S.Army.
The following reply was sent to above:--
Sir:-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your note of this morning,and I will immediately give an order to release you and all the transports from the action of the Quarantine Regulations,however necessary it may be from a sanitary point to maintain them.
2. I have received a telegram from the Secretary of the Navy this morning in which I am directed to add a battleship and cruiser to the detail of ships which had already been made to accompany you to Porto Rico. Several of these vessels are now ready to start,and will get underway by signal from the Senior Naval Officer of the expedition on board the U.S.S.Massachusetts,--Captain Higginson--.
3. The following is a list of the vessels of this convoying squadron:--Massachusetts,Newark,Columbia,Yale,Annapolis,Wasp,Gloucester,and Leyden. The three latter vessels have order to proceed direct from Nipe Bay to Cape San Juan,Porto Rico;and also the Cincinnati,which was ordered to come here direct from the blockade on the Northern Coast. The three monitors Puritan,Amphitrite,and Terror have also been ordered to proceed direct to Cape San Juan,Porto Rico.
4. As this Squadron has been so greatly augmented by the orders of the President,it will be necessary to send coal to Cape San Juan,Porto Rico,which I will do with as little delay as possible. Very respectfully, etc.
Copy of a telegram received by General Miles:--
Washington,July 21,1898.
General Miles:--The following has just been sent the Secretary of the Navy and is by direction of the Secretary of War sent for your information. “Executive Mansion, July 21,1898. Hon.John Long,Secretary of the Navy. Sir:- Admiral Sampson should send enough ships and strong enough as will enable General Miles to land his troops in safety at Pt.Fajardo Cape San Juan,and to remain so long as their assistance is needed. General Wilson143 has already sailed from Charleston with orders to proceed to Pt.Fajardo if your convoy is delayed he will reach Pt.Fajardo without protection whatever which must not be permitted. Wilson cannot be reached by wire. He has no guns on his ship. The Secretary of War says that General Wilson is due to arrive at Pt.Fajardo in three or four days. Prompt action should be taken to give General Wilson protection on his arrival there. It seems to me a cruiser or battleship or both should be detailed for this duty. Please see that the necessary orders are issued at once. Signed William McKinley.”
H.C.Corbin,Adjutant General.
Received the following telegram:--
Dated Washington July 21. No.56. (Argives) The President directs that you send ships of war enough and strong enough to enable Miles to land at Porto Rico and to remain there as long as needed to render assistance or to give him at once The Indiana the Newark or something of each class as good act promptly why do you not telegraph about this convoy some of them are 3 days old on the face of things you seem dilatory in this matter. The Department awaits your quick reply. Long.
Sent the following telegram:--
To Secretary:--Replying to your No. 49 of the 20th it would not be convenient to spare the Vulcan to go with Cover[ing] and Eastern Squadrons as far as the Mediterranean for the reason that there is a great deal of work to constantly occupy the Vulcan for some time in the future. The small vessels of this squadron are most in need of the Vulcan-vessels not having means to make repairs on board ship. As this squadron will soon be composed of small vessels only they will not have the assistance which they have until now had from the larger vessels. I hope that the work of boilermakers on the large ships will be completed in a few days. Boilermakers are specialists within very narrow limits and cannot do their work when separated from their appliances.
July 21st.
To Secretary:--(Altivecer) Replying to your number 56. I was ordered July 12th to prepare all armored ships and certain cruisers for special service,and I have been led to believe that the Department regarded this of prime importance. This work is in progress. I was ordered to send a specified force to Nipe to remove mines and hold it as a rendezvous, This was done, I was informed yesterday that the army had decided not to rendezvous there, bu[t] the expedition had sailed. I placed yesterday at General Miles’ disposal the Cincinnati,which has been ordered from Key West, and the New Orleans blockading at San Juan. The Columbia and Yale carrying troops are both powerfully armed. This is an ample convoy for his expedition and to effect his landing. At his urgent request for further force however I sent to Nipe to order the Annapolis,Wasp, and Leyden to Puerto Rico. They will await the troops at Cape San Juan. I also added the Gloucester here,and have ordered three monitors from Key West. General Miles has from the first insisted upon a convoy of heavy ships;this I have told him my instructions did not permit. The Department will observe that General Miles’ failure to obtain the Naval force which he considers necessary is due to the Department’s instructions. Following the instructions in Department’s No.56 I have ordered the Massachusetts and Dixie,the Indiana and Newark are under repair to steam machinery. The Iowa is not in condition to go. I cannot find any telegram here unanswered.
To Secretary:--Replying to Department’s telegram the Naval Academy Cadets attached to the Newark,Oregon and Massachusetts were detached on the tenth instant in view of the immediate sailing of the Eastern Squadron. They were directed to report to Commandant Naval Base144 who was requested to assign them to ships on the blockade north coast Cuba.
To Secretary:--Have ordered Prairie and Montgomery off San Juan.
To Commodore Howell:--Order Prairie and Montgomery at once off San Juan.
Received the following telegram:--
Dated Washington July 21st. No.57. Will advise you later about commercial vessels Attorney General is considering their status[.] the gunboat is left to your discretion.145 Long.
July 21st.
Dated Washington July 21, No.58. Vessels arrivingat Norfolk are to proceed to the quarantine station and to comply with the quarantine regulations.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:--A steam collier will be necessary at the Porto Rico rendezvous at once.
To Secretary:--Please send for Vulcan five thousand pounds ingot copper by first collier bound here.
To Secretary:--Yale,Massachusetts,Columbia,Dixie,Gloucester sailed for Porto Rico also transports five,two,thirtyone,and four;arrived Yankee,Yankton and Terror.
To Commodore Schley:--Please come to Guantanamo Bay with the Brooklyn at once.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 21, No.59. (Aplayaban) Schooner Tres Hermanoes left July 5th from Belize,Honduras,provisions supposed to the south side of Cuba. Guilermo Lopez second British Register at Belize,Honduras. Long.
Dated Washington July 21, No.60. (Fnuerabor) Grant Squires censor New York states authoritively the Spanish cipher code has been recovered from wreck Spanish ships he holds a number of Spanish cipher messages to and from Madrid and will forward to you if you have cipher code. Have you or can you obtain it. Long.
July 22nd. Received the following despatches:--
World146 has this message from Dewey Manila,replying to cable of World telling him of Cervera’s destruction “thanks for information I am pleased at Victory Sampson has won it was worthy of him”.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:--(Inadhesion) The expedition to Nipe has been entirely successful,although the mines have not been removed for lack of time. The Spanish cruiser Jorge Juan defending the place,was destroyed without loss to our side[.] The Annapolis and Wasp afterwards proceeded from Nipe to assist in the landing of General Miles troops when they arrive at Cape San Juan,Porto Rico. If the report of the Prairie made regarding the condition of affairs at Gibara and Holguin dated the 21st instant has not yet reached the
July 22nd.
Department through Commodore Howell,telegraph for it, as it represents a state of affairs which should be known to the Navy and States Departments without delay.
To Secretary:--(Retesar) I have not Spanish cipher code as yet. One may be recovered from the Reina Mercedes or Colon. Every effort will be made to do so.
To Secretary:--What should be done with the crews of the Spanish merchant ships taken in Santiago. The crew of the gunboat is already ashore with the other prisoners.147
To Commodore R[e]mey:--Send stores here for Indiana noted in General Storekeepers memorandum of June 23rd and July 7th also any other stores for other ships of the Squadron on the south side. These stores should be placed on board the ships carrying the memoranda from the General Storekeeper Much trouble is caused by his action in sending these notices instead of the stores.
To Secretary:--Shall I take it for granted that ships going east will be supplied with charts sent by colliers.
Received the following telegrams:--
Dated Washington No.61. Your despatch of yesterday received and is of much value as showing that you have done all you could for General Miles who has been deluging the War Department with requested for convoy. The information you give is what the Department has needed for the last two or three days to set it and you right. Our unanswered telegram was July 19th in which we asked what vessels are you going to send to Porto Rico with Miles. Long.
Dated Washington July 22nd. No.62. Medical stores for Massachusetts and Oregon sent by Yankee. Quinine,disinfectants,and Surgical dressings by Supply. Formaldehyde generators will go by Solace. Long.
Dated Washington July 22nd. No.63. The collier Saturn has been ordered to the Mole with coal for Monitors order her to best place for coaling them and have her accompany them. Long.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Commodore Remey:--As the Mayflower <and Badger are> (Septulate) detailed to accompany the Squadron to the Mediterranean please have her filled with coal,provisions,and ammunition and sent to Guantanamo by the 28th of this month if possible. Inform Howell.
July 22nd.
To Secretary:--Referring to the Department letter No. 126902 was it the Department’s intention that Commodore Schley shall remain on board the Brooklyn. Paragraph sixteen of same letter were the names of Yosemite and Dixie inadverdantly ommitted.
To Commodore Remey:--Please send here for the Indiana 6000 pounds corned beef,4000 roast beef,2000 sausage,2700 coffee,1000 tomatoes.
To Secretary:--As much fruit and vegetables as possible should be sent by Supply steamers;men are much in need of these.
To Secretary:--Chief Engineer Adnrade [i.e., Andrade] reports as follows: In obedience to Department’s one two seven one three naught I report that for the period stated the New York and Texas will require seven days overhauling Iowa eight days Brooklyn is absent but I understand she is in a serviceable condition,Massachusetts is at Puerto Rico but is understood to be in serviceable condition. The Oregon’s engineer Force is now adjusting bearings but the ship is ready to go at any time that her services are needed. The Oregon has been much embarrassed with a Supply of bad coal shipped from Baltimore necessitating the use of the main boilers for auxiliary purposes for the first time since the ship has been in commission. Indiana can be made ready in ten days. Force on Vulcan now engaged in straightening bulged furnaces. Expedite engineer’s stores on outstanding requisitions accumulated at Key West. Will make special report on Massachusetts and Brooklyn when opportunity offers.
To Navigation:--Please send express matter taken from Key West to New York by Yankee by first opportunity;much inconvenience suffered through its delay. Inform Park and Tilford and Acker Merril and Condit how to ship mess orders.148
To Navigation:--(Cizallaron) The following Board of Survey reporting on the hull of the Texas states as follows:-- that firing the twelve inch guns over the deck in its present condition would speedily result in crushing it down it is the opinion of the Board that the Texas should be immediately sent to a Navy Yard or other docking yard for repairs. Seaton Schroeder,John A.Rodgers,J.S.Waltemeier.149 Report sent by mail.
To Commodore Remey:--Send all thirteen inch semi armor piercing shell and six inch common shell to this place. Send mails.
July 22nd.
Dated Washington July 22nd:--Let crews of Spanish merchant ships go with the prisoners of the Army.
Dated Washington July 22nd. No.64. Until further orders all United States vessels north of Florida will carry the usual running lights and all orders to the contrary are revoked. Issue necessary orders. Long.
Dated Washington July 22nd. No.66(Ceivamos) Remey reports the Puritan and Amphitrite and Montgomery would sail from Key West for Nipe,Cuba,six P.M.,July 20th. Long.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Commodore Remey:--Please send the following boats for the ships of the Squadron: For the Iowa: Gig,second cutter,Barge and one dinghy,and particularly the gears,worms,drums,etc.,of the boat crane which have been in Key West for about one month. Iowa also needs very much four inch rapid fire top carriage. Send also for the New York: Barge,one steam cutter,one dinghy. For the Indiana one steam launch,one sailing launch and two cutter. Send by Yosemite and Badger.
--------- ooo000ooo ------
July 23rd. To Equipment:--Only 3000 tons coal on hand. If colliers not on way to this place order schooners towed from Key West. Should have 8000 tons here and at Porto Rico within a week.
To Secretary:--Several important articles for squadron have long been at Key West and though telegraphed for have not arrived,among them parts of Iowa’s boat crane machinery,four inch top carriage,cordage,etc. The Fern has just arrived without them. Will Department order immediate shipment of all stores which are now at Key West for ships here.
To Navigation:--Request discharge of coal passer Edward Pinder as undesirable for the service. He belongs in Key West and can be transferred by Fern.
To Secretary:--Fern and Cincinnati arrived;Terror sailed.
To Secretary:--(Revoquoins Abacabarem) Referring to transport of prisoners the Spanish Transatlantic Company has been among the chief supporters of Spanish Action in Cuba on account of the money they have made in transport of troops and munitions. Is not this a mistake? Whatever is paid to them is paid to those who have been our most bitter enemy and safeguards their vessels of which we have just destroyed three.
July 23rd. Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 23rd. (Appliravit) Venezuelan schr. Annhyociuth sailed July 22nd from Wellenstadt,Curacoa,cargo of provisions confidentially advised cargo of provisions will leave July 23rd,Kingston,Jamaica,on steamer Dee intending first touching at Santiago to get the U.S. clearance and then will meet another x x x name given in a day or two at point off Santiago probably to the west of it for the purpose of combining cargo and running blockade. Long.
Dated Washington July 23rd. No.69 (Acedais) The Cover Squadron as mentioned in Department’s letter No.126902 was at the time intended to be as given on second page of said letter. The omission of the two cruisers,2nd class,in the 16th paragraph was an error. When convenient and time of departure of the collected squadron approaches direct Schley to shift flag to a suitable vessel to be designated by you from those that are to serve in the Western Atlantic.
Dated Washington July 23rd. No.71. (Abocardado) Transfer to General Shafter merchant ships captured at Santiago[.] War Department wants them for troops. Long.
Dated Washington July 23rd. No.68. Send the Texas to New York. Long.
Dated Washington July 23rd. The Spanish steamship Alicante at Martinique is to sail for Santiago and transport Spanish prisoners to Spain the Secretary of State150 has instructed the American Consul at Fort de France Martinique to issue a safe conduct for the Alicante under his consular seal the safe conduct beingin accordance with articles of agreement entered into by the War Department with the Spanish Transatlantic Steamship Company to transport Spanish prisoners surrendered by General Toral to General Shafter at Santiago. There will probably be other transports for same purpose with same privilege.
Dated Washington July 23rd. No.72. Please carry out rapidly as practicable the repairs mentioned in Andrades report commencing Mesellador Cumbre.
Dated Washington July 23rd. No.67.Supply ship sailed from New York for Santiago yesterday has not collier Southery arrived she sailed from Key West on the ninth. Crowninshield.
Dated Washington July 23rd. Discharge of Edward Pindeer authorized. Crowninshield.
Dated Washington July 23rd. Has Southery and tow arrived. Saturn enroute Nicolas Mole. Evelyn same to Guantanamo. Niagara with tow same,Guantanamo. Leonidas and Hannibal will proceed at once Guantanamo. Bradford.151
July 23rd. Dated Washington July 23rd. Clothing for Iowa and Fleet shipped on Resolute. Heywood, Commandant.
Dated Key West. July 23rd. Commodore Remey had ordered Terror,Amphitrite,Puritan and Montgomery to Guantanamo your telegram received caused change of orders to last three to Nipe. Terror on blockade could not be reached the three are probably in Nipe now and Terror probably at Guantanamo. Howell.
----- ooooOOOooooo- -----
July 24th. Sent the following despatches:--
To Commodore R[e]mey:--Send registered and other mail and express packages for officers here which are in storehouse or have arrived elsewhere at Key West. Mess stores for New York addressed to Pay Burtis by Mallory Line,and Indiana and Brooklyn’s wardroom mess stores.
To Navigation:--Gunner Mackenzie152 cancer of the mouth condemned by Medical Survey,goes north in Texas,request appointment of Andrew Olsen,Chief Gunners Mate of the Iowa as Chief Gunner;Olsen twice recommended by commanding officer of Iowa for promotion,well qualified for Chief Gunner. Chief Diver on Maine in Havana Investigation.
To Saturn Mole St.Nicholas. Proceed at once to Cape San Juan and report to Senior Officer Present.153
To Equipment:--Send coal for Porto Rico fleet to Cape San Juan,Porto Rico.
To Secretary:--Andrade supplements telegram of 22nd by reporting Brooklyn ready for specified service with five days overhauling. Massachusetts still absent.
Received the following communication:--
Headquarters 5th Army Corps,July 23rd,1898.
My dear Admiral Sampson:--An officer from Guantanamo called on me today and presented what purports to be a translation of a letter from you to the Spanish Commander at Guantanamo,in which you are made to say that “it is a fact that 22000 men,in the Province of Santiago de Cuba have surrendered to the American Squadron”. Feeling sure the translation is incorrect,I send it to you. I expect to send an officer up tomorrow to complete the capitulation by receiving the arms and military property of the troops at Guantanamo. Very, etc.
To Secretary:--Resolute arrived;Cincinnati and Fern sailed.
July 24th. Received the following despatch:--
Dated Washington July 24th. Schooner James Judge with coal for fleet sailed July 13th Guantanamo or Santiago. Where send coal for Porto Rico.
Dated Washington July 24th. No.74. (Forderung) Clayton the U.S.Minister to Mexico reports Mo<n>tevideo has sailing orders and clearance for San Domingo City really his large cargo for Cuba 20 feet draught will permit her to enter Cuban ports. Long.
Sent the following communications to General Shafter:--
My dear General Shafter:--I have received your note of the 23rd respecting what purports to be a translation of a letter from me to the Spanish Commander at Guantanamo,in which I am made to say that “it is a fact that 22000 men in the Province of Santiago de Cuba have surrendered to the American Squadron.”
No letter has been written by me,or by any of my officers to the Spanish Commander at Guantanamo,excepting a note yesterday which informed him that a quantity of maize and flour taken from a captured lighter loaded at Kingston,Jamaica,was sent for the Relief of the needy inhabitants of Guantanamo.
The translation referred to was not enclosed,or if enclosed accidentally failed to be taken from the envelope which cannot now be found. It is possible that the phrase referred to may have been used unadvisedly by General Pareja154 himself in some communication to General Toral.
Very truly yours, W.T.Sampson, Rear Admiral,U.S.N.
Sir:-I have been directed to transfer to you the merchant ships captured at Santiago,as they are wanted for troops. They will be sent to Santiago Monday morning.
Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:--(Accostando)The time fixed by Chief Engineer Andrade for completing the repairs of the ships going to the eastward is based upon the time required to overhaul the motive power,and does not include the time required for certain repairs to the battery which are also necessary. The new top carriages for the five inch guns of the Brooklyn and alterations in the twelve inch mounts of the Iowa are not included in the ten days estimate from last Friday. The material for this ordnance work is on board the Armeria,which has not yet arrived.
To Navigation:--Chief Engineer Andrade recommends the following increase in complements:for Iowa one boilermaker, one machinist;for Oregon on boilermaker;Indiana one boilermaker;Brooklyn,one boilermaker;Massachusetts one boilermaker. Request they be sent by first opportunity.
July 24th.
To Navigation:--Schooner James Judge arrived. Southery will leave in two days.
July 25th. Received the following telegram:--
Dated Washington July 25th. Assign Acting Gunner George Charette of Merrimac’s crew for duty on Iowa instead of Gunner Mackenzie. Dickins.155
Sent the following telegrams:--
To Secretary:--General Shafter sent an officer yesterday to receive surrender of troops,etc.,at Guantanamo. He went up this morning. One of our officers was sent to look after the gunboat Sandoval and seen no injury was done her[.] He found she had been sunk last night in from three to four fathoms. The commanding officer was warned July 17th after surrender that if any injury were done her he would be regarded as outside the pale of ordinary prisoners of war. I propose he be placed in close arrest for trial by a commission. I have sent a telegram to General Shafter requesting he be arrested to await Department’s instructions. There is no army force here except the one officer sent to receive surrender and he returns tonight;in the meantime there are about five thousand Spanish prisoners and so far as I know no one to look after them.
To General Shafter:--The officer commanding gunboat Sandoval has sunk her though warned on the 17th that he would be regarded as outside the pale of ordinary prisoners of war in case he did her injury. I request that he be arrested to await the instructions of our Government.156
To NavMontgomery arrived this morning left four o’clock afternoon with Southery,will coal monitors off Haiti then proceed to Hampton Roads. Montgomery with monitors will proceed Cape San Juan. Prairie arrived. <Texas sailed for N.Y.>
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 25th,1898. No.76. Replying to your telegram Accostando Pronkerig Chief of Bureau of Ordnance estimates four days sufficient for repairs indicated. Armeria sailed from New York 21st Department urges despatch. Long.
Dated Washington July 25th, Please send here staff returns < Brooklyn’s men.> sent on St.Louis. Heywood.
Dated Washington July 25th. No.75. The Isla de Luxon and Isla de Panay are two more vessels to be used by the Army as transports and the instructions concerning the Alicante apply to these vessels. <Long.>
July 25th. Dated Washington July 25th. No.78. (Marsema)
Cont’d. Recall Massachusetts from Porto Rico and coal and order up the monitors in her place. Long.
Dated Washington July 25th. (Aplayaria)The U.S.Consul at Kingston letter of July 9th reports seventeen cases small pox at Manzanillo,Cuba.
July 26th. Sent the following Despatches:--
To C.O.Massachusetts,c/o Consul,St.Thomas. (Absumis) Monitors are on their way are coaling at Tortugas Island today July 26th. You will return at once to Guantanamo.
To Navigation:--Armeria.
Received the following despatch:--
Dated Santiago July 26th. Colonel Ewers157 informs me of you have enough flour for prisoners for fifteen days if you can go on with its issue I will only send other parts of the ration.
Shafter, Major General.
Dated Washington July 26th. No.80. (Marteel) Unconfirmed report that Miles has landed at Ponce retain monitors for the present Nipe,Cuba,or some safe port. LONG.
Received the following communications from General Shafter
Dated Santiago July 25th,1898. My Dear Admiral:-I was quite satisfied that the translation of what purported to be a letter from you was incorrect when I sent it. I regret that the letter itself is not at hand,having returned it to the Spanish officer who had it. The enclosed is the translated copy. Sincerely yours, Wm.R.Shafter.
Copy of translation:-The Admiral commanding the American squadron has orders to issue provisions to the Spanish troops and the families of Guantanamo until official orders are received for the surrender of the town. It is the desire of the Admiral that no more encounters should occur between the Spanish troops and the Cubans,and that this can be avoided by his sending a communication to General Periquito Perez. That,from the American squadron or forces accompanying it,there will be an officer going overland to avoid all encounters with the different bands, for it is a fact that 22000 men in the province of Santiago de Cuba have surrendered to the American squadron. The Admiral desires,if possible,to talk to the English Consul this afternoon,for the purpose of settling this question as soon as possible. It is desired to send in this afternoon the rations referred to in the foregoing paragraph. The force that has surrendered will be embarked for the Peninsula as early as possible. Captain of the Staff. Candido Pardo.
July 26th.
Cont’d. Dated Santiago de Cuba,July 25th. Sir:-I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from you of the five merchant ships captured at Santiago. V.R., W.R.Shafter, etc.
Dated Washington July 26th. No.83. (Butrino) Send suitable ship to relieve the Newark as Army escort to Porto Rico and xxx prepare the Newark at once to go with fleet to Europe. LONG.
Translation of a Spanish telegram:
Dated Santiago July 26th. To General Pareja,Guantanamo. Make report of the families of officers transferred,desiring to repart [i.e., depart] for Spain,telling by cable the number of women and children. TORAL.
Sent the following telegrams:--
C.O.Dixie,U.S.Consul,St.Thomas.158 Return to Guantanamo at once. Tell New Orleans to fill with coal.
C.O.New Orelans,159U.S.Consul,St.Thomas. Fill with coal as soon as it arrives. Ammunition will be sent you by
C.O.,Saturn,160Mole St.Nicholas. Report your arrival and departure to Commander-in-Chief. by cable.
To General Shafter. All flour that can be spared was issued to the destitute in Guantanamo several days ago. I have heard from our storeship that there are about 25 barrels of flour remaining on board and that will be needed for the Squadron.
To Commodore Remey:--Detach Chief Engineer Freeman from the Nashville and order him to proceed with all despatch to Guantanamo to relieve Chief Engineer Cowie on the Indiana.161
To Secretary:--I call Department’s attention to an Associated Press despatch in the New York Times and Herald of the 19th attributing to Commodore Schley certain opinions concerning mines. I request that the manager of the Associated Press be called upon to name the source and authority for this statement.162
To Secretary:- Niagara arrived with tow.
To Secretary:-(Crookedly)Can you send Dolphin here by Aug. 1st for Flagship. I think the Squadrons will be ready for sea on August 1st.
July 26th.
To General Shafter:-Commander McCalla who has just returned from Caimanera states that there are still about 200 barrels of flour taken from a prize. It had been intended to send this also to the British Consul who has been representing us,for distribution to all the residents of Guantanamo and Caimanera. I think it is much better that this should be used for the destitute people and the prisoners be supplied with the regular army ration is [i.e., if] possible.
July 27th. Sent the following despatches:--
To Commodore Remey:--Why was gear for Iowa’s boat crane and other material which has been lying so long at Key West not sent by Niagara.
To Secretary:--Five merchant steamers were sent to Santiago and turned over to General Shafter on Monday.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Key West July 27th.Do you direct prepayment of charges on private matter mentioned in your telegram of 24th inst.163 Remey.
Dated Santiago July 26th. I was told by Consul164 you had ten days flour and so was sending only other parts of ration but I will send flour also.
Shafter, Major General.
Dated Washington July 27th. No.81. (Jouteur) Minister to Mexico165 states following vessels known to be carrying food to Cuba Arturio Sarah 5 trips each Tres Hermanose 3 trips Franklin Villaverde Bergen 2 trips each also am informed verbally that Spanish steamer Montevideo and Villaverde will not be permitted to leave.
Dated Washington July 27th. (Abalizaras) Hydrographic Office reports that outfits of Asiatic charts are now aboard the Newark,Massachusetts,Oregon,Dixie,Yosemite,Yankee and partial outfit on board colliers now assembled in Hampton Roads other special Asiatic charts will be sent by collier you will see distribution made to vessels of Watson’s Squadron. LONG.
Sent the following despatch:--
Secretary:--Professional and Medical Board of Examination find Lieutenant Comly and Hill and Ensign Twining qualifi[e]d for promotion.166
To Commodore Remey:--Replying to your telegram my letter No.18 of June 25th directs the prepayment as may be necessary. The main point is that all these packages must reach their destination.
July 27th. Copy of a telegram:--
To General Toral. Number women,mobilized officers that wish to embark,thirty,children sixty-three. Beg of you not to forget necessity money to attend officers,troops and guerrilleros. PAREJA.
Received the following telegrams:--
Dated Washington July 27th. Please direct transfer of accounts of Mate Andrew Anderson from Brooklyn to Paymaster of Sterling.167 LONG.
Dated Washington July 27th. No.79. When stores aboard the Niagara have been discharged send that vessel to Key West. Previous orders concerning her have been revoked. LONG.
Dated Santiago July 27th. Fern hard aground Cay Smith since Sunday A.M. now lightering her ask Shafter hasten discharge Resolute. EATON.168
Dated St.Thomas July 27th. Arrived here General Miles American troops today 9.15 A.M. There are no batteries Gloucester entered harbor landed company dispersed small company Spanish soldiers hoisted flag transport(s) discharged without opposition assisted by boat(s) of Massachusetts. When Yale has landed force I shall send her north. Columbia proceeds for coal to St.Thomas and will return and resume duties unless otherwise ordered. She will be very useful for carrying despatches and orders. General Miles has directed transports arriving off San Juan to come here. Small light draft vessels needed to accompany General Miles along coast on march from Ponce. Colliers should be sent to Guanica. Light draft monitors would be useful for x x x small vessels for work along coast came (coming?) through Mona passage. Sent Dixie around (northeast?) and east coast. Collect all available force to meet me here x x x x I have telegraphed the Secretary? Higgenson,Portguanica,July 25th.
Dated Washington July 27th. No.79.When stores aboard the Niagara have been discharged send that vessel to Key West previous orders concerning her have been revoked. LONG.
July 27th. Dated Washington July 27th.
Cont’d. (Aplastar) The following from the Attache at Paris,France,169Pelayo sustained damages to her machinery on recent trip troops and material being sent no (to?) Spanish ports particularly eastern. Great anxiety reigns in Spanish ports notwithstanding announced postponement sailing of U.S.Squadron. Distribution Spanish naval forces will be decided this week. L O N G .
Dated Washington July 27th. No.85. (Nitidandum) You will prepare a letter to Commodore Howell turning over to him the command of the Naval Force on N.A.Station during your absence giving him an account of the stations and duties of the vessels of the fleet with copy of unexecuted orders. Have a fast vessel ready to send to him with these papers and as the moment you are ordered to proceed on new duty. L O N G.
Dated Washington July 27th. No.87. Steamer San Augustine has been given safe conduct by Consul at Martinique by order of the State Department.
L O N G .
Dated Washington July 27th. No.88.(Apolegaria) Brazilian steamer Diamante cargo of provisions sailed about July 18t h. will probably be ready to leave July 19th to run blockade. There is said to be plenty of evidence in telegram at New York that Diamante means to run blockade.You are reminded of the steamer Dee according to me telegram of July 23rd which begins Applecourt Ripalpino. LONG.
Dated Washington July 27th. Please return examination papers case of Lieutenant Doyen,Marine only. LEMLY.170
Sent the following telegrams:--
To Military Governor,Santiago:171--Is the British steamer Dee in port? We are somewhat suspicious of her movements. She should not be allowed to leave with a cargo of provisions. It is reported from Washington that she intends landing these provisions by running the blockade. I would be obliged for some specific information regarding her.
To Secretary:--Supply arrived.Prairie sailed for Porto Rico.
June [i.e., July] 28th. Received the following telegram:--
Dated Key West July 28th. Iowa’s boat crane gear and all material here for ships at Santiago were sent by Niagara or before and if missing because large shipment was returned aboard Yankee by Department’s order when she went to New York July third. Brownson172 reported 14th all except stores for Watson’s squadron were landed there. Yankee carried away top carriages sixteen coils and fifty six other pieces for Iowa. R E M E Y .
Sent the following telegram:--
To Secretary:--The Supply brought here 4500 pounds of salt water soap;the Iowa alone needs 7500 pounds. Cannot a proper Supply of this be sent.
To Secretary:--Iowa’s boat crane gear and many other articles seem to have gone to New York in Yankee and put ashore there. Can they be found and sent.
Received the following telegrams:--
Dated Santiago July 28th. Copy of telegram New York July 28th. Goudie173 New York. Washington Official Bulletin Spain directly to McKinley through French Ambassador174 Formally sues for peace. Advice Shafter. Ned Mack. McClernand. A.A.G.
Dated Santiago July 28th. Dee left here for Kingston yesterday to transfer lading to English ship for St.Thos. S H A F T E R .
Dated Mole July 28th. Following from the Mole:-Saturn arrived 4.45 P.M. Saturn Bicknell175 asks for longitude of Cape San Juan. ?
Dated Washington July 28th. No.89. At the request of the Secretary of War the Secretary of State has instructed the Consul at Gibraltar176 to issue safe conduct to the following steamships of the Spanish Transatlantic Line now at Cadiz: The leo XIII Strusteguin Colon and Covidenga. Long.
Dated Santiago July 28th. Thank you very much nit I dont know that at present you can assist me. You may however and I shall not hesitate to call upon you I propose to keep the Spanish troops at Guantanamo the immediate vicinity until ships come to take them to Spain I expect to send a Battalion of Immunes177 to Guantanamo in a few days?
July 28th. Copy of a cablegram. Dated Santiago July 28th.
Cont’d. Col. E.P.Ewers. Copy of cablegram New York July28 Goudie Santiago. Washington Official Bulletin. Spain directly to McKinley through French Ambassador formally sues for peace. Advise Shafter. Sed Mack. McClernand. A.A.G.
Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 28th. No.90.(Marterbent) Select safe harbor in Porto Rico Island for the monitors during the hurricane season x x them there when not x x LONG.
Dated Washington July 28th. No.91. Full supplies of all kinds are aboard Glacier for vessels of Watson’s squadron proper 30000 pounds soap and 10000 tobacco go by Harvard plenty of both at Key West. Send Celtic back as soon as cargo exhausted.
L O N G .
Dated Washington July 28th. No.92.(Fustilugs) Howell states July 19th the present force is not sufficient to blockade coast. The section of the coast of Cuba under his charge because many Supply for Spanish Army enter Sagua la Grande and neighboring ports put all vessels practicable on blockade of Cuba and advise whether you could then blockade Sagua la Grande and Nuevitas one or both and if yes the President will be request to issue proclamation. L O N G .
Dated Washington July 28th. No.93. You have authority if in your judgment proper to allow the cable boat Mancel with French cable staff on board to go into harbor of Guantanamo and establish telegraphic communication. LONG.
Dated Washington July 28th. No.94.(Cogedura) Steamers Tabasquino and Franklin sailed July 25th from Vera Cruz Mexican steamer Jose Romano loading July 16th for Cuba. L O N G .
Dated Washington July 28th. Despatch Saturn Hannibal or Leonidas as required to Porto Rico. No coal sent there from here. B R A D F O R D .
Dated Key West July 28th. Mayflower sailing today ordered to pick up Freeman from blockade.
R E M E Y .
Sent the following telegrams:--
To Secretary:--The collier Saturn has arrived Nicolas Mole today. Have sent her to Port Guanico. Request that Resolute may remain here to transport Marines to Isle of Pines after discharging stores for the Army.
To Commodore Remey:--Was telegram ordering Engineer Freeman from Nashville to Indiana received. When will he arrive here.
July 28th.
To Secretary:--There are about five thousand Spanish soldiers in Guantanamo and Caimanera,seventeen hundred of them sick. They have not yet been congregated in one encampment as suggested by us between two rivers on the north and west end of Joa.178 There are political prisoners still in jail in Guantanamo kept there by order of General Pareja for their safety from the violence of the Spanish volunteers who have already it is said by Consul Brooks attempted to take them from Jail being prevented only by a force of cavalry in the streets by Pareja’s energy. These politicals are still under Spanish control and cannot with safety be removed until the city is occupied by our forces or Cuban authorities. Steps should be taken in interest of sanitation and humanity, and garrison be placed in Guantanamo so that the prosperity of the District may begin with the reopening of the port. Two lines of torpedoes have been removed from the channel in front of Fort and commercial vessels may now pass to Caimenera,but steps must be taken for organization
160,000 rations arrived this morning from Santiago, but the master of the transport comes to me for orders not knowing what to do with them. I hesitate to take any steps in these matters without request from the Army though most ready to assist if desired. Sent the following to Shafter.
Transport 31 arrived with 160,000 rations and requested directions. Have sent it to Caimanera. Is this what was desired and can I do anything to aid your work in this vicinity.
To General Shafter:-- Transport 31 arrived with 160,000 rations and requested directions. Have sent it to Caimanera. Is this what was desired and can I do anything to aid your work in this vicinity.
To C.O.Saturn. Mole Saint Nicholas. Orders modified. Proceed to Port Guanica south side Puerto Rico and report to Senior Naval Officer Present;if not there proceed to Ponce or if necessary to Cape San Juan east end of Puerto Rico.
July 29th. Received the following despatches:--
Dated Washington July 29th. To Watson. Replying to cable of 24th,articles required requisition 2nd instant will be shipped on Scindia.
B R A D F O R D .
Dated Washington July 29th. No.95. Advance expedition to raise Cristobal Colon starts today;pontoons and air bags follow.
H O B S O N .
July 29th. Dated St.Thomas July 29th.
Cont’d. U.S.S.Massachusetts,1st Rate, Port Ponce,Porto Rico,July 28th,1898. Sent Commander Davis with Dixie,Annapolis,Wasp,Gloucester from Guanica 2.00 P.M. July 27th [to] blockade Ponce capture lighters for use Army of Ponce and Playa surrendered Commander Davis179 upon demand 12.30 A.M. July 28th. Spanish garrison evacuated provisionary articles of surrender until occupating by Army garrison to be allowed to retire 2 civil government remain in force, 3 police and fire brigade to be maintained without arms, 4 Captain of Port not to be made prisoner. Arrived Ponce from Guanica with Massachusetts,Cincinnati,General Miles,General Wilson transports 6.40 A.M. 28th,commenced landing Army in captured sugar lighters,no resistance,troops welcomed by inhabitants with great en[t]husiasm. Captured 60 lighters,20 sailing vessels, about 120 tons of coal.
H I G G I N S O N .
Dated Washington July 29th. No.96. Stores of all kinds for 8000 men at Key West. Commodore Remey is under your orders therefore you may order him to send any supplies you may need in one of your vessels. L O N G .
Dated Washington July 29th. No.97. (Appilante) Spanish steamer Montserrat evaded blockade entered Matanzas with large cargo now speedily unloading. L O N G .
Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary:--(Courbette) The Maria Teresa,upon which the wreckers are now engaged will be floated and brought to Guantanamo as soon as a small leak is located and which is located in the bow of the ship. Whether this leak is due to a small valve being left open,or a hole which may have been made in the bow,is not yet known. Her own pumps are being used to remove the water there being steam on one of her boilers. The new five inch mounts which came in the Armeria for the Brooklyn are all in place. If the Department has received information regarding the landing place of General Miles I would be glad to know it,as the Massachusetts and Dixie,which were ordered to return here three days ago,have not yet done so.
July 30th. Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary:-- Evelyn and Hannibal arrived. Hannibal proceeded to Porto Rico.
July 30th. Sent the following despatches:--
To Commodore Howell:--Will you be able to completely blockade the north coast of Cuba when the following vessels drawing from nine to eleven feet have joined you:-Governor Russell,East Boston,Stranger,Siren,Viking,Apache,Sylvia, Frolic. Report your opinion to the Department.
To Commanding Officer,Massachusetts,Ponce,P.R. Return at once with Massachusetts and Dixie to Guantanamo.
To Commodore Remey:--Salt water soap is most urgently needed here. If any means offers of sending at once send thirty thousand pounds.
To Supplies and Accounts:--Celtic leaves today for New York;has still aboard as much beef as she need carry back. About twenty-five thousand pounds of Mutton should be brought. Five hundred tons of ice. Four hundred barrels of potatoes. No wines or liquors except beer. Large quantities of breakfast bacon and hams,canned fruit,canned vegetables,onions,eggs,lemons,oranges,condensed milk,and cigarettes. Would advise arranging to bulhead off articles subject to being pilfered. Sufficient of special articles mentioned should be sent to enable to transfer of portion to Supply,which has sufficient fresh meat and ordinary stores to remain on the Station very considerable time. Supply’s outfit of special supplies was wholly insufficient to meet demands.
Received the following despatch:--
Dated Washington July 30th. No.98. Keep Department constantly and promptly advised concerning wrecking of vessels as expensive contracts are on and it is desirable to stop them as rapidly as vessels are saved. L O N G.
Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary:-Shall Pillsbury and Delehanty180 be examined here for promotion.
To Commodore Remey:--Where is steam windlass for the Potomac?
July 31st. Dated Washington July 30th. No.99. (Fociemeter) Steamers Burton and Marie sailed July 29th Point a Pitre,Guadeloupe for Santiago de Cuba possibly they may try to run blockade. L O N G .
Dated Washington July 30th. No.100. (Appassino) The Norwegian steamer Klondike late British steamer Syria x x British steamer x x clearing from London,England,for Vera Cruz,Mexico,and Kingston,Jamaica,on time charters; thought she will attempt to run blockade. L O N G .
Dated Washington July 30th. No.101. (Abainhando)Agent at Cadiz,Spain,reports Krupp coast defense gun(s) in fort Saint Catalina and Saint Sebastian. Have not received ammunition yet. Earthworks at Toregorda and still awaiting gun(s) from Trabia. L O N G .
Dated Washington July 30th. No.102. (Inodorabam)Referring to your telegram of 29th instant commencing Courbette Adrelari if the Massachusetts and Dixie am (are) not yet on return (of) to you send a despatch vessel to order their return replacing at the same time with two more vessels. I suggest the Newark for one of them. L O N G .
Sent the following despatch:--
To Secretary:--The Leonidas arrived last night.
To Secretary:--Aux.No.434 [and] Massachusetts not yet arrived from Porto Rico Sent them telegrams on 26th and 29th and orders by Prairie on 27th. They are expected hourly. Notice to sail ought to enable me to designate rendez-vous for New Orleans which is still blockading San Juan. Vessels here are filled with ammunition and provisions and near filled with coal. Coal is here and I will fill at last moment. Southery,Saturn,Hannibal sent to Porto Rico. Southery was to coal monitors Tortuga Island,Haiti,on July 26th. Mayflower and Badger due here today. Checking your number hundred and three I understand we are to meet Aux.No.461 (Harvard) 33o40’Lat.N. 40o00’Long.W.
Received the following despatch:--
Dated Washington July 30th. No.103.(Courbement) Aux.No.461 (Harvard) will leave New York with latest information of conditions three days after the fleet leaves Guantanamo with orders to proceed at utmost speed and to await fleet 33o40’N.,40o00’W. Repeat back vessel and latitude longitude meeting of the place. L O N G .
July 31st.
Dated Washington July 31st. Referring to my telegram Inodorabam Kirkyard it is not now necessary to replace the Massachusetts at Porto Rico by another ship nor Aux.No.434 (Dixie) by a ship of exactly same class but replace with what you consider suitable vessels. L O N G .
Sent the following despatches:--
To Secretary:--Referring to the Department’s telegram of this date. Withdrawing the Massachusetts,New Orleans,and Dixie,the following vessels will still remain at Porto Rico:--Puritan,Amphitrite,Terror,Yale,Columbia, Cincinnati,Annapolis,Wasp,Gloucester,Leyden, Prairie, and Montgomery.
To Secretary:--There is a number of bronze guns in and about Santiago similar to those at the War Department entrance,valuable only as trophies. I think these should be divided equally between the Army and Navy;there are several in the Caimanera Fort,two quite small,one of which I would suggest going to Marblehead and the other to the Naval Academy. As this Fort was engaged only by the Navy is there any objection to the removal of bronze guns.
To General Shafter:--As I am directed by the Secretary of the Navy to sign the articles of capitulation of Santiago May I request that you send by an officer such papers as were signed by the Military Branch of the United States Forces in order that I may sign them as Commander-in-Chief of the Naval Branch of the United States Forces.
Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 313, Entry 56, Box 11. Included in this command diary were copies of squadron bulletin and logs of the “wig-wag” messages sent to and received from the Army during the fleet’s bombardment of Santiago de Cuba in support of Fifth Corps. Those reports and messages that have been printed elsewhere and therefore have not been included here. Also certain handwritten corrections: letters, words, or phrases, were added to the text. These are indicated by angle brackets. Finally, in several instances the typist began a line and then went back and typed x’s over the text and then re-started the line. Those lines of x’s have been silently omitted.
Footnote 1: The word in angle brackets is the first word in the message when the message was sent in code. It appears that sometimes these coded messages were unclear as the transcriptions lack punctuation and sometimes the words are out of order and do not make sense as presented.
Footnote 2: That is, Christina, Purissima Concepcion, and Alberto. Ramón Blanco Erenas was Captain-General of Cuba.
Footnote 3: Secretary of the Navy John D. Long.
Footnote 4: John G Foste.
Footnote 5: Nicholas R. Snyder.
Footnote 6: This confused portion of the message seems to be saying that the Bratton had clearance to go to New York but will then, according to the American consul, try to run the blockade and go to a port in Cuba. “Port Ontonio” is a mis-transcription of Port Antonio.
Footnote 7: Ens. Horace G. Macfarland.
Footnote 8: Caibarién, Cuba, is on the north coast of the island, east of Matanzas.
Footnote 9: The list mentioned has not been found. For a list of Auxiliary vessels in the Spanish-American War, see: Auxiliary Cruisers in the Spanish-American War, 27 November 1898.
Footnote 10: Commo. Arent S. Crowninshield, Chief of the Bureau of Navigation.
Footnote 11: Maj. Gen. William R. Shafter, commander of the Fifth Army Corps.
Footnote 12: That is, the fleet of Adm. Pasual Cervera y Topete, which was anchored in the harbor of Santiago de Cuba.
Footnote 13: Lambert’s Point is a coal depot near Norfolk, VA. By “banking up,” Crowninshield meant collecting in large amounts.
Footnote 14: Adm. Manuel de la Cámara y Libermoore, who commanded a fleet that was to be sent from Spain to the Relief of the Philippines.
Footnote 15: Commo. John C. Watson, Commander, Eastern Squadron. For more on this squadron, see: Eastern Squadron section.
Footnote 16: A slightly less confusing version of this telegram is to be found later in this command diary under the date 6 July.
Footnote 17: That is, Aruba.
Footnote 18: That is, Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Paymaster General Edwin Stewart, Chief of the Bureau.
Footnote 19: Capt. Charles D. Sigsbee.
Footnote 20: Lt. Sidney A. Staunton, North Atlantic Fleet Flag Secretary.
Footnote 21: Secretary of War Russell A. Alger.
Footnote 22: Adm. Pascual Cevera y Topete.
Footnote 23: That is: Cristóbal Colón, Almirante Oquendo, and Plutón.
Footnote 24: For more on the controversy surrounding this telegram, see: Sampson to Long, 3 July 1898.
Footnote 25: Capt. Juan B. Lazaga y Garay.
Footnote 26: The telegram is above and repeated below, under date 6 July.
Footnote 27: Capt. Antonio Eulate y Fery. For more on this gesture, see: Capt. Robly D. Evans to Sampson, 4 July 1898.
Footnote 28: Capt. Fernand Fernando Villaamil and Capt. Juan B. Lazaga y Garay.
Footnote 29: That is, Capt. Victor M. Concas y Palau and Capt. Antonio Eulate y Fery.
Footnote 30: United States Consul at Guadalupe Louis H. Aymé.
Footnote 31: Surgeon-Major Louis La Garde.
Footnote 32: Gen. Luis Manuel de Pando y Sánchez. The Relief force from Manzanillo was actually commanded by Col. Frederico Escario García and numbered only 3,500 men. Shafter’s contention that it was able to get through because of the negligence of the Cuban Insurgents is not entirely fair. The Relief force was harassed the entire length of its march by the Cubans and suffered significant casualties. Moreover, it had slipped into Santiago de Cuba by finding a gap between the American right flank and the bay shore and by brushing aside an outnumbered Cuban Insurgent force that tried to block its way. Cosmas, An Army for Empire, 223-24.
Footnote 33: By “wrecking company,” Sampson meant salvage company.
Footnote 34: As Sampson suspected, the derelict cruiser Reina Mercedes was deliberately scuttled. But despite the fact that the Spanish crew sank the vessel where planned, when it came to rest it lay east of the main channel and did not obstruct the entrance. Trask, War with Spain, 287.
Footnote 35: Austrian Minister to the United States Ladislaus Hengelmüller von Hengervár.
Footnote 36: That is, Capt. Benjamin R. Russell, Capt. Alan C. Kelten and either 1st Lt. Frank J. Moses or Lawrence A. Moses, all from the United States Marine Corps.
Footnote 37: That is, the Austrian armored cruiser Kaiserin und Königin Maria Theresia.
Footnote 38: Chief Clerk at the Bureau of Equipment David N. Estés.
Footnote 39: Asst. Naval Constructor Richmond P. Hobson and his men were captured after scuttling the Merrimac in Santiago Harbor. Gen. José Toral y Vázquez was in command of the Spanish Army forces at Santiago. For more on Hobson, the Merrimac, and the proposed exchange, see: Sinking the Merrimac.
Footnote 40: For more on this incident, see: Capt. Charles S. Cotton to Long, 20 July 1898.
Footnote 41: Engineer in Chief George W. Melville.
Footnote 42: Capt. Frederick H. Munger, Revenue Cutter Service.
Footnote 43: Capt. Caspar F. Goodrich.
Footnote 44: Col. John F. Weston Assistant Commissary General of Subsistence.
Footnote 45: Cmdr. Bowman H. McCalla.
Footnote 46: Capt. Robley D. Evans.
Footnote 47: Cmdr. Henry B. Mansfield.
Footnote 48: Lt. Col. William S. Worth. This controversy must have been resolved amicably because a short time later Worth was promoted to brigadier general. Adjutant General, Official Army Register for 1899. (War Department: Washington, DC, 1899), 14.
Footnote 49: That is, New York Herald.
Footnote 50: Lt. Caballero had actually served on Plutón; he survived the battle. See, Müller, Battles and Capitulation, 107.
Footnote 51: That is the Spanish cruiser, Infanta Maria Teresa.
Footnote 52: Cmdr. Bowman H. McCalla. “Playa” was Playa del Este at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.
Footnote 53: Commo. Winfield S. Schley, Commander, 2nd Blockading Squadron.
Footnote 54: The “Morro” was a castle/fort defending the east side of the entrance to Santiago de Cuba harbor.
Footnote 55: A “boxer fuze” was a timed fuze for an artillery shell.
Footnote 56: Capt. William H Emory.
Footnote 57: In his history of the war, French E. Chadwick, Sampson’s Chief of Staff, wrote that the decision to open the valves and scuttle their ships was a squadron-wide policy that had been arranged before the battle. Chadwick, too, contended that doing so was a violation of established military procedure and dishonorable. Chadwick, The Spanish-American War, 154n. However, no action seems to have been taken against Capt. Emilio Diaz Moreu.
Footnote 58: Capt. French E. Chadwick.
Footnote 59: Cuban Insurgent Maj. Gen. Agustín Cebreco y Sanchez.
Footnote 60: Capt. Jose de Paredes. As seen in Sampson’s reply of the same date, Paredes’ aide, Don Pablo Marina, was a prisoner aboard St. Louis.
Footnote 61: Cervera’s telegram, which reported the results of the battle of Santiago de Cuba, is above under the date 4 July.
Footnote 62: Gas check pads were used in breech loading artillery pieces to prevent blowback.
Footnote 63: Commo George C. Remey was commandant of the Key West Naval Base.
Footnote 64: The intelligence was incorrect. The squadron commanded by VAdm. Manuel de la Cámara y Libermoore proceeded as far as the Suez Canal but then returned to Spain. See: The Eastern Squadron.
Footnote 65: Lt. Cmdr. William W. Kimball. Kimball commanded the American torpedo boat flotilla.
Footnote 66: Dixie was Auxiliary Number 434.
Footnote 67: 1st Lt. Robert M. Dutton, United States Marine Corps.
Footnote 68: When Shafter forwarded this proposal to his superiors in Washington, Adjutant General Henry C. Corbin replied almost immediately that President William McKinley ordered Shafter to accept nothing but “unconditional surrender.” Correspondence-War with Spain, 1: 116.
Footnote 69: Lt. Edwin A. Anderson. He was an officer on Marblehead.
Footnote 70: Commo. John A. Howell, Commander, 1st Blockading Squadron.
Footnote 71: Auxiliary No 596 was Yosemite.
Footnote 72: Cmdr. James M. Forsyth was commandant of the Key West Naval Base. Commo. George C. Remey superseded him so presumably he was now serving as assistant commandant.
Footnote 73: That is, salvage operation equipment.
Footnote 74: That is, the French Navy unprotected cruiser D’Estaing. According to a contemporary Spanish source, the cruiser entered Havana harbor on 8 July “without saluting the blockading vessels” and left on 28 July. Severo Gómez Núñez, The Spanish-American War: Blockades and Coast Defense. Office of Naval Intelligence War Notes No. 1, Information from Abroad (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1899), 76.
Footnote 75: Capt. John W. Philip, Capt. Francis J. Higginson, Capt. Henry C. Taylor, Capt. Francis A. Cook, Lt. Cmdr. Richard Wainwright, Lt. Cmdr. Raymond P. Rodgers, Lt. Cmdr. Seaton Schroeder, Lt. Cmdr. John A. Rodgers, Lt. Cmdr. James K. Cogswell, Lt. Cmdr. William P. Potter, Lt. Cmdr. Giles B. Harber, Lt. Cmdr. Newton E. Mason and Lt. Alexander Sharp Jr.
Footnote 76: The coded information here, the text of which was typed on a separate sheet and then glued into the diary, was a rebuke of Commo. Schley. Sampson felt that Schley’s slowness in locating and blockading the Spanish fleet at Santiago should have counted against him regardless of the outcome of the battle of Santiago. Trask, War with Spain, 268.
Footnote 77: George T. Davis.
Footnote 78: William W. Canada.
Footnote 79: Nelson Hersh was editor of the New York World.
Footnote 80: This report concerning the fleet commanded by VAdm. Manuel de la Cámara y Libermoore was correct.
Footnote 81: For more on Jose R. Solis and Adula, see: Dent to Assistant Secretary of State John B. Moore, 10 July 1898.
Footnote 82: As seen earlier, Lambert’s Point is a coal depot at Norfolk, VA; Crooked Island Passage is in the Bahamas.
Footnote 83: At this point and at points later in the journal Sampson provided a log of the “wig-wag” messages sent and received by the fleet during their firing on Santiago de Cuba in support of the Army. For this log see: Sampson to Long, 1 August 1898.
Footnote 84: The letter from Captain-General Ramón Blanco y Erenas to Adm. Pascual Cervera y Topete, undated, is printed in Squadron Operations, 134. As noted there, it went to Washington, DC, and was then forwarded to Cervera, who was at Portsmouth, NH.
Footnote 85: This landing and operation never took place.
Footnote 86: Sampson’s recommendations were in a telegram in this diary under the date 10 July.
Footnote 87: French Ambassador to Haiti Théodore Meyer.
Footnote 88: As seen later in this diary, Grant Squires was the censor at New York.
Footnote 89: At this point in the journal Sampson provided a log of the wig-wag messages sent and received by the fleet during their firing on Santiago in support of the Army. For a detailed copy of this log, see: Sampson to Long, 1 August 1898.
Footnote 90: Pvt. Theodore W. Miller of the First Volunteer Cavalry. Miller died at the Battle of San Juan Hill. For more information on Miller, see his published diary, George E. Vincent ed. Theodore W. Miller, Rough Rider: His Diary as a Soldier Together with the Story of His Life (Akron, OH: Privately Printed, 1899).
Footnote 91: Jovite was a kind of explosive used in artillery shells. It had a “fine granular structure, resembling brick dust in color, and gave a violent explosion.” Report of the Secretary of the Navy, Being Part of the Message and Documents Communicated to the Two Houses of Congress. (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1895), 287.
Footnote 92: Lt. Col. Edward J. McClernand, the Assistant Adjutant General.
Footnote 93: This date was originally typed as “13th” however someone handwrote a “2” over the “3.”
Footnote 94: At this point in the journal Sampson provided a log of the “wig-wag” messages sent and received by the fleet during their firing on Santiago in support of the Army. For this log, see: Sampson to Long, 1 August 1898.
Footnote 95: That is, General Roy Stone, a Civil War general who returned to serve as a volunteer under Nelson A. Miles. His appointment as Brigadier General of Volunteers was approved on 8 June. After the Civil War, Stone became a leading advocate for the “Good Roads Movement” and was considered something of an expert on transportation matters. Richard F. Weingroff, Portrait of a General: General Roy Stone. Federal Highway Administration Website, accessed 19 November 2015,
Footnote 96: Philip C. Hanna.
Footnote 97: Capt. Caspar F. Goodrich.
Footnote 98: Walter S. Meriwether of the New York Herald.
Footnote 99: Col. Charles F. Humphrey, quartermaster for Fifth Corps, and Lt. Cmdr. John E. Pillsbury, commander of Vesuvius.
Footnote 100: For more on this controversy, see: Joint Operations at Santiago de Cuba.
Footnote 101: Sampson was referring to the Eastern Squadron.
Footnote 102: The report was incorrect; the Spanish Navy protected cruiser Alfonso XIII was still in Spanish waters.
Footnote 103: The troops commanded by Maj. Gen. Guy V. Henry, which were to execute the operation Miles laid out in his communication to Sampson of 11 July (printed above), were not landed because a truce was declared. They remained aboard their transports until departing Cuba for an attack on Puerto Rico. Cosmas, Army for Empire, 228-31.
Footnote 104: Presumably, Cuban Insurrectionist leader Salvador Cisneros Betancourt.
Footnote 105: At this point of the command diary, Sampson interleaved his official report on the naval battle of Santiago de Cuba. Since it is reproduced elsewhere, it has not been included here.
Footnote 106: As part of the review for promotion, the officer, in this case Capt. John W. Philip then commander of Texas, was certified by a medical board as fit. Philip was promoted to commodore.
Footnote 107: A rockshaft oscillates or rocks upon its bearings but does not revolve. A rammer was used to load artillery shells.
Footnote 108: Walter S. Meriwether, a correspondent.
Footnote 109: Inspector General Joseph C. Breckinridge Jr.
Footnote 110: Lt. John C. Colwell, the United States Naval attaché in London.
Footnote 111: Miles might have been referring to the fact that he had been exposed to soldiers suffering from yellow fever, which was considered a contagious disease at that time.
Footnote 112: Paymaster Reah Frazer.
Footnote 113: The proposed landing site in Puerto Rico was Point Fajardo.
Footnote 114: For more on the battle, including this report, see: Battle of Santiago de Cuba.
Footnote 115: Louis A Dent.
Footnote 116: This message, which was sent 14 July and starts “Apportabum,” is above.
Footnote 117: RAdm. George Dewey, Commander, Asiatic Squadron.
Footnote 118: The bridge at Aquadores.
Footnote 119: President William McKinley.
Footnote 120: Lt. Col. James Allen.
Footnote 121: Gen. Adolphus W. Greely.
Footnote 122: The commander of the Sandoval was Lt. Pablo Scandella y Beretta. Despite this warning, Scandella scuttled the gunboat.
Footnote 123: Probably, Lt. William Caruthers of the Tennessee Volunteers and Lt. Frank Marble, United States Navy.
Footnote 124: Brig. Gen. Chambers McKibbin.
Footnote 125: Lt. Edward E. Capehart.
Footnote 126: That is, Maj. Gen. Nelson A. Miles.
Commodore Schley has over and over again expressed the belief that the American could probably have entered the harbor without the loss of a single ship. The mines might have -topped ingress by sinking the leading ship, but this was* a chance of war, and not so grave as many taken during the civil strife in the United States, nor as serious as would have been the case had there been good batteries, properly manned, In the harbor. “Inspecting Santiago Harbor,” New York Times, 19 July 1898.
Footnote 127: Capt. Charles O’Neil, Chief of the Bureau of Ordnance.
Footnote 128: Probably, Louis A. Dent. By “Governor,” presumably Dent meant the Governor-General of St. Thomas, Carl Emil Hedemann.
Footnote 129: Lt. Col. Frank Green.
Footnote 130: For more on the ship and its captain, see: North Atlantic Fleet Squadron Bulletin No. 32, 14 July 1898.
Footnote 131: The attaché was Lt. John C. Colwell. For more on the contest between the Army and Navy concerning joint amphibious operations and a discussion of the British way of conducting such operations, see, Cosmas, “Joint Operations.”
Footnote 132: The Eastern Squadron and the fleet accompanying the Puerto Rican Expedition.
Footnote 133: Lt. Gustavus C. Hanus. Gen. Nelson A. Miles decided to ignore the Navy’s recommendation and to put ashore on the south side of Puerto Rico. See: Joint Operations, Puerto Rico.
Footnote 134: Consul Louis A. Dent. The Spanish steamer Antonio Lopez was chased by Yosemite and ran aground on 28 June. See: Capt. William H. Emory to Sampson, 30 June 1898. Much of its cargo of military stores was salvaged, however, it is not known if the count given here is reliable.
Footnote 135: It is not known to what order Commo. John A. Howell was referring.
Footnote 136: Commandant of the Marine Corp Charles Heywood, 1st Sergeants F. A. Kinne, Charles Gamborg Andresen, Robert E. Devlin and 1st Sergeant Thomas Lyons.
Footnote 137: Lt. Cmdr. John E. Pilsbury.
Footnote 138: Buffalo was the former Brazilian Naval ship Nitcheroy. Sampson was here advocating that Buffalo be fitted out to resemble Vesuvius, a dynamite gun cruiser that carried pneumatic guns.
Footnote 139: Capt. James H. Sands.
Footnote 140: Capt. Charles R. Noyes, United States Army.
Footnote 141: That is Birmingham Wire Gauge, a measure of the thickness of tubing.
Footnote 142: Brig. Gen. John C. Gilmore. For more on this controversy, see: Joint Operations at Puerto Rico.
Footnote 143: Gen. James H. Wilson.
Footnote 144: Presumably, Commo. George C. Remey, commandant of Key West Naval Base.
Footnote 145: That is, the commercial vessels captured in Santiago de Cuba harbor. Both the Army and Navy claimed them as prizes. The gunboat was the Alvarado.
Footnote 146: The newspaper New York World.
Footnote 147: That is, the Spanish gunboat Alvarado.
Footnote 148: According to a letter from the Armour Packing Company to the Army’s Assistant Commissary General of 17 February 1899, these were “prominent” retail dealers in the United States. In that letter, “Merril” is spelled “Merrall.” Food Furnished by Subsistence Department to Troops in the Field. Record of a Court of Inquiry, Part II. (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1900), 1243.
Footnote 149: Carpenter John S. Waltemeyer.
Footnote 150: Secretary of State William R. Day.
Footnote 151: Cmdr. Royal B. Bradford, Chief, Bureau of Equipment.
Footnote 152: Acting Gunner Allan S. Mackenzie.
Footnote 153: Capt. Caspar F. Goodrich.
Footnote 154: Gen. Félix Pareja Mesa.
Footnote 155: Comdr. Francis W. Dickins, Assistant Chief of the Bureau of Navigation.
Footnote 156: Lt. Pablo Scandella y Beretta commanded Sandoval. For more on his scuttling of the vessel, see: Sampson to McCalla, 17 July 1898.
Footnote 157: Lt. Col. Ezra P. Ewers. He commanded the Ninth Infantry Regiment, which was assigned to the First Division, Third Brigade of Fifth Corps. Because of casualties suffered among the officers commanding that brigade during the action of 1 July at San Juan Heights, however, Ewers became commanding officer of the brigade. “Ezra P. Ewers,” Accessed 23 November 2015,
Footnote 158: The commanding officer of Dixie was Comdr. Charles H. Davis; the U.S. Consul at St. Thomas was Louis A. Dent.
Footnote 159: The commanding officer of New Orleans was Capt. William M. Folger.
Footnote 160: The commanding officer of Saturn was Cmdr. George A. Bicknell.
Footnote 161: Chief Engineer Edward R. Freeman and Chief Engineer George Cowie.
Footnote 162: The New York Times, citing the Associated Press, reported that:
Footnote 163: The telegram concerning the “private matter” has not been found.
Footnote 164: Presumably, this was the British consul at Santiago de Cuba, Frederick W. Ramsden.
Footnote 165: United States Minister to Mexico Powell Clayton.
Footnote 166: Lt. Samuel P. Comly, Lt. Frank Hill, and En. Nathan C. Twining.
Footnote 167: Possibly Paymaster Charles R. O’Leary.
Footnote 168: Cmdr. Joseph G. Eaton, commander of the auxiliary cruiser and transport Resolute.
Footnote 169: Lt. William S. Sims.
Footnote 170: First Lt. Charles A. Doyen United States Marine Corp; Lt. Samuel C. Lemly.
Footnote 171: Brig. Gen. Leonard Wood. Encyclopedia of the Spanish-American War, 703.
Footnote 172: Cmdr. Willard H. Brownson, commander of Yankee.
Footnote 173: Probably Associated Press reporter Alfred C. Goudie.
Footnote 174: French Ambassador to the United States Jules-Martin Cambon. The Spanish had asked the French Government to seek terms to end the war on 18 July, but delays and tragicomic errors prevented the offer from actually being presented until 26 July. Because of further delays and negotiations, the peace protocol was not formally concluded until 12 August. Trask, War with Spain, 426-35.
Footnote 175: Cmdr. George A. Bicknell, commander of Saturn.
Footnote 176: United States Consul at Gibraltar H. J. Sprague.
Footnote 177: This name referred to the U.S. Army’s Ninth Infantry Regiment. The belief was that this regiment, made up of African-American volunteers from southern states, was protected from yellow fever because of the race and place of upbringing of its soldiers and hence the nickname "Immunes". Nonetheless, 73 of the 984 soldiers in this regiment contracted yellow fever. Vincent J. Cirillo. Bullets and Bacilli: The Spanish–American War and Military Medicine. (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2004).
Footnote 178: This refers to Ensenada de Joa or Bahia Joa, a bay at Guantánamo, Cuba.
Footnote 179: Cmdr. Charles H. Davis.
Footnote 180: Lt. Cmdr. Daniel Delahanty.