Ora (S. P. 75)
A former name retained.
Ora, a motor boat built in 1914 by Samuel Gates, Key West, Fla., was acquired by the Navy from 1. W. Knight and W. R. Porter 11 June 1917 and commissioned 13 July 1917, Chief Machinist's Mate Charles B. Sands in command.
Operating in the 7th Naval District during World War I, Ora patrolled off Key West in 1918, guarding the port, towing barges in the area, and ferrying boarding officers to various ships to check their identification. Occasionally she sighted foreign ships such as the Peruvian Penaun and the Uruguayan gunboat Montevideo. In 1919 she steamed off the Florida Keys, aiding in the location of several sunken barges, delivering messages to ships, and participating in drills and signal practice.
Ora was ordered sold 30 July 1920 but withdrawn from sale 16 October. She was transferred to the Department of Agriculture 6 December 1920.