Secretary of the Navy Josephus Daniels, to Rear Admiral Joseph Strauss, Commander, Mine Force One, Atlantic Fleet
Washington, October 1, 1919
OPNAV 7808 YOUR 60941 for Admiral Strauss stop it is with the greatest of pleasure that the Secretary of the Navy congratulates the officers and men of the North Sea Mine Detachment on having so creditably completed the stupendous task of clearing the North Sea of the mines planted by our Navy during the war stop This most arduous and dangerous work comma one of the greatest and most hazardous tasks undertaken by the Navy and which has been carried out with cheerfulness and integrity will go down in the annals of Naval History as one of the Navy’s greatest achievements period Every loyal citizen of the United States and every officer and man of the Navy must look with pride upon these men who have once again fulfilled the glorious traditions of the service which they represent. Signed
Josephus Daniels 15101 your 6094 7808
Source Note: Cy, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.
Footnote 1: See, Harry S. Knapp to Office of the Chief of Naval Operations, 30 September 1919, DNA, RG 45, Entry 517B.