Captain Oliver Swann, Deputy Chief of Air Services, to Brigadier General Robert M. Groves, Director, Air Division, Naval Staff
[December 18, 1918]
General R.M. Groves,
Air Staff,
A report has been received on the Air Stations in Ireland, established by the American Authorities.
Briefly the condition of the stations is as follows :-
Queenstown Seaplane Station (Aghada).
Sheds for 6 F.3’s.
Bantry Bay (Whiddy Island).
Sheds for 4 F.3’s.
Lough Foyle.
Sheds for 4 F.3’s.
Sheds for 6 F.3’s.
Sheds for 3 Balloons.
Sheds for 3 Balloons.
Accommodation for personnel has been provided at all the stations.
All buildings are of a very flimsy nature. The sheds are too small to permit of any Seaplane larger than the F.3 to be accommodated. Seaplanes cannot be launched at low tide at Queenstown, Wexford or Lough Foyle.
In view of the unsatisfactory nature of the buildings at these stations and of the heavy cost that would be involved in taking them over from the American Authorities, it is considered it is preferable to inform the American Authorities that none of these stations will be required by us, except Berehaven Balloon Station. The latter was originally an R.N.A.S. station and will not involve much cost to acquire.
The American Authorities are at present removing all their equipment from these stations and would like to know as soon as possible whether they may expect the stations to be taken over by us as otherwise they wish to dispose of the material.
I should be glad if you would inform me whether Admiralty concur that these stations are not required by us.1
Source Note: Cy, UK-KeNA, Adm. 137/656. Groves’ exact title is uncertain. Identification material at the top of the page: “Register No. B7886 Minute Sheet No.”
Footnote 1: A later Admiralty letter recommended keeping the Lough Foyle and Aghada stations. Secretary of Air Ministry to Admiralty, 30 December 1918, Ibid.