Secretary of the Navy John D. Long to Rear Admiral George Dewey, Commander, Asiatic Squadron
May 16, 1898.
Following information requested as soon as possible by General Merritt, who will command troops for Philippines:2 First, what is the total strength of Spanish forces in Island; second, how much of this force in or about Manila; Third, what proportion of troops is Spanish and what native; fourth, what amount and calibre of field artillery have they; fifth, can we operate field artillery, or will mountain artillery alone be practicable; sixth, what number of horses can be had in or near Manila; what work are they equal to; seventh, what food supplies are imperative to bring; eighth, will bridge trains be needed and how much. Answer in cipher.3
Source Note: CbCyS, DNA, RG 45, Entry 29.
Footnote 1: United States Consul at Hong Kong Rounsevelle Wildman.
Footnote 2: Gen. Wesley T. Merritt, Commander, Eighth Army Corps.
Footnote 3: For Dewey’s response, see: United States Consul at Hong Kong Rounsevelle Wildman to Secretary of State William R. Day, 17 May 1898.