U.S. Navy and Possibility of Mines in Harbor at Havana, Cuba
Naval Officials Not Alarmed.
Naval officials are not alarmed over the report that the harbor of Havana is protected by torpedoes and submarine mines inasmuch the same is true of the harbors of all up-to-date countries, including our own. It is incomprehensible to them, however, that the battle ship Maine is in any danger in the port of the Cuban capital while the United States and Spain are at peace. The port is in daily use by the vessels of all countries, and it is not believed that the Maine is in any greater jeopardy than the vessels of Great Britain and Germany or even those of the Spanish navy or the merchant ships that visit the harbor daily. A naval officer stated that while the harbor may be arranged for submarine mines and torpedoes he was confident that they were not charged inasmuch as it would be unusual and as dangerous to Spanish shipping as well as to others to adopt such a course in time of peace with the outside world.
Source Note Print: Evening Star (Washington), 31 January, 1898.