Title: Paul F. Wangerin Photograph Collection
Description: Approximately 75 photographs taken during the naval service of Paul F. Wangerin, circa 1914-1919. Scenes on board ships USS Tennessee (CA-1), USS North Carolina (CA-12), and USS Corsair (SP-159). Scenes ashore in France, including a French Tellier flying boat. Scenes in the Middle East including Lebanon. USS Californian and survivors. USS San Marcos target practice. Other ships seen include: USS Cyclops, USS Vulcan, USS Leviathan, USS Von Steuben. Some photos removed to the NH collection or assigned NH numbers: NH 97667-KN,NH 99783, NH 99784, NH 99785, NH 99786, NH 99787, NH 99897, NH 99898, NH 99899, NH 99900, NH 99901, NH 99902, NH 99903, NH 99904, NH 99905, NH 99951.
Accession#: S
Catalog#: S-162
Donor: Mrs. Paul F. Wangerin
Copyright Owner: Naval History and Heritage Command
Circa: 1914-1919
Format: Black and white photographs
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil