Title: NAS Sunnyvale/Moffett Field Photo Collection
Description: A collection of 295 images related to NAS Sunnyvale/Moffett Field from 1933 to 1947. The bulk of the imagery is related to USS Macon (in flight, in hanger, and its interior spaces), but there is also a large selection on the construction of various hangers and facilities on the base. Additional subject matter consists of aerials over the base, non-rigid J-4 airship, San Francisco Bay Bridge construction, aircraft of squadrons VF-6, VB-2, VT-2, & VS-2, blimp crashes, and various buildings. Each photograph has a detailed description at the item level.
Accession#: UA 51.01
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: 1933-1947
Format: Black & white photograph
Collection Guide:
Below is a small selection of the available photographs in the collection.
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil