Title: UA 428.28 Ken Smith Photo Collection
Description: 50 photographs and several hundred negatives of Navy life in the early 20th century. Liberty trips in the Caribbean and ships in the North Atlantic after WW1 are shown. USS Michigan (BB 27); USS Siboney (ID 2999); and USS Henderson (AP 1) are shown.
Accession#: UA 428
Catalog#: UA 428.28
Copyright Owner:
Circa: Ken Smith
Collection Guide:
50 photographs and several hundred negatives of Navy life in the early 20th century. Liberty trips in the Caribbean and ships in the North Atlantic after WW1 are shown. USS Michigan (BB 27); USS Siboney (ID 2999); and USS Henderson (AP 1) are shown
For information about the rest of the collection: NHHCPhotoArchives@Navy.mil