Title: UA 426.02 Jack Sweetman Photo Collection
Description: 887 slides from “The Postwar Navy, 1945-1987” presentation compiled by Jack Sweetman for the history department of the US Naval Academy in 1989.
Accession#: UA 426
Catalog#: UA 426.02
Collection Guide:
File Folder 1
“The Postwar Navy, 1945-1987” compiled by Jack Sweetman from the history department of the US Naval Academy in 1989 [54 slides]
File Folder 2
Ships [54 slides]
File Folder 3
Military life & careers [66 slides]
File Folder 4
NSA Panang & Saigon Story [157 slides]
File Folder 5
NSA Danang & Saigon Story [211 slides]
File Folder 6
Aircraft & Aircraft Carriers [172 slides]
File Folder 7
Southeast Asia Operations [173 slides]
For information about the rest of the collection: NHHCPhotoArchives@Navy.mil