Title: Gilman Smith Photo Collection
Description: Collection of 119 photographs with minimal association to the US Navy. Several of the photographs were taken during Smith’s WWI naval service and show (very poor quality) submarine chasers and submarines at New London, CT, as well as sailors attending radio school at Cambridge, MA. Two of the submarines are identified as L-8 and L-6 and are docked at San Pedro, CA, 1921. The remaining images are of private ships; and the mascot (dog) of schooner (Q-ship) USS Charles Whittemore. The remaining photographs include views of yachts Smith served on circa 1920-1921, as well as other miscellaneous ships. Ships seen include: Yank, Swastika, S.S. Boxbutte, S.S. Katrina Luckenback, S.S. El Monte, and cabin cruiser Let’s Go (according to donor, this boat was taken over for government service during WWII). The collection also consists of several oversized prints, including a group photo of WWI sailors (probably at NTC Newport, RI) and includes Smith, as well as a panoramic photograph of the officers and men of the US Naval Radio School at Harvard, May 1918. It is unknown if Smith is in this photograph. A single photo was removed from this collection and placed into the NH image series at the item level – NH 99217.
Accession#: S-463
Donor: Verna E. Smith
Copyright Owner: Naval History & Heritage Command
Circa: 1918-1921
Format: B/w photographs
For information about the rest of the collection: nhhcphotoarchives@navy.mil